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Olex Kalynychenko

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Everything posted by Olex Kalynychenko

  1. This is very important. Show of all list of cameras and lenses with full names and serial numbers. The information about personality and damage can be important too. I can inform of rent houses and on Ukraine.
  2. If the anybody will need repair and service of LOMO lens, can ask me.
  3. I think, we must think aboutthisproblme from other side. What kinds of footages you wish have at finish ? Single shoots or cine footages ( Time lapse ) . The matteris that, the any photo camera do not have of system, for stabilization of position of every picture on film. That's why, if you take of 100 ft roll from photo camera you will have twitch images. As for cine cameras. The special cine cameras from animation stand have registration pins and every frame adjust at position by registration pins. That's why, the footages from cine cameras have high stability +/- 0.01 mm, high precision cameras +/- 0.008 mm. That's why, you must have main answer, you need time lapse footages or many photos from photo camera. About russian cine cameras. This can be cine cameras for movie shooting with speed 24/25 fps, high speed cameras with speeds up to 150 fps, Time lapse cameras (animation stand cameras ) and photorecorder-type cine cameras. The photorecorder camera ( RFK-5) - design between cine camera and photo camera. The body have design of cine camera, have film magazine, shutter disk, but, this is camera use for time lapse shooting. For shooting with long interval between shots. RFK-5 have shutter disk at film plane, do not have reflection mirror shutter. RFK-5 can have 60 m and 120 m film magazine. About perforation of russian cine cameras. Yes, the all russian sine camera build for 35 mm film with KS perforation, but, if the russian camera do not have of registration pin ( like Konvas ), Kodak film with BH perforation can be use without any problme and without any modification. The russian cine cameras with registration pin must be conver for BH perforation. But, we have long rolls film stock of photo films with KS perforation and this film can be use at russian cine cameras without any problem. That's why,need study of all sides of idea. The price of russian cine cameras can be from $250...., may be less. About upgrade on 2 perforation, need stude of detailed of every model of camera. yes, Konvas, Kinor upgrade on 2, 3 peforation now. But, i must underline, the any modifictaion of mechanism of camera - high precision of metal-working and will ask of big money. That's why, need compare of savings on costs on film with price of upgrade. 6-8 perforation. We do not have of russian cine cameras with 6..8 perforation. I can think about upgrade of russian 70 mm cine cameras for 35 mm cine films and you will have image with big square. Any case, at first must be cshow of hief task. We have of electrponic microprocessor based conrtollers with crystal sync speed and time lapse function. This is controllers can be use for build of special cine shoot systems. You can send me letters on my personal email olex.camera@gmail.com
  4. Do not need invent of bicycle. You can take of Nikon SLR photo camera with additional, long roll,magazine. The matter is that, the 35 mm SLR photo camera with cine cameras do notwork, because, you will need turn of rolls inside magazine. The power of 35 mm cine cameras can be low for run of film inside of cine magazine. or, to choose of special cine cameras for single shooting. I know russian RFK-5 cine camera for single shooting. If you wish know more about RFK-5 can ask me.
  5. We told about russian 16 OPF-12-1 10-100 zoom lens of Kinor-16 camera ? And Les told, what 16OPF-12-1 zoom lens cover Super 16 without modification ? I will be happy to see of result of test. I some time ago, we discuss with Sergey Kravchenko from St-Petersurg about conversion of 16OPF-12-1 zoom lens on Super 16 . Sergey had duscission with guys from LOMO, Elit Optics and other and answer, what have real possibility to upgrade of this lens. That's why, i recommed to ask of Sergey about all details of this modification on Super 16 and on Arri PL too.
  6. Additional informatioon : Non crystal synced motor of Kinor-16 have name 29EPSS. Can be upgrade on multi speed crystal sync speed version with digital film counter, time lepase, Arri vario compatible, with speed sinthesizer. Crystal synced motor of Kinor-16 have name 10EP-16 APK. Can be upgrade on multi speed version of crystal sync speed conrtol.
  7. I specialize on upgrade of electronics of professional 16 mm and 35 mm cine cameras and have version of comtroller with time lapse, base on microprocessor . Thsi is controller have crystal sync speeds: 6.250 8 10 12 12.5 15 16 16.666 20 23.976 24 25 29.970 30 32 33.333 36 40 48 50 60 fps and time lapse mode with Time of waiting of next shoot, 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240,600, 900, ( sec ) and speed of shutter 1/8 s (0.125 s) This is controller build for upgrade of russian 16 mm Kinor-16, 35 mm Konvas cameras, but, can be use for upgrade of any other cine camera with DC motor and optical or magnetic encoder. We can discuss about install of crystal sync speed conrtoller with time lapse on other cameras too. If you wisj know more or have questions, can send me olex.camera@gmail.com Other idea. A some time ago, I upgrade of mechanism of 16 mm Krasnogorsk-3 camera and add of function of manual control of shutter disk open. You attach of cable release, you press and take of button of cable release- the shutter disk open, you to release a button the shutter disk closed. This is camera had photo flesh control and every shoot can run of flash.
  8. If we told about spirals of UPB tanks, the groove depth of spiral for film = 2.3 mm. And the size 9...9.5 mm can be good. Yes, a some middle spirals of UPB ask of decrease of central seating diameter from lower side and adjust of distance between lower and middle disks. This is versions of disks had tanks made at 1990..1992. The more old tanks had more high precision of production. The upper disk can have deformation of area of bearing too and can work fine for load Super 8 films and do not work with 16 mm films. Any case, the test of spiral with film can show of all. The old version of LOMO spiral tanks for 8mm, 2x8, 2x8S films had single spiral for film of length 10.5 m. This is tanks have two rubber hoses. (UPB-1, UPB-1A, S8/16 x 50 ft tanks have double spiral and have one rubber hose ). You can search of additional information about procedure of loading film into spiral on pages of my site : http://www.geocities.com/cinetank/ The site have information about home film processing too. You can send questions on my new email olex.camera@gmail.com
  9. I think, the full 360 dergee of shutter disk do not possible for digital cine ( video ) camera. The any electronics system with CCD sensor need time for pixel inquiry of CCD censor. Yes, of course, this can be very short time, depend from power of microporcessor, but, this will like cine camera with very high speed of shooting and very small angle of shutter disk. The high speed of shooting canbe show like frequency of inquiry of CCD censor, the angle of view will like of time of pixel inquiry of CCD censor. Yes,of course, the time to pull the film down depend from mechanical characteristics of claw mechanism and have physical limit. The time of pixel inquiry of CCD censor have electronic limit and will diminish with evolution of microprocessors and technology of production of electronic components.
  10. The good idea to use of Russian professional cine lenses LOMO with OST-19 lens mount. But, problem, RED do not propose of OST-19 lens mount. A some guys ready to build and sell of OST-19 lens mounts for RED cameras, but, He need of any PL or Nikon original mounts of RED for measuring.
  11. You need S8/16 x50 ft tank, LOMO, UPB-1, UPB-1A send me letter on olex.camera@gmail.com
  12. The 180 degree of shutter disk do not possible at Konvas, because, we will open of film gate at time of moving of film at 15 degree of phase of begin and 15 degree of phase of end of film move. Yes, possible, what the diffuse image ( 30 degree of rotation of mechanism ) will have small part from full image ( 150 degree of rotation of mechanism ). But, i do not know of factory made shutter disk with 180 degree for Konvas. Any case, if the anybody have information about shutter disk upgrade of Konvas camera, i will be glad to study of this upgrade detailed.
  13. Any cine camera, and Konvas cameras, this is high precision system of mechanical and optical parts. Konvas camera have shutter mirror disk with 150 degree. ( angle of shutter disk open ). The working of shutter disk synchronize with all transport mechanism of camera and claw mechanism. The claw mechanism have two main points : " the point of begin of moving of film " and " finish point of film moving". That's why, If you wish change of angle of shutter disk, you must take into account of all technical sides of this idea. Theoretically, you can use of shutter disk with less angle of opening without problem. ( less of 150 degree ). The shutter disk with more wide angle of openning - do not possible, because, the film will exposing at time of moving of film at film gate. and , you wil have degraded picture on film. That's why, theoretically, you can setup of shutter disk with angle ( angle od shutter disk open ) less of 150 degree. ( 45, 90 ). From practical side, you will have problem to realize of this idea. The variable angle of shutter disk do not possible, because, you must have two shutter disks, one - mirror 150 degree, second - black disk. This is disks must set on one axis and black disk must be mobile. The similar design have 16 mm Kinor-16 SX-1M, 35 mm cameras Rodina and other. But, the design of Konvas camera do not possiblity to install of additional mobile black disk with system of control. Other idea, to setup additional black disk under of main mirror disk. yes, theoretically, this possible. But, the black disk must have small thickness, will need setup of fucusing screen on other positon and will need re-adjust of all optical system of body of camera. From other side, will need re-balancing of shutter disk axis, because, the additional part will destroy of balancing. And you received camera with fixed shutter disk. If you will need re-adjust of angle of shutter disk, you will need do of all procedure of adjusting of optical system of camera. This is do not good. Possible, to have of a few bodies of Konvas cameras with different angles of shutter disk can be better from financial side. You can see, this is complex procedure. That's why, if you wish have camera with variable angle of shitted disk, you need choose of cine camera with variable angle of shutter disk, like Rodina and similar.
  14. Hi James Compton You wrote : "What is the price for the motor upgrade? How long does the modification take?" I can't send you letter, because, your e-mail box full. Please, send me request on my direct email olex.camera@gmail.com
  15. About 60 m/ 200 ft magazine of Konvas-1M, 2M cameras The output gear of body of camera have 19 cogs and have speed of 480 turns per minute ( 8 turns per second ) at 24 fps speed of camera. The magazine input gear have 19 cogs and have speed 480 turns per minute ( 8 turn sped second ) at 24 fps of camera. This is gear set at axis of cog's wheel rollers with 12 cogs ( for holes of perfotaion of film ) ( 8 tuns per second of speed of rottaion of cog's wheel roller (x) 12 cogs = linear displacement 96 perforation per secons (:) 4 ( perforation per frame) = speed 24 fps ) The input gear of magazine to pass of rottaion on big main gear of transmission. The big mail gear have 98 cogs for Konvas-1M, 2M 60 m magazines , (95 cogs= for 60 m magazines of KSR-1,1M) The big main gear of transmission have speed 93 turns per minute ( 1.55 per second ) at 24 fps. The big main gear of magazine transmission pass of rotation on gear with 34 cogs of Konvas-1M,K-2M ( 39 cogs= KSR-1, 1M and 57 cogs of 120 m film magazine of konvas-1M, 2M ) of take-up axis = speed 268 turns per minute ( 4.46 per second ). The film, at speed 24 fps, have linear displacement 19 mm per frame and 456 mm per second . The take-up roll of film can have minimum diameter 25 mm. The linear displacement 78.5 mm per turns ( * ) maximum speed of take-up axis 4.46 turns per second at 24 fps = 350 mm length of film to winding, per second. We can see, the linear displacement of film af film gate ( 456 mm ) have more high value from minimum linear displacement of film at take-up axis of film magazine ( 350 mm ). But, this is do not bad, too much, because, the equality of film gate speed and on take-up axis will at diameter of take-up roll of film 32 mm. The maximum diameter of film roll at take-up roll = 110 mm and linear displacement of film will 1540 mm at speed 24 fps. We can see, At maximum diameter of take-up rool, the the linear displacement of film af take-up roll have 1540 mm at second and to have more high value from fixed linear displacement of film at film gate 456 mm at second and this is disparity must compensate of friction clutch. And, At minimum diameter of take-up rool of film, the friction clutch have transmission ratio 1:1 and speed of take-up roll have maximum value 4,46 turns per second at speed 24 fps. At maximum diameter of take-up roll of film, the friction clutch must have transmission ratio 1:3.38 ( input speed of axis 4,46 turns per second, output speed of take-up roll and speed 1.32 turns per second ). At final, The take-up roll of film can have minium linear displacement 350 mm per second ( = 18 frames per seccond ), up to maximum linear displacement 1540 mm per second ( = 81 frames per second ). And the friction clutch control of output speed of take-up roll on value of linear displacement 456 mm per second ( 24 frames per second ).
  16. Konvas cameras do not have of 30 m film magazines. Konvas cameras have 60 m ( 200 ft ) and 120 m ( 400 ft ) film magazines only. May be you ask about other camera ? like AKS-1 ? If we told about Konvas cameras, 60 m and 120 m magazines have similar mechanical scheme of drive. The magazine have two cog's wheel rollers and take-up axis of roll and feed axis of roll. the take-up axis of film roll have contact with main mechanism of magazine by friction clutch. The friction clutch control of variable speed of rotation of take-up axis. If the film magazine do not use long time, the friction clutch can be jammed and film magazine do not work and need repair and service. The cog's wheel rollers ask of service too, because, have drag-bar inside. The drag-bar device very important for procedure of film loading and at working of magazine. If you have more questions or need diagrams or need more pictures, can ask me and send letter to my direct email olex.camera@gmail.com
  17. The lenses of Kinor-35 cameras must have distance from rear glass surface of lens up to film a more of 19 mm. This distance from design of Kinor-35 H camera. Kinor-35 have special protective cone, inside of lens mount. The lenses of Konvas-2M cameras must have distance from rear glass surface up to film a more of 13.5 mm. The important of diameters of rear parts of lens and profile of this parts. The russian standard OCT-19-144-83 describe of technical information about lens mounts.
  18. I wish inform of users of Konvas and Kinor-16 cameras about new version of motor upgrade with Time Lapse mode of shooting. The new version of microprocessor based controller for upgrade of Konvas motors 17EP-16 APK, 19EP-16 APK and Kinor-16 motors 29EPSS included a list of crystal sync speeds and Time Lapse mode. The controllers have list of crystal sync speeds : 6.250 8 10 12 12.5 15 16 16.666 20 23.976 24 25 29.970 30 32 33.333 36 40 48 50 60 fps At Time Lapse mode : The shitter 1/8s ( 0.125s) and Time of waiting of next shoot( sec )1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240,600 900. The controller have electronic film counter, LCD display and show of speed of camera, result of film counting or information of Time lapse shoots. The additional function of controller: -The fluent (soft ) motor acceleration and soft stopping. -Shutter Parking stops the camera each time in the viewing position. -Manual adjust of phase of speed at run mode and manual turn of axis on low speed at stop mode. -System of sound information, No sync Alarm, controller ready, shitter parking. The controller can be use for upgrade of motors of other type of cameras too. Available the controllers with variable speed mode, Arri vario speed control, crystal sync speed synthesizer. The Arri vario VSU device can be upgrade of digital film counter and remote control functions.
  19. May be, you need draw attention on russian Konvas-2M camera ? From other side, If you will have idea to connect of russian crystal sync speed motors ( 17EP-16 APK, 18EP-16 APK, 19EP-16 APK ) to CM3, can ask me and We can think about this project at details. Other idea, If you can connect of DC motor with permanent magnet to CM3 and we can install of optical, magnetic encoder, i can connect of crystal sync speed controller. We have a new version of controllers for russian Konvas, Kinor-16 cameras with crystal sync speeds and time lapse mode.
  20. This is rare device of Konvas cameras. The first editions of Konvas-1 ( KSR-1 ) had a few version of drive. This can be spring motor, hand crank, single frame hand crank, electrical motor. The version of Konvas-1, compatible for use of spring motor must have a few gears at motor module of body and mechanical start-stop trigger. The many users of old Konvas-1 ask about spring motor. As for me, Konvas-1 with spring motor, the best design of 35 mm cine camera with spring motor. About price, can answer of real buyer only. May be you need show of your propose on ebay ?
  21. The first series of Foton lenses had OST-18 lens mounts and use with Konvas-1,1M cameras. The next version of Konvas-2M cameras have OST-19 lens mount and Foton's receive of new version of rear part with OST-19 lens mount. But, A some Fotons with OST-18 lens mounts will upgrade on OST-19 by instalation of mount adapter. This is adapters had hand made design. That's why, the better, if you find of original factory version of OST-19 mount rear part of Foton, because, Foton can be adjust with high quality ( flange focal distance ). You can use of Foton with lens mount adapter, But, you need check of detailed of desigh of lens mount adapter. Need pictures of this adapter. If you send me request on my personal email, i can give you additional pictures and size for checking.
  22. For information. The non crystal synced motor can be upgrade on miltispeed crystal sync speed version with digital film counter, remote control, Arri Varil input, speed synthesizer version. The simialar upgrade can be install on synced motor 25 fps ( I think, this is 10EP-16 APK) too. Available a new version of crystal sync speed motor controller with Time Lapse ( single shooting ) function. This is controllers can be install on motors of Kinor-16, Konvas and other cameras.
  23. ....Anyone know if there are restrictions for air travel with Lead Acid, NiCD, or NiMH batteries? John P. Pytlak Wrote: Here is a link to the current "official" TSA list of prohibited items: http://www.tsa.gov/interweb/assetlibrary/P...hibited_NEW.pdf It specifically bans "spillable batteries" (except those in wheelchairs) from both checked and carry-on baggage. It does allow "camcorders" and "camera equipment", evidently as long as they do not have "spillable batteries". Always a good idea to carry pertinent pages of the latest TSA guidelines, in case you need to negotiate/convince security personnel: http://www.tsa.gov/public/interapp/editori...torial_1012.xml http://www.tsa.gov/public/display?content=090005198004a860 http://www.tsa.gov/public/display?content=090005198006b11c One issue with shipping sealed lead-acid batteries is how well they are "sealed". At the reduced air pressure at high altitudes, even a sealed battery could leak acid. The other issue with high capacity batteries is the potential for heat and fire if the terminals accidently get shorted. I know some larger Lithium batteries have had issues: http://www.ultralifebatteries.com/document...Regulations.pdf
  24. The 100 ft film magazines of Kinor-16 SX-2M camera builded for use a film on 100'Daylight spools and at plastic core. The magazine have special part ( adapter ) on every axis of rolls. If you wish use of film on core, you need install of this adapter, if you wish use of film on daylight spools, you need take away of adapter. But, from practical side, the daylight spools can have different design and can be from steel ( Kodak version ), from Plastic ( Russian, Krasnogorsk camera version ), from Plastic ( russian, Kiev-16 UE version) and from Plastic other brand names. I recommed to check of film magazine with your daylih spool. Because, from my experience, Kinor-16 30 m ( 100ft ) magazines work fine with film on plastic core, on Kodak steel daylight spols and plastic spools of Kiev-16 camera version. And 100 ft magazines can have problem with plastic spools of Kransohgorsk camera version. The disks of spools can be jam with body of magazine, the film do not wind up, and film jam. The film magazine on plastic cores work without any problem and very surely. That's why, i recommed to use of combined version, to set of film on daylight spool on feed axis, but, to install of plastic core on takeup axis. The film will wind up from daylight spool on plastic core. Ay case, the test run of camera with daylight spools will show you real situation. P.S I wish inform of users of Kinor-16 SX-2M cameras and Konvas cameras about available for upgrade of new versions of crystal sync speed conrtollers. If anybody interested, let me know, i will send detailed information.
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