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Gregory Irwin

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Everything posted by Gregory Irwin

  1. Sorry Richard. Not sure what you mean. ??‍♂️ Free tuition is not a bad thing and there are plenty of choices in the world for that. But when you devalue something of value, it loses what created it's unique, special qualities in the first place in terms of (in this case) having the payroll to attract the best educators and funding to provide the best programs for the students that separate this institution from the others. Having said this, I believe USC will survive just fine because of the heritage and legacy it has. Fight On! ✌️ G
  2. I went to SC a long, long time ago in a city far, far away. ? It’s not too difficult to get into the university but it is difficult to get into certain colleges within. The film school accepts less than one in ten applicants. That’s one reason of many why it’s such an elite program. So you might get into the university for free but there are no guarantees from there on. It would still be a great undeclared education none the less. G
  3. I understand what you are saying. A one man show is challenging. This is a very different situation from what I’m accustomed to. Even with the complexities of big budget filmmaking, I have a team of support. In fact, since my heart surgery last year, my team will absolutely not let me do anything but pull focus and run the business of the camera department. They do everything else! I am very blessed. There is no way I could have done or do what you do Frank. Cheers! G
  4. How in the world did you conclude this??? Bigger budget pictures have higher stakes and many more complex challenges. Any yes, there are always budget constraints! G
  5. Focus pulling is story telling. You need to get beyond the mechanics and academics of it in order to see past the nerve racking job. Once you achieve not having to concentrate on the technical aspects of the craft, it all comes down to story telling and determining where and when to direct the audience’s attention. G
  6. The sound team’s nightmare: A camera on a 20mm seeing the entire room B camera on a 180mm choker close up of the actor whispering. G??‍♂️
  7. The opposite end of the spectrum is that I dream about having only 2 cameras. We normally carry no less than 5 on my shows and we’ve had up to 45 cameras on several occasions. That gets challenging! I realize that most on this forum haven’t experienced that sort of production but it takes experience and good managerial skill to be successful with that many cameras and crew. Good fun! G
  8. OMG! I am crying and can’t breathe!!! ?
  9. I’ll hire ya Robin!!! I can offer you a damp cold warehouse in Atlanta! G
  10. I don’t recognize that part. I wonder if it belongs to a greater end. Try using pipe clamps from a hardware store to attach the MF. That’s how we did it in the old days! G
  11. Congratulations Jarin! Sorry we missed each other last night!
  12. It’s the rear element of the 35mm lens that wasn’t designed to cover large sensors. The real question is where your frame lines are and is the vignette outside of those? The vignette will change as you zoom due to the zoom curve. G
  13. And it continues! Congratulations to my dear friend and work partner for the past 12 years, Geoff Haley, SOC for receiving the Society of Camera Opererators Best Achievement in Camera Operating (feature film) for his work on JOKER. So well deserved for the unique qualities he brings to the set. The gala was held last night in Hollywood. Now it’s onto the ASC Awards and then on to to Oscars! I’m so humbled. G
  14. You know, I just realized that it’s also the same story as Apocalypse Now, only on foot with a different message being delivered in a different war. G
  15. I will say that I immensely enjoyed 1917. I was emotionally exhausted at its end. Having said this, I feel like I’ve already seen the continuous shot gimmick on BIRDMAN. Nothing new here. Not best picture in my opinion because it wasn’t fresh enough but what a story!
  16. I believe that is something that should be done at Panavision. G
  17. Congratulations Jarin! Will you be at the ASC Awards? If so, I’d like to shake your hand. G
  18. 1917 is a wonderful achievement but it’s not Best Picture. The Irishman is a much better choice for the overall filmmaking in my opinion. 1917 will probably win though. G
  19. Actually Richard, yes. I’ve worked for the Hollywood studios all over the world and have always been under the IA contract with US based payroll. Numerous times in Canada alone and including Russia. G
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