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David Frank

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Everything posted by David Frank

  1. Wouldn't you need to under-crank to a low FPS and then do the transfer to 24? Not sure how you would do it with actors though. Double exposure maybe.
  2. Not to get off subject or anything, but I saw a film the other day where they used ND on windows and it made the outside look very purplish-blue. Any idea why that happened and how to not have that happen? -DAve
  3. O my. That is just so damn funny.
  4. Haha. Not actually. I was looking around for some gear and I found all this dudes stuff on there. It looked like most of it was going really under value. I am not sure why.
  5. Thought you guys might be interested in this ebay member's stuff: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZcurtisno40QQhtZ-1 I just was wondering, are those sticks that are going for like $50 now, worth anything?
  6. No girl in a bottle, but by request here is the diet version. Haha.
  7. I could probably whip one up tomorrow if I get some time. I am a Diet Dr. Pepper drinker myself. Hah.
  8. I thought all of you DP's might enjoy this Photoshop concoction. :)
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