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Matt Stevens

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Everything posted by Matt Stevens

  1. Why wouldn't or couldn't Kodak and Canon or Nikon get together with some big name Super8 enthusiasts about creating a new 8mm camera based upon either the Nikon R10 or Canon 1014 XL-S? But simplified. No need for all the in camera tricks like fades and dissolves since that would be done with modern editing suites. Put the campaign on Kickstarter and see what happens. At the very least it would be a terrific way to generate advertising about FILM. No doubt the electronic on those cameras, which are decades old, could be updated and simplified. Just thinking out loud here.
  2. Mark, it absolutely should have a meter. That's the beauty of super8. And 98% of the time, my in camera metering has been spot on. More important Max 8 would be less wobbly jitter. Super8 is not exactly stable. When you move a shot you hide it. Put it on a tripod and in viewing you will see how the image jumps about. A wide angle lens that is fast and sharp. 24, 30 and 48 fps. A video out port. Having the ability to hook up a video tap would be golden. But this is all loopy nonsense. It ain't ever happening. :) More than likely by next year I will have purchased whatever digital camera I feel is going to give me the look I want. Sub $5,000 cameras with a global shutter are coming and that is the game changer for me.
  3. Thanks, Mitch. The full frontal male nudity was in the shower. But in the end I used a take where I was closer to the actor.
  4. Thanks. I was very pleased to get the full frontal in there. :) But seriously, the actress and i discussed it and for the character and her story, it's needed. That's why we chose Super8. There was a version with full frontal on the actor, but anyone I showed it to either yelled "Penis!" or was clearly yanked out of the film because of it. The music volume was highly debated. I'm still not happy with it.
  5. Move the camera less. Hold it steady. Pick your shots. if you do pan the camera, do it slooooowly. Much slower than you are doing now. Otherwise, you are getting the hang of it.
  6. The XL-S actually has a variable shutter. $24? $35? And they work? I officially hate you! :)
  7. I know that the XL-S is not as much of a bear to fix if it breaks down. I've talked to some repair shops about that and it's one of the reasons I went with the XL-S.
  8. Very true. The primary issue here is people with money are obsessed with shooting digitally and nothing you tell them will dissuade them in the least. "Film is dead." "Film is too expensive." That's what they believe and so they don't want to be seen an uncool, unhip dinosaurs.
  9. Well, not really. The DP has shot film before. But everybody else has worked mostly digital. It is what it is.
  10. In the end, it'll all come down to money. We will either have it, or we won't. I think if we have it, I get my way. The big problem will be a crew that lacks film shooting experience. Many are digital dudes (as I call them) and won't know the workflow. Hell, I won't know the workflow for shooting super16! :) No doubt this thread has been a big help and I appreciate the input.
  11. PM sent. For true scanning, Cinelicious or Lightpress are exceptional, but Spectra, Cinelab and others can also deliver. Most of the very best of the best can be seen here advertising or posting. Just don't use Pro8mm.
  12. For the project in question I am the writer/director, but the money men do have influence. They can say yes or no. It's up to me to convince them and that is so difficult to do these days.
  13. Ektachrome is cheaper if you are only using reversal are not in need of 2k and get a transfer from one of those places with a work-printer (higher ends units). Those setups are outstanding with reversal and can produce glorious looking 1080p video. I have always done that with the weddings I've worked. Or with material meant only for the internet. No need for scanning at greatly increased pricing. There are two projects I am involved with right now that will likely end up using S8 and one has no need of a high end scan. the other must (in my view) be shot on negative stock and given the royal scanning treatment. it all depends on the project.
  14. We had a big meeting over the weekend. LOTS to discuss. The feeling I was getting was "digital is here, embrace it." I'm definitely losing the battle. Now with the Digital Bolex nearing a release and word of mouth starting to look more positive, it's an option they want to consider. No doubt a Gobal Shutter is preferable to the rolling shutter nonsense of DSLR's, the Black Magic and even REDs. They have use of a RED EPIC at a crazy discount so that certainly is a positive. But certain projects require film and at least for the one project I have been discussing here, one of the three acts MUST be shot on film and i think i have gotten that across to them. This really is a brave new world. Not that I like it. To be continued...
  15. 100D at $20 is still cheaper in the end vs going with negative stock. It's an obvious price gouge, but that's capitalism. Were I not so broke I'd buy more.
  16. When shooting 500t I found it to be extremely important to use a tripod and when exposing, zoom all the way in on whatever it was in the frame I wanted to be properly exposed. I took my reading there and manually set for 1/2 a stop over. My short film Miscommunications was shot almost entirely on Kodak Vision3 500t. The exteriors were shot on a single roll of Ektachrome 100D. By the way, one of the seven rolls of 500t was from Pro8m and naturally, that was the only roll that came out like poop. I despise Pro8. https://vimeo.com/27267624
  17. Not to mention without crystal sync your super8 camera will run at random speeds. It will not be a consistent 18 fps. I did a continuous take short on 100D called F--- FACEBOOK and had to slide the audio back and forth depending on each line. I knew that going in.
  18. It's mind blowingly superb and looks like super16 to my eyes. I'm looking forward to shooting my own 50D this summer.
  19. Pro8mm claims to re-center the lens, but that is complete nonsense. Every Canon 1014 XL_S I have seen that was Pro8 maxed out had obvious vignetting on the right side.
  20. No, the cardboard box the cartridge is in. Not a fed ex box or anything like that. The back of the box packaging. You can see the front on Pro8mm's site and advertising. i need the back (and sides if any info is there). The back of this...
  21. Hi gang. I need a picture of the back of one of the boxes Pro8mm puts their cartridges in. It gives info about processing included and unfortunately i have no more Pro8 cartridges here. But I need a picture of the back of that box for reasons I won't get into here. Thanks so much.
  22. Jayne, I now want to see The Freemartin Calf. That trailer is sensational. Well done!
  23. Brave woman. I admire you. I shot this straight8 under insane conditions over one long night in NYC's subways. It all came out, but I think even underground I had more light than you will have.
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