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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. Full report: UMark6 watermark software res test Be careful…watermark software can destroy resolution – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection – II (home.blog)
  2. Cloggers Blue Ridge Mountain Dancers Newport Folk Festival Clip 1960s : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Sometimes you see them at county fairs. Otherwise kinda underground in 2021. Even if you see em at the fair, they are not like the old time cloggers. I got another clip to find of some cloggers, the real old school ones. But have to find it. Here is how the old timers dressed...but they are not the real old timers. It all seems to get watered down as time goes on. The cloggers I saw about 6 years ago at a fair were dressed like they were going to a 1990's aerobic class....neon clothing and leg warmers and all. Texas History - Internet Photo : Fair Use I've got a large collection of square dance music with call sheets. It is a caller's travel box and kinda rare. The square dance caller would rent themselves out like DJ's for a square dance and bring their 45rpms and the call sheets. Clogging is not really square dance, but I think it is in the family so to speak.
  3. Kodak Basic Titling & Animation 1972 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Kodak Information Index 1972 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Kodak Scientific Imaging Products 1989 : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Kodak Preservation Of Photographs 1979 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Box Office Sept 1984 Buyers Guide D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Box Office is a trade publication magazine for movie theaters. Scans are raw JPEGs and you must download to view in sequential order.
  4. Well, makes some sense, if you got that luxury of time. Much of what I shot was blind, either in the dark or from the hip unframed. But it is nice to have it all consistent as you say. Infrared flash (Candid) With infrared flash, in the dark you can't see anything on the screen. You work blind unless you are lucky enough to have tons of light. Almost everything I shoot is cropped to my liking. And even if I try to play studio photog, I still crop some. I'm not that anal for studio work. For street work, if you come back with 70% of what you were after you can still be a success. Another thing you can do is carry a little viewfinder with you and look at things with your viewfinder in the aspect you prefer.
  5. Sometimes buyers worry that eBay jacks up the price and overcharges them to meet their high bid. Same worries when you use sniper services. Many times I've bid much higher than the price I got the item at. Today I bid on a film for $177. I got it for $24.49 through a sniper. And even with no sniper, similar buys were made that closed at a small fraction of my max bid. eBay and the bid snipers are honest as far as I can tell. Yosemite with stereo camera M. M. Hazeltine D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C.
  6. Here is link for opening photo that did not work above... They had some crazy post machines back in the 80's. When did the first ones come out?
  7. Full article: E.T. Film To VHS Transfer 1988 D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  8. Here is another DVD with some tips for the low, low budget filmmaker. Amazon.com: No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlo & Vilmos [DVD] [2008] [Region 1] [US Import] [NTSC] : Movies & TV
  9. https://archive.org/download/panasonic-omnivision-bar-code-reader-vhs-vcr-d.-d.-teoli-jr.-a.-c./Panasonic Omnivision Bar Code Reader VHS VCR D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C..jpg I was into home video from near the very beginning, but I never knew they made a bar code programmable VCR.
  10. These suggestions in this thread smack of big $$ productions to me. I guess it just depends on your budget. Someone may think a $350,000 budget is puny and another thinks they hit the lotto. For the real low budget production ideas see the commentary / special features by some of Frank Henenlotter's films like the first Basket Case or his other films. Putney Swope also has a good commentary about this subject. Both of these were from the film era, but many of the ideas are still applicable to digital. Selection from Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Agriculture Archive
  11. Full article: Internet Archive Search: Piccadilly Pajama Party
  12. I thought it was for the LOC. I figured money was no object with them. It also makes a good blog project to follow if you write or video the progress. Have fun!
  13. Video Review Magazine July 1989 Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS / Betamax Archive
  14. Anyone have experience with this? I read it on a film collectors forum. Electronovision? Charles Brubaker » Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:47 pm Electronovision is something I learned about today, a process where a videotape was transferred to film (mostly 35mm) for theatrical distribution, used in the 1960s and 1970s. It was mostly used to record concerts and stage plays. Trying to find information about the exact technical aspects has been a bit difficult (at least from a Google search), other than that the videotape used was higher-resolution than standard at the time. I'm guessing this was simply a higher-end version of the Kinescope process? Anyone ever owned a print of an "Electronovision" production? I know there were a handful of theatrical movies from the time period that was shot on videotape then transferred to film. "Norman Is That You?" is one such example. I don't know if that was specifically Electronovision or not, though.
  15. Full rundown: Modern Man July 1960 Julie Newmar was the Queen of the Models! Selection from Artists and Model Ball Archive – Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection – II (home.blog)
  16. I'd have my chauffeur driving me to NYC in my lux Class A bus, jump out to take photos of the homeless living in boxes with my infrared flash at 2 in the morning...then back to my 'rig' to eat some caviar with champagne for breakfast just in time for a 2 girl massage! They look too cushy for me. I'd be happy with a small used Class C with A/C. If you live too cushy, it makes it hard to do the dirty work. If you get too cushy you wont want to work on Christmas. And when you get old you need some fiber along with your caviar. Selection from Living in a Cardboard Box NYC 2017 Infrared Flash (Candid)
  17. From eBay...autochrome / magic lantern slide from early 1900's probably. Photo: eBay - Fair Use
  18. https://www.google.com/search?q=geoff+boyle&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&prmd=nivx&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD8Oeh-oT0AhXMmmoFHWnSCu0Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg I hope he made an effort to preserve his Archive...online, open content and hi res. Many people donate collections to institutions and that is that. Hardly anybody will ever see it again. I never knew him. So I have no connection with him or knew of his work. But let me say this... 1) A lot of us are getting old. You got archival material that needs to be preserved, you have no one to preserve it with or know who to leave it to? Leave it to me. I will scan it, put it online and find an appropriate institution to place it with. (As a donation.) I have massive experience in this area. The only catch is; I like photos, video / film, audio. I'm not much for text. But I do preserve text as long as the entire Archive is nothing but text. 2) If you are old, or young, got nothing to do with your money and want to invest in underground and above ground film preservation. Leave me enough to buy a cheap Lasergraphics film scanner. I'd be glad to memorialize your name on the work I produce in the Archive. I get millions of eyeballs per year looking at my work and also for memorializing you. But, Google me first, you many not want to be associated with the Archive and wish to remain anonymous. 3) For the rest of you that don't want to leave me your Archive to preserve or help me buy a scanner, that is OK. But think about what I've told you over the years about the importance of archival preservation. This guy seemed to have some time to make arrangements before he died. We are not all that lucky. One day you won't wake up and that will be that. Your stuff may end up being grabbed by pickers to split up on eBay or it may end up in the nearest dumpster. Just no telling unless you have made arrangements for it. But...one thing is for sure... Whatever you got in your head will be gone. Oral history, video / film history, written history...get it down before it is too late. ...one day, you just won't wake up again.
  19. Yes, very different. eBay has a couple. Very pricey. Can you adapt something else for your use?
  20. Yes, some of the old 1955 dye transfers did ok in the dark over 55 years. Some early Agfa (1970's) faded in the dark over decades.
  21. I wouldn't mind be the boob tester for realness. Is there such a job? If fake guns are used, fake guns should only be used. No real guns that have been doctored should be allowed on set if real guns are banned. Unless the real gun has been demilled permanently.
  22. No never herd of Mark. Why does YouTube do better than Hollywood? (Or is Georgia the 'go to' place now?) Well, I don't blame The Rock. He has a great life, he does not want to take chances. As far as the armorer with Baldwin. I didn't study her up that much. But from what I saw she looked like an accident waiting to happen. It seemed with her on the job it was not a question of if, it was only a question of when.
  23. Agfa color print sun test. 1/2 in dark storage 1/2 in sun for 6 months. I am finishing up Edition II of Dye Stability Testing of Color Imaging Media. I always have a hard time with sun tests because I'm in the NE USA and I can only sun test for about 6 months and that is pushing it. It is not like CA with loads of sun. Sometimes the sun does not come out for a few days and it is gloomy. In the winter the sun may not come out for a week! I've got almost everything tested except for a 1 year Eastman Kodak Dye Transfer sun test. It has 6 months of sun and will need another 6 months in 2022. Kodak improved greatly over the years with the color stability of the dyes it used for Dye Transfers. The 1950's were the worst. By 1980's - 1990's they were pretty good. They were not as good as pigment inkjet prints, but there was still a huge difference between the 1950's. And the yellow dye permanence was greatly improved compared to the 1950s and 1970s. 1955 Eastman Kodak Dye Transfer 6 month sun test. 1955 Eastman Kodak Dye Transfer Print Selection from Dye Transfer Printing from the 1950's by Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Bob Pace taught me about sun testing in the early 1970's. Internet Archive Search: Bob Pace 'The Dye Transfer Process' Parts teoli <><><><> Daniel D.Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D.Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D.Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D.Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D.Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D.Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  24. I got a few good artists to work with already, I've been working with them for years, but they are pros and it cost $$. Things are kinda tight after all this inflation. I have lots of good comix ideas, but no art skill. I am looking for an artist that has some art skill, but may not have any ideas as to what to do for art ideas. So this is an exchange relationship and no money is involved - I feed you ideas and you feed me art. So we share the art. I use it non-commercially. All art submitted to me must be decent res. (Prefer 600dpi+ 1mb - 3mb+) You must be able to work without prejudice. In that about 85% of the art is anti-democratic party politics and maybe 15% is anti-republican party politics. It ranges from G - X rated material and is mainly adult oriented. This is comix material, not comics. If you don't know what comix is...look it up. If you get offended easily, this job is not for you. You can work in pen and ink or whatever. But digital seems to be the easiest and fastest for artists to do. Here are a couple of examples from 2 different artists. The top one is by a guy, the bottom one by a gal. They are about the cleanest ones I can post here. You don't have to be this good, but you have to do work that is somewhat decent. And as we work together, your art will probably improve as the artists I have worked with in the past have improved. The work has to be done somewhat timely. Preferably done within 8 to 12 days for a job. You may get 2 - 3 jobs a month to work on. I give you a general script and minimal instruction for the project and you do the rest, so you have lots of freedom. I'm not that nitpicky unless something is really off. Another part of the fun is seeing what artists come up with. If you don't want to do a certain job because it bothers you, that is OK. You have to sign the art with your name or sign them with a pen name or logo. (Probably pen name is best for comix in this day and age.) Write me direct if interested with samples of your portfolio. (It doesn't hurt to run your work by me even if you are not this good. They are pros.) w1000w@aol.com Dan
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