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Found 8 results

  1. Hey there! Right now I am prepping a shoot that has a scene in a snowy winter forest. Originally the budget was available to really light a large section of the forest up with artificial moonlight and call it a day. But now, the shoot has been broken up into 2 units shooting all the snow exteriors on location for a fraction of the budget (Just a little bigger than skeleton crew) and then all the interiors on a stage in a city that has more production resources for that can work with the budget. The project is a dark/horror theme with vampires in the forest about to bite a deserving subject out of vengeance. It is a quick beat but the end of the project. Simplicity is the goal here. CAMERA Arri Mini LF Cooke Anamorphics Arri Raw UNITS M18 2 S60 Skypanels 6x6 / 8x8 (Ultra Bounce/Silk/Light Grid) Light Control (Flags, Floppies, skinned frames 250, 216,grid) PLAN - My mind is telling me to hoist of the 8x8 Frame with an ultra bounce and blast the M18 into it, letting the light fall light moonlight. Then I want to take the Skypanels and paint the background for depth. I am interested and open to any suggestions for lighting this scene. I am curious about any tricks I may not know about. I am worried about under lighting the scene, so want to have enough moonlight as key. Thanks for taking the time everyone!
  2. I will be doing a shoot in jungle. I want to know how can I control the day outdoor light. The weather condition around here is sometimes rainy and hard sunlight. I want to do various scene in different lighting, so please help on how I can create the different lighting scene 1. diffused lighting on character and the surrounding trees. 2. hard side light to fall in character face. 3. using top sun light for a day murder scene. ( i want to use a lot of highlight in the scene, how it would be as using top sun light? and what precaution are required ) Kindly help me with what hmi, or solars i can use and how to use it I want to have a bit of contrast between the character and background ( i want the character to be 1 stop up and the surrounding to be 1 stop down )
  3. I'm working on a short film and the main location is a forest, at night. Most of it is set on a muddy road with trees surrounding either side, but there is a little section where our main character is running through the trees. My question is in regards to lighting, and what is the suggested method of lighting for this type of location? On previous projects, we have blasted 4 x 2Ks through the trees from a distance and used a smoke/fog machine for different looks and to help spread the light. We also used smaller lights for tighter shots, but I have found that this can often lead to quite harsh lighting and create ugly shadows. This setup has allowed for some great shots, but I'm wondering what other options there are? I have read a few other threads which suggested lighting a background road or something to give the shot some depth, but also have read that using paper lanterns up in the trees can provide great soft lighting. The only problem then is wind! Would love to hear some suggestions! Will likely be shooting on the BMPCC. Thanks! :)
  4. Im scouting for a film now where one of the main locations is very dense forest with a solid canopy. The undergrowth is green, the leaves are green, the moss is green, the light even feels green. The tree trunks have very little character and are skinny. I do have a fogger setup and it has tested well- so at least I can bring areas out from what looks like an infinity of skinny trees and greenness. The sun is almost nonexistent, save for some very small dappled beams. My question to you is how can I bring the characters out- especially in the wider shots -without it looking lit or fake? Ill use negative fill when possible and I have some 8x & 12x frames w/ rags and a couple 1.2 hmis. Its a remote location and tiny budget. I was just surprised to see how flat the light was and how a person gets swallowed by the busy yet uniform environment. Oh- and the actors are wearing dull colors-jeans, dark sweatshirts, etc. I will ask wardrobe get a little color contrast against the green environment. Thanks,
  5. I filmed some stuff out in the forest/trail near my house and put it to the song I Want You by Tom Waits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKkrzkroKAs Here's the rest of my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0f...Ii8Imsi-xetfaw enjoy.
  6. Im shooting a short film this weekend and the director wants a shot of a man shovelling dirt off the "lens" to reveal the himself standing over a hole in the ground in the forest. a Very classic Breaking Bad shot. Would love any advice as to how I should accomplish this... I've rented a Wide angle low angle Prism for the shot and I'm planning on buying a big sheet of plexi glass to put over the camera and cover with dirt. Any ideas (besides digging a massive hole in the ground) Thanks, Cole
  7. Hello everyone, We are planning to shoot a short film which is based a thriller cum horror subject. We are shooting in 5D Mark III, during night. I don't have any idea of lighting the exteriors during night. So, it would be very helpful if anyone from here says what kinda lights and filters i can use for my shoot. Pls do help me out in this. :) Regards, Dhana sekar.
  8. Hello there, I launched a new short film over the web a few days ago. We have been chosen as official selections at a few festivals and have won Best Cinematography at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal, as part of the Quebec short films. I'd love to get some feedback from anyone watching the film. Any comments, suggestions, thoughts, etc. Whatever anyone wants to share, I'd be delighted to hear it. Thanks and hope you enjoy :) Here it is. KIN.
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