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Jefta Varwijk

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Everything posted by Jefta Varwijk

  1. Currently looking for a Aaton Minima. One that needs servicing is fine. Focus is on one in EU and preferably with a tap. I'm looking to use it for bringing it with me in the mountains while hiking and camping. Hope to bring a small grey cat instead of it's bigger (and much heavier) black brother...
  2. thanks. looking to match with anamorphic. hence the question. Will get back to you. Diameter of the glass part is probably around 40mm? (thats what i need to know for my anamorphic)
  3. here in europe (NL/BE) you can ask your lab to do it.
  4. check etkon.com and cameramarket.eu! they'll have 8-64's I believe.
  5. 6k for a full set incl service sounds really great, also the fact that you have a set of 5... I'm eying a set of 4 (superspeedsmk2's) for 7500 euro. but then a set of 4. Do you happen to know whether the s16mm mk2 line also has a 32mm or 50mm that i should be able to find?
  6. Hi Jan, thanks for the listing. Where are you based? Poland i presume? Could you give the me diameter of the 16mm front element? (just the glass)
  7. I love it! and also, that sky... Amazing. Super nice that you tested both wide open and 2.8. Wide open still looks pretty good, have to say. How did you like it? Would you use it wide open at all? Did a see a pretty heavy blue shift at the 50mm? And may i ask what price range you ended up spending on?
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