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Gregory Irwin

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About Gregory Irwin

  • Birthday September 21

Profile Information

  • Occupation
    1st Assistant Camera
  • Location
    Work is based out of Los Angeles but I live elsewhere.
  • My Gear
    Panavision, Arriflex, IMAX, Sony
  • Specialties
    Greg is a veteran first assistant cameraman who specializes in feature film production based in Hollywood, California. His experience spans over 40 years with numerous major studio, feature length motion pictures that are recognized world-wide. He is a member of the International Cinematographers Guild and The Society of Camera Operators.

    In 1989, Greg founded and still leads Latitude 33 Motion Picture Services, LLC that provides motion picture camera technology and related services to the motion picture industry. Clients include Universal Pictures, Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Disney, DreamWorks, HBO, CBS, Sony, as well as Panavision, Otto Nemenz, INT and Keslow Camera.

    In 2016, The Society of Camera Operators honored Greg with their Lifetime Achievement Award for extraordinary service as a camera technician. The tribute video can be viewed on the "About Me" tab of this profile.

    Greg is happily married to his beloved wife, Rosie, and has two beautiful daughters, an incredible son-in-law and three wonderful grandchildren.

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  1. Thank you Stewart. I have a very good team to lead. That makes my job easy! G
  2. Hello all! I would like to share this recent interview I did for the Cinematography Podcast on how I run the business of my camera department with regard's to the Studio, producers and the filmmakers (director and cinematographer). The actual interview begins just before the 12 minute mark. Enjoy!
  3. I had completely forgotten that Derek was there as well! That movie employed a lot of guys! ??‍♂️
  4. I did To Live and Die in LA Rules of Engagement Bluechips and one that never got released and I can’t remember the name of it. He truly relied on the camera department but also had very high expectations and never gave us a break. He had zero tolerance for someone not paying attention or doing their job at the highest level. He had this thing about calling “Action”. He would never say it so it was always a guessing game as to when to roll the camera. We worked under extreme pressure. That’s for sure!! G
  5. I did four pictures with Billy. He was a one of a kind to be sure. Great director and very disciplined. He was tough on everyone! G
  6. Thanks Travis! I grew up right next to you in PV. Good to hear that my old stomping grounds are still good. G
  7. I saw the 70mm format of the picture last night at a flagship cinema in Atlanta, GA. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. I enjoyed the history of Oppenheimer and the impactful figures who affected his life. I enjoyed the performances - especially Downey. However, I think (and I’m going to get skewered for saying this) Nolan is getting more self indulgent with his filmmaking style. He has to prove over and over how smart he is as opposed to letting the story say it. HE IS SMART! He’s the smartest guy in the room but he doesn’t need to show us all of the time by trying to be clever. I feel that he tries too hard at times to be clever. Unlike Todd Phillips, who can weave a multi layered story to fit together when you can’t imagine how it will all fit till it’s done, Chris seems to only create confusion. Having said this he did do a very good job with the very complicated INTERSTELLAR. I am very qualified to say this since I’ve worked with both. Five movies with Todd and one with Chris. OPPENHEIMER was confusing and I already knew the story since I’m a huge history buff. But I did enjoy it overall. As for the cinematography, I’m sick and tired of watching uber shallow images that are crushed into the foot of the exposure curve. I want to see more of the grand format the Chris chooses for his movies! Shallow and dark doesn’t always do it for me. Scott made an observation in the above post about soft focus. Let me tell you from experience that there isn’t more difficult focus pulling than a Nolan picture. My experience with him was the most challenging focus pulling in my career. It’s not about keeping every shot sharp but rather maintaining the damage control with the inevitable focus buzz that’s bound to happen! It’s because of the cinematic style that Chris chooses to employ and he, above everyone else understands how difficult he makes it and he accepts the occasional soft focus. I applaud Keith Davis’s work. He was simply miraculous! Hoyte doesn’t give him (or me) any feedback regarding focus even though he’s looking through the eyepiece. It’s like flying a jumbo jet in the clouds without any radar! Keith was on his own, flying blind. Great work! I don’t know if it was the theater I was in or if anyone else experienced this but the music track was drowning out the dialogue at times. Did anyone else notice this? Anyway, there’s my review. Let the skewering begin! G
  8. There are a couple of ways to check the gate. I always preferred to look through the lens with a flashlight with the lens set to infinity. You should be able to see the entire gate by moving your eye and light around. If you see anything suspicious, unload the camera and wipe the inside gate with a clean finger and gently blow some air to clean. I always inspected the inside gate on every reload. Keep it simple. G
  9. Many years ago I lived in Belmont Shore, Long Beach and it was great! A very quaint beach community. What’s happened down there that y’all say don’t live there now? G
  10. Gotcha. By comparison, we have a 6,800 square foot home, including a 2,500 sf furnished basement with full media room and wine cellar on just under a half acre. Three car garage. We sit right on the 7th fairway of a country club that backs up to a national park. Our mortgage is $4K/month. And I’m only 35 minutes away from midtown Atlanta! Our Newport Beach home was only 2,800 sf with no real property (but we had excellent views) and that sold for deep in 7 figures - 8 years ago! The difference in cost between the two places for what you get is crazy!!! Here in ATL, people can actually afford real estate. G
  11. I’m a So. Cal. native and lived in Newport Beach for over 25 years. We decided that we had had enough of Southern California and the Los Angeles area and moved to Atlanta. WE LOVE IT HERE! The quality of life is immensely better, the cost of living is way less than LA, crime rates are far lower and I find the people much friendlier and engaging. The air is clean! As far as the motion picture and television industries are concerned, we are bustling with work when there is no strike going on. It’s a win for my family. PS: I was just working in LA for the past 10 months on a movie at Warner Bros. Since I don’t live there anymore, the studio put my wife and myself in a one bedroom apartment in Burbank. The lease was $7000/month!!! That’s utterly criminal! Thankfully we were not paying for it! G
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