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Denny Lajeunesse

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Everything posted by Denny Lajeunesse

  1. Is there an Allen Smithee equivalent for DoP's? For example, you DoP a film and the director or producer decide to change the "look" of the film in post and the resulting CC'd footage looks horrible and you do not want people to think you lit it that way.
  2. What color are the court lights? What are you shooting on? What is this for? Are you going for a certain look?
  3. Not sure about the DVX. Only used it twice. The HVX200 and HMC150 seem to be accurate (as would the HPX170). Barry Green on dvxuser would probably confirm this. :)
  4. That's not entirely true. The feet/inches marker in the lcd is pretty accurate. Focal plane is from the end of the lens (odd I know) and is not marked to say so. You really do need an electronic focus remote for those cameras. They are markable (and repeatable) with a china marker. You really want one of the brands that has a large diameter focus wheel, otherwise they can be touchy. (The smaller the diameter of the focus ring then the easier it is to miss your mark as you only need to turn a short distance to blow past it, especially if you are pulling based on the numbers in the display. I highly suggest using a maker.) I have a varizoom and I find it too small for display based pulls. (I use the one with focus/iris and zoom). If you are pulling with the on camera focus ring then you can only repeat the focus based on the numbers in the LCD or viewfinder. The above of course is for using the built in lens. If you are using one of those film lens adapters then you do not use the on camera focus other than to focus onto the spun glass when setting the unit up. You then use the attached lens system for focus.
  5. I know this may be bit late but... Vancouver Industry is very, very slow at the moment, so I would seriously do your job research before up and moving there. I would think you would be better off in Montreal to be honest. Either there or Toronto, where a lost of projects are moving due to there new and rather kick ass tax credit system. The Vancouver union tends to open up to trainees about once every 2 or 3 years at the best of times. Their last opening was last fall (08).
  6. I think the newer Dataflash or Martin Atomic's can be programmed now a days to simulate lighting. Usually with a few set at different speeds. Might need some tweaking but should be affordable. http://www.highend.com/products/effects/dataflashaf1000.asp http://www.martin.com/product/product.asp?product=atomic
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