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Joerg Polzfusz

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    Nizo 4056, Beaulieu 4008, Fujica ZC1000, Bolex DS8, …

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  1. Hi! Batteries: https://www.testedsuper8cameras.com/new-family-of-batteries-for-beaulieu-3008-5008-4008-and-r16-2016/ Tripod base (where you can also mount accessories - not sure whether this includes rods): https://www.wittnercinetec.com/epages/WittnerCinetec-Super8-16mm-Film.mobile/en_GB/?ViewObjectID=21785205 (TestedSuper8Cameras.com has got a lot of bases with rods, but I haven’t seen one for the 5008.) Torn perfs: Clean film gate and check whether the claw looks okay. (When it’s damaged, then usually the damage is visible with the naked eye.) There are three possible causes: a) Damaged camera - shoot another test cart or get a CLA done (Pro8mm or DuAll might be able to do this in the US) b) Damaged cart - from time to time, Kodak produces faulty carts . The film jams, the claw is hitting the area around the perforation holes, damaging the film. c) Film - either old and brittle or not stable enough for your camera. (I really like Fomapan R100, but it’s much easier to tear apart or to crinkle it than all other materials.) Good luck!
  2. Of course, you could also use a full frame gate on a 4-perf camera and a 1.33x anamorphic lens (e.g. https://www.vantagefilm.com/en/products/hawk-1-3x ) or a 1.5x anamorphic lens (e.g. https://laowacine.com/product/laowa-1-5x-nanomorph-27mm-t2-8-35mm-t2-4-50mm-t2-4-pl-ef/ when it also covers the whole film frame). This will give you a 1.78:1 or a 2:1 aspect ratio that is closer to IMAX‘s 1.90:1.
  3. Hint: Simply watch „the old man“ on Disney+ if you want to see something that is also visually pleasing. 😉
  4. The important thing is that you cannot easily remove parts here: first image: when focusing only on the girl, then you’ll miss the rain next two images: when focusing on the actor/actress, then you’ll lose the fact that he/she is driving (they might also be in a British car where the driver‘s seat is on the right side) etc.
  5. Compare this with the shots where the actor is only on the left/right or where the actors are filling the whole screen - they look more cinematic don’t they?
  6. Hi! I don’t think that it’s just the set, the lighting, the contrast. It’s also the framing. Many productions look like framed for a 4:3 TV (with everything in the center to ease the live of the person doing the pan&scan version). Looks like framed for 4:3 as you can easily remove the left and right of the image without losing anything:
  7. Hi! I like the video, especially the stylish lighting and camera. Unfortunately, the lighting isn’t consistent, e.g. there are shots where the light behind the window is missing: No light With light And at the end, there’s too much dust in the air. Hence, the highlight in the actor’s face is too obvious. (In the first image, the highlight still looks like sun shining through a window or an accidental reflection, but in the below image, it’s too obviously coming from a small lamp that belongs to the set.) Other than that: Great idea and great work! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Looks like the only way to get rid of the support rods being attached to other support rods would be a base like this: https://www.testedsuper8cameras.com/product/black-base-for-bolex-h8-h16/
  9. In Super8, the old TriX is muuuuuch grainier than the new one. No clue whether the differences are also that obvious in 16mm or not.
  10. https://shop.filmomat.eu/products/filmomat-classic?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=39d9411f2&pr_rec_pid=8961132134733&pr_ref_pid=8961132527949&pr_seq=uniform
  11. https://www.jobo.com/analog/3016-expert-16mm- https://www.jobo.com/analog/3018-expert-super-8-
  12. Merry Christmas! 🎄 Good luck and a lot of fun with the Kowa - and remember that it’s dual focus (both the camera’s lens and the Kowa have to be set to the same distance) and that it’s only oriented correctly on the camera when everyone is looking extremely slim. 🙂
  13. When your eyepiece has got the same dimensions (diameter etc.) as the eyepiece of a microscope or telescope, then you can also try to attach your smartphone to your Bolex… https://www.ebay.de/itm/335509573573 There are tons of these adapters available - cheap „no name“ from several Chinese companies, but also from manufacturers of tele-/microscopes, e.g. Bresser, Kowa, Meopta, … . BTW: Also check the dimensions of your smartphone - some of these adapters are only suited for very small smartphones.
  14. There’s also one for the 13x and the 10x eyepiece: https://www.ebay.de/itm/167125583433?itmmeta=01JFS8RJ2SAQMRHP77DGPE1Q5D&hash=item26e9760649:g:NeQAAOSwwrBnRO2E https://www.ebay.de/itm/167125561773?itmmeta=01JFS8RJ2SMZFG9G5TKYQG2PRK&hash=item26e975b1ad:g:F~4AAOSwnWRnROpq
  15. https://www.ebay.de/itm/167125561773 That’s one of his video assists for a Bolex…
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