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Mike Lary

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Everything posted by Mike Lary

  1. Yes, 6:1. The user manual: https://www.red.com/downloads In regards to compression comparisons, I haven't seen anything definitive but this thread might be helpful: http://www.reduser.net/forum/archive/index.php/t-65382.html edit: 4K might be fine for your needs, but 5K would give you more control in post. It's not just about finishing resolution.
  2. Unless they've changed the laws, you cannot freelance on a work visa (or without one). You need a one year contract with a work sponsor in order to get a work visa. But why ask filmmakers such an important legal question? http://www.usa.gov/visitors/work.shtml
  3. You can't get 3:1 compression out of Scarlet with current firmware at 24/25fps (unless you want to shoot at 2K or 1K). Also, your max resolution for 24/25fps is 4K (not 5K as with EPIC). Right out of the gate you're dealing with lower resolution, then there are compression limitations. As for 3:1 compression on EPIC, it's hard to tell the difference between 3:1 and 6:1 unless there's a high level of detail in the shot. An example would be shooting wide in a forest where leaves, grass, pine needles etc aren't rendered well. The difference between 6:1 and 8:1 is easier to see. Note: I've done a lot of compression and noise testing on EPIC, but not for the big screen.
  4. The Blackmagic Design Cinema Camera will be out in the field before the Digital Bolex (if BMD releases on schedule). Fall is a long ways off. I like a lot about the Digital Bolex conceptually, but the footage so far isn't impressive. What I've seen from the BMD looks good, though to be fair they're much further along in the development process. The idea of a handcrank (functional or not) on the Bolex makes me wince.
  5. I agree on hanging it above the drop ceiling tiles if possible. Then you can make it nice and safe by clamping to solid structures. You definitely cannot tape a kino to the ceiling, but you can tape the bulbs if they're removed from the unit.
  6. Actually, that's not an analogy. But it does clearly illustrate the flawed logic in your argument.
  7. 'The Sacrifice' or 'The Mirror' - Tarkovsky 'The New World' - Malick 'The Spirit of the Beehive' - Erice 'The Passion of Joan of Arc' - Dreyer
  8. And if they truly believe that an acting Oscar can be won by lying about factors outside of the judging criteria, they must also believe that the awards system is flawed - in which case moral outrage is nonsensical because the awards themselves would be meaningless.
  9. I didn't watch the Oscars presentation. Did Portman win the award for Best Ballet Dance in a Feature Film?
  10. The authenticity of your environment is already being communicated by the lights that are installed in the ceiling. I'm sure you want something more than that.
  11. I went to school with a guy who had the your name. Small world.

  12. Story should motivate your decisions. What's happening in the scene? What are you trying to communicate? It sounds like you have a lot of lights for a tight space. How tight is tight? What else is in the room? Are there practicals?
  13. That looks exactly like the case that came with one of my Bolex H16's (a Rex0). If it's the same case it should fit any of the older Bolex H16s or H8s. The camera goes in with the lens facing toward the handle, so the weight of the body is at the bottom of the case when it's upright.
  14. The author talks about shutting down 'At The Mountains of Madness' as if that's a bad thing. Really? Lovecraft isn't accessible to mainstream audiences in literary form. He has a cult following primarily composed of people who enjoy using their imaginations. That's not the demographic that throws money at movies with James Cameron or Tom Cruise attached. Studios shouldn't adapt stories that need to be dumbed down and FX'ed out to sell tickets. It's disrespectful to both art forms.
  15. Good is a subjective term unless you're talking about a movie's ability to draw an audience and generate revenue (in which case "successful" would be the better term). For some people, any movie that stars Johnny Depp is a good movie. I think 'Eraserhead' is a great movie. I also think tapioca pudding is the best pudding. Most people disagree. They're only right in their minds.
  16. Maybe Pantera's video for 'Broken.' You can see a cam op handholding a Bolex in one shot. I don't know if they used Bolex exclusively.
  17. You get what you pay for with sound equipment, so it's best not to go low end. This is a good kit for the buck, but I'd nix the soft case and buy a Pelican case. I find myself using a Mafer or double Mafer to mount the boom for stationary recording. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/573977-REG/Rode_NTG_3_Basic_Shotgun_Microphone.html
  18. I would have a snip test done. Otherwise, you're just guessing.
  19. If I understand you correctly, the sunlight is ambient and not key. Is that right? How about throwing the 1.2 outside the window, a ways back with some diffusion and ND, then create the cloud effect by arcing nets into the beam, open-end first, and back out so you don't get a hard edge? You could come in from different angles to vary the effect, and even double up some nets, overlapping for a slight gradation. Inside it depends on what you want for your key motivation and what kind of contrast ratio you're looking for. It might be nice having a couple practicals playing strong and have a kino overhead giving a little top light. Or maybe stick with kinos, have one overhead and have one playing in the bathroom with the door open to give side light that becomes more dominant when the daylight level drops. Mixing color temps would enhance the effect.
  20. A POV of what? How wide is the shot? Is the hotel room on the ground floor? How big is the room? What is the ISO of the film stock or camera?
  21. I've read in a few places that he was teaching during his hiatus, but I don't know the university. I'm sure he was researching and writing in that time as well since he does extensive research for his projects.
  22. Hi Steve, I know someone who was trying to get rid of a barely used Shadowmaker awhile back and was having trouble selling it because of the economy. It handles multiple 2Ks. If you PM me your contact info I'll shoot him an email and see if it's available. edit: I just realized that may be way out of your price range, but the offer still stands. It's a sweet unit.
  23. I don't think there's anything clever about betraying someone's trust. It's a fairly easy thing to do. I've found it tends to happen more often on jobs that only require a high school diploma and the ability to follow basic instructions on command.
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