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Found 12 results

  1. Hello Everyone! I am a Trainee who is looking for advice from others on how they have mounted various monitors in the past. I know it isn't rocket science but I am aware there are some pretty creative solutions out there, and i'm keen to hear and share the knowledge.
  2. I recently came across a well known DP's story on Instagram in which it was seen two cameras were stacked on top of each other. It was noticable that both the cameras had different magnifications (different lenses). I can't help but wonder why he might have done this given that these cams shoot 4k/6k or so, he might as well have just cropped in as required. Would be great if someone with experience could explain why this is done. I have attached a screenshot for reference.
  3. Hey everyone, I was wondering what methods you can do to create a rig where the camera is centered above a group of kids, and the camera begins to boom up and spin in a circle at the same time. I know a jib would help create the boom effect, but I'm having trouble imagining the tripod head attached and spinning around. I'm thinking I just do an extreme tilt on the ball head and loosen the pan and have it spin once we're about to shoot. I'm afraid, however, that the camera's battery might be in the way which may throw that idea out the window. Any thoughts or rigs that are decent in budget? The camera would be a RED Epic body with standard Zeiss Primes.
  4. OP is the question, although I also am wondering if these drop ceilings in the attached picture work with scissor clamps? I can't tell if the gap/space down the line is just cosmetic or functional, and these pictures are being sent to me.
  5. Hi everyone, Happy New Year to all! So I'll be Key gripping a short film at the beginning of next month and I'll be needing to rig an Alexa Mini onto a roller coaster. The roller coaster is the West Coaster at the Santa Monica Pier. Has anyone rigged this coaster before? Any advice or preset equipment knowledge that would benefit me? I've researched how the coaster is and it seems to be a pretty disappointing ride so I'm not too worried about the g-force, but I want to take every precaution possible to ensure the safety of the cast and equipment. I've done car mounts before, so I'm accustomed to rigging. I'll be taking measurements to make sure I have the proper gear, but any sort of guidance that would help me rig the mount efficiently and safely would be appreciated. Thank you!
  6. Hi Guys, For my latest short, I require a shot that is rather ambitious. Imagine from a fixed perspective in the middle of the hallway at ceiling level following a young boy running through the corridor, the camera follows his direction on a single axis moving with the length of the hallway. As the boy runs under the camera the movement continues to follow him from an upside-down perspective until he reaches the other end. Im trying to come up with a mount/rig that would allow a fully kitted fs7 to be in that position without leaving any permanent damage to the location itself. the hallway is quite restrictive on space. Im willing to scrap the shot if its impossible but it fits the mood perfectly. I've considered a few methods but they add quite a few specific requirements for the location (such as two doorways placed perfectly opposite from each other, and rig a bar across the hallway at roof level) if anyone can come up with an effective method of mounting I will love you forever. Sam
  7. Hey guys, Looking to gain some insight on a rigging setup for an upcoming shoot. I have a project soon where we're going to be filming some skateboarders, probably from a pickup truck. My goal is to able to both lead them and track behind them, without having to put the truck in reverse. Trying to achieve smooth motion and would love to get low for some of the shots. I was chatting with a DP (Steve Annis) about the rig they utilized for this video: Here is the info I got from him: -all filmed out the back of a pick up truck with vibration isolator and tango head -for tracking shots: small wooden low platform on the front supported by scaff bars with Boss plate fitting He wasn't able to provide any set photos of the second rig. Does anyone have any pics of something similar? Haven't had any luck online. Just trying to wrap my head around it. Going to also reach out to a couple key grip's I've worked with. Also any idea of what this could be done for budget-wise would be helpful. Budget is low but most of it will go towards a good, safe rig to execute some of these shots. Thank you! -Ben Joyner Some frame grabs from the video:
  8. Hey all! Newer to the forums here. I'm shooting a senior thesis project coming up next weekend, and like any student project I'm trying to always up my game to the next level. We're shooting a lot of daylight exteriors, and I plan on setting up a lot of 10x's with diff to just get some more control of the light and to keep it consistently soft on close ups. My understanding of the workflow between G&E is still growing, and I was wondering what the gaffers role would be on a daylight exterior scene? It feels to me more like we would only need a KG on a day that we're just flagging, rather than creating light. Wondering if anyone could elaborate more on this.
  9. Hey Guys, This is my first post so forgive me if my format is incorrect or if I am missing information. My name is Chris and I’ve been working in film for a few years now. I started of by volunteering my time to a local production house here in Kansas and eventually I was able to turn that into profit. Being in the industry for the amount of time that i have been I have learned that the game is supposed to be sold and not told. I understand this however, I am doing my best to continue the learning process. being in a smaller market the gigs tend to reflect as such. To a degree I feel like there is no teacher like experience but where I stand is that I want to be prepared for these experiences. That being said I am considering branching of into different markets to see if there is more official training available. I already understand a lot of the basics like names of equipment, stands, how to operate stands and things of that nature but that is not to say that I’ve come across everything nor do i know each markets terminology for items. My question to you all is do you know of any official training, courses, seminars, or workshops being offered that I may be able to attend? Book recommendations would be appreciated as well. I would be interested in learning things like rigging, dolly operation, and most importantly safety. I do live in Kansas but I am willing to travel anywhere to help advance my career. Thanks! -Chris P.S. I understand the thought of working up under people and soaking up what they have to offer (thats what I have been doing). My problem with this is that people will only tell you either what they want you to know or what you need to know to get the job done.
  10. Hey guys, So I'm trying to find one of these to rent for a shoot in Savannah, GA: http://modernstudio.com/pipe-spinning-gag-58/ I've also attached a couple set photos of something similar in use during one of Alex Buono's workshops. The local rental house doesn't have it and the guys at modern studio haven't gotten back to me yet. Does anyone know of a rental house in the southeast or anywhere in the US that would ship it for me? Also -- I'm pretty sure all of those units are running to a central battery via D-tap. Am I right about that? If so I would also need a d-tap splitter to power all of the units right? Thanks so much! -Ben J
  11. Hey All, Quick rigging question. I'm shooting something that specifically requires (for reasons pertaining to the location) us to use Barger 6 lights as a spacelight system, rather than standard mole 6k socapex spacelight. Anyone have experience rigging a 6 light toppy from a lighting grid? What do I need to do this? The yoke looks like it is going to make it challenging... Thanks in advance for any wisdom!
  12. Hi, I am G/E on a short film at the end of the month. We are shooting in an old wood cabin like building. We will need to mount lights from the ceiling for our wides and to move around quickly. The ceiling is wood paneled with vigas and wood trusses. We are not allowed to screw into it and our 8" cclamps are too small for the vigas. What is the best way to mount lights to the ceiling non destructively? Thanks for the insight. Some photos of the space. https://plus.google.com/100393799422897899830/posts/HG42uqxnUJa
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