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Nicholas Jenkins

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Everything posted by Nicholas Jenkins

  1. Mine change on a yearly basis as well. Though I typically post a top 10 on my blog and MySpace.... Here's the top five. #5 - Mulholland Drive #4 - Dark City #3 - The Tenant #2 - Lost Highway #1 - 2001: A Space Odyssey My #1 hasn't changed in quite a few years.
  2. I was thinking I.S.O. as in International Standards Organization. That's why I was confused. WOOPS!!!
  3. Hmmm... Nothing on the page loads for me :(
  4. Hmmmm. Good to know. I think probably the best way to go would be to find something from the Apple Loops archive and just make it work that way.
  5. Thanks David. That's what I thought as well. Especially at my meek little level, I doubt there would be an issue :)
  6. Might be another topic on here about this. I did a search and didn't find anything. I've used popular music for my online reel as well as some teasers for my short films (as I have seen many people do including my own cinematography professor). Since I'm theoretically not making money off of these things, I'm not too worried about it. But there is still that part of me that doesn't want to get in trouble. Any info on the legalities here? Thanks, Nick
  7. Looks great David. I went through the task of learning GoLive for mine and while it's nice to have more control? It's SOOOOOOOOOooooooo much slower. Urg. But I like yours. I've never seen Northfork, but now I want to. :)
  8. Thanks. I also just figured out that Compressor 3 can do this as well. And I just realized that I added an "n" onto "ratio"... WOOPS! Thanks again. nick
  9. Very nice. I also feel that my reel is too long. But my feeling was to make a music video out of it and the song is two and a half minutes long. I liked yours a great deal. COOL MAN! :)
  10. Very nice. How did you get the Quicktime into a native 2.35:1 ration. I've been racking my brain trying to figure that out.
  11. Here's a question for y'all. I have a short film I'm submitting to several festivals. I am still using a temp track because I have found NO ONE to score the thing. It's very frustrating. I deliver it to a musician... then nothing. They don't even respond to my emails after being "really excited to work on this piece". Ug!!! I don't really know what to do. I know that I can't claim it as MY WORK until I get a score and I'd like this to happen fast... but to be honest it doesn't seem like there's anyone out there. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I possibly in a whole lot of legal trouble? I'm not making any money off of it. Unfortunately our school doesn't have a class on Film Law. Thanks, Nick J>
  12. I wanted to thank everyone for all of the support and reels that I've received. It appears that Matt Ely and I have reached a fairly solid agreement and he will be shooting this piece. It was such a joy to look at so many reels and to see how eager such talented people are to work on smaller films. I'll keep updates going about the project as it continues along.
  13. Hey all, First off, a quick thanks to everyone on Cinematography.com for always having helpful and, sometimes, very insightful answers to my questions. This is a great community. :) Second... a new question. Couldn't really find anything through a search so here goes. I've got my website up and ready to go but am having trouble figuring out the best size/compression for my QT movies. I've got my 15 minute movie uploaded, but it's too big even with the iPod compression (which is a super nice compressor btw). Right now it's at 427 x 240 and the quality set at "best". My file size is 331 megs. Any suggestions or questions to help me figure all of this out. OH! You can check out the "ALMOST FULLY FUNCTIONAL" website here www.nicholasgjenkins.net I haven't uploaded stills or any other films aside from he first one "What Love Remains" and it's just too big... as you'll see. Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers. Nick J.
  14. Hey Stuart, thanks for the reply. I knew that those two did it, but I was afraid maybe there was a change this last year because things feel... different.
  15. Hey all, I know allot of people don't care for how the show is shot (I quite like it), but I've been watching the new season on Sci-Fi and have noticed a few changes. It feels like the DP's are going away from some of the formal lighting that was present in seasons past. Allot of the lighting in the TARDIS feels just like Kino light now instead of the really interesting and strange green and blue lights they used to set up. Does this bother anyone else? It feels like maybe the show has built an audience in the states and they're trying to appease. Or maybe I'm the only one who cares?
  16. I've never had good success with any DV camera and stills (either grabbed or taken directly for the purpose of a still), it's just not the same media. Watching the footage back on an NTSC or PAL monitor (whichever is your standard) usually shows the difference. The video looks great on both PD 150's and PD 170's I've used, but stills are always problematic. I usually have better luck grabbing stills from a dvd off my PC than I do directly from Final Cut. It's just a different media than still photography.
  17. Things are going well if not strange. It's looking like we're going to push principal photography back to October because of a heat wave and really really bad fire season... unsafe overall. Which is both good and bad. Makes my life (and my crew's life) busier as I'm teaching 3 classes next semester. BUT, this gives me more time to work on the script with a talented scribe :)
  18. VERY helpful. Many many thanks. I wonder if there are any good post filters out there that work as well. Was it overcast the day you shot this? Or was the sun just behind those cliffs? Thanks again :)
  19. Anyone ever shot (or tried to shoot) Day for Night on MiniDV. I have NEVER tried to shoot day for night, ever so I don't have any experience with it. But I'm coming up on a shoot and (being in montana) we've got LLLLLLOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG days. I'd like to shoot our one night scene as Day for Night on the DVX100b. Has anyone done this and, if you have, what do you recomend? Tried a search and didn't come up with much. Many thanks :)
  20. I concur with pretty much everything here. It's nice to know the principles of most of the stuff so you know what questions to ask and know how much pressure each person is under to perform. Usually I've seen things go bad on a set (usually with the poor sound guy) when a director doesn't understand the process so just demands things be done at a pace that isn't possible, or forgets that each part of the team in integral to the making of said movie. I try to have a general understanding of what's going on so I can be sure that I'm getting what I want. If I have a DP assuring me that the framing will work, but it's not the exact frame I want, then I can pull him aside and explain the shot, knowing how the camera needs to be set up. It's usually never the fault of the DP or camera man, rather the director's mistake in not explaining something very well. But the more you know, the more you can at least look at things and know if you're getting what you need.
  21. The further along I get into making films, the more respect I have for people like Michael Bay (granted the only film he's made that I actually enjoyed was The Rock... and even that was iffy). He's got a style and his films draw people in. I too must admit that this trailer got my blood pumping in a way that I haven't had in a while. Definitely excited about it. On a side note. I have been, at times, one to label Bay a "hack" filmmaker. I think I have to rescind that because he's living the dream. Making big movies and getting the chance to tell stories the way he wants to tell them. Are they big and overblown? Sure. But I think it's important to realize that big and overblown can be downright fun on occasion. I would have given my right arm to direct "Transformers" but am still happy to see something that looks really exciting coming in a month. It just seems the more that I make films, the more I understand the gargantuan task it is to make something like Transformers or The Rock or Armageddon. Even if I don't like the films, my hats off to Bay and his crew. I think maybe we need to lighten up on allot of these guys in the future.
  22. My thinking as well. Just need a better ending than "I dunno." But fun stuff :)
  23. My biggest problem is not understanding web design :( I need to get a site up for my directing/DPing reels. Alas, it is all a mystery to me. But I SHOULD be taking an independent study in it for next semester specifically for getting my stuff online.
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