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David Silverstein

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Everything posted by David Silverstein

  1. Bottom line. If you cant affored film school at all. Theres no way you can take loans out or anything then. Use some of the money that owuld go there to make a low budget indie film and off you go is my words of advice.
  2. Wow the seems like a hard job. Which is very crucial to the look of your movie.
  3. No footage out there but ive seen articles on movies shot with this setup and I can tell you the screen shots look amazingly film like. I dont have a scanner or I would scan but I think the october Indie Slate had a movie called like Formosa shot with it if im not mistaken.
  4. I would go DVX-100A even without the widescreen you can letterbox it later on with an anamorphic adapter.
  5. Thanks for the responses. What I wanted to know which I see I didnt phrase well was... Can you make a movie look like a movie without 24p.
  6. Whats your opinion on shooting video shorts with no 24p. I am under the impression that its not going to look nearly as good as the shots I see from movies shot on the dvx100s 24p mode. Can anyone clear this up if I am right or wrong?
  7. Like my dad said when I told hima bout it... He would get sick watching a movie on that little screen. I cant argue with that, the little screen can be annoying watching a movie is my guess. Who knows whats next though. A full video ipod?
  8. WARNING: THIS IS A JOKE! Hey lifetime needs new movies so why not :D. Ok now to be serious. Ive always liked the drug genre movies. Its a huge problem in the world but mainly in the United States we dont no when to pick up and put down the drugs. The whole world doesnt help us either sending us all of the drugs :D. We are rich bastards.
  9. WARNING: Did not read the posts above. The way I feel is I am not into HD I feel its to expensive and I am not interested in it as of now if it becomes more mainstream and affordable then I am going to look into it but right now theres a lot of other formats that are more effcient tape and money wise.
  10. Well I have free access from my teachers production company in which I work for to use the JVC DY-90U. Its an expensive camera it just doesnt have 24p mode or any of that but I figuire it will still come out look pretty good. What do you think of this line of JVC cameras. I think it might be more of a broadcast camera but it records to a minidv.
  11. In my opinion you have tweaked it a little to much. Dont go toooo much on the color correcting but mess around with it. Most of those shots I like the original better. If you can get your hands on magic bullet play around with the SuiteLook effects they have presets that mess with your colors.
  12. Even if you dont want to use it just give me something to do please!!! FOR FUN!!! Im not going to make any money off of it or show it anywhere.
  13. My script is in full format. Im using a program called sophocles youve probably heard of it but yeah I leanred how to use it so I get the full format its a very useful program. It doesnt make you rewrite out characters names and stuff. Peace. David S.
  14. Quoting David Mullen on slow motion with the dvx100. "Switch the camera from 24P to 60i, then in post, convert 60i to 60P by making each field into a frame. You get a true 60 fps slow-motion effect when played back as 24P footage (because at 60i, you were capturing motion 60 times per second, only as fields, not frames). You do lose some vertical resolution but it doesn't look as bad as you'd think." How do you play back footage at 24p? Do you need magic bullet and convert it or is there an easier way? I have magic bullet but for me it takes forever to convert usally like 5 min per 3 min of footage.
  15. I didn't read all of the above post so forgive me if I am repeating. Animation is the one I saw wasnt mentioned in the first few posts so I am going to tell you to definitly go with Flash. It is used be some of the high profile studios. I read an article on the studio that did the celeb poker showdown opening and its very cool what can be done with that program.
  16. Mine right now is 7 pages I was wondering what do you think is a good size script for say a 15-20 min film. 15-20 pages? or is that to many. Thanks Dave. Also I know that a feature is usally like 50 so maybe its more then I thought. Edit: I want to know when to start closing my story.
  17. I hope to be there next year or the year after that with a film :D. If I dont have a film in it my parents wont pay for the plane ride to Utah (im 17.) so good luck to you guys and congratulations.
  18. I searched but I couldnt find any. I want to see some pics of people on sets of an independent film. I really want to see what lights they are using and stuff like that.
  19. WOW Is that in Bergan County New Jersey. Im right by the palisades mall. If it is its probably like 15 min from me. Ill def check it out.
  20. With that being said I think im going to have to keep with the digital revolution until I can afford a budget that fits a 16mm production. Thanks for your help. David S.
  21. I figured. But it still seems a bit grainy for 16mm. I guess he wasnt the best cinematographer. Thanks for your help. David S.
  22. Hi im looking to buy a CANON 514XL-S. Any comments on that camera? Also I noticed that super 8 film stock has a very low asa? Do these productions require a massive amount of light? Also how much time will one roll of film get me? Im guessing 11 min like 400ft of 16mm? And processing and getting telecine how much does that usally run for lets say like 45min of footage. Thanks David S. Edit: I saw somewhere Walmart can process these is that true? and if so where can I get a telecine?
  23. Just bought Clerks after hearing good things. I like it so far (im in the middle of it now). So I noticed its very grainy. What I figure and my guess is it was shot on 16mm and blown up 35mm. Am I right? Or was it 8mm. The quality is nothing spectacular and it was only shot in 1994. I know how low budget it was. Thanks David S.
  24. Looks good. I would love to see it thats all I know. My mother was behind me when I was watching it and she goes is that a movie? I would like to see it. So I think you have a good audience. Shot nicely, lighting was excellent, and the story seems comical yet romantic.
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