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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I'm interested in the 435 extreme for its features and I already know that the hand crank is sold separately (if you know where I can buy that, contact me) but what I'm confused about is whether the ramping effects are separate or built in, are they or are they not? And also the stop motion, is that built in or is that apart of another system lost to time?
  2. The camera was just serviced at Panavision and It is in mint condition with some cosmetic and weather scratches. Internally works perfectly. Package includes: - 4 Perf movement. - Eye cup warmer. - Eye piece extension. - IVS. - 1.85 safe TV ground glass. - 24V lamp. - Power cable. - 400' Mag - Flight case Again the package is in mint conditions. I have more photos if needed! Asking for 6000 US + shipping
  3. hello everyone. i just bought my first 35mm camera an arri 435 while i have experience with s8 and s16 cameras im learning more and more that 35mm is a whole new beast. ive been doing research on which 24v battery to buy for the 435, but the results im getting are all over the map. ive seen belts which look like a good option but it seems like those are more suited for steadycam ops? i havent seen any onboard batteries for it, do they make them? i understand that different framerates call for different amounts of power i dont think ill be shooting too much at 150 fps but it would be nice not to be limited if the moment presents itself, also can i not use the same 24v batteries that i would use for an alexa? what price range am i looking at ? thanks a lot everyone cheers!
  4. Hi everyone, i am in pre-production for the short film we will be shooting in Caucasus mountains this winter. We are shooting 35mm 5222 black and white film, and i want to get Hawk anamorphic lenses with 2x squeeze from Paris. The camera they have in a local rental is Arri 435 Xtreme (4 perf). I'm in touch with the local AC and what he says is that the camera doesn't have an anamorphic viewfinder, also it does not have anamorphic matte glass and arri glow. I'm trying to figure out how to solve this issue, maybe somebody can help me out? If the lens squeezes the image into 4:3 academy frame - then what should be the matte glass/ground glass/ gate installed inside of the camera? And if it doesn't have an anamorphic viewfinder (we are shooting steadicam anyway) - can i get an unsqueezed image on the monitor and playback just through the monitor? I would appreciate any tips and help. Thanks
  5. Camera Essentials is having a closeout sale on our film camera raincovers - the prices are awesome. Please call or email Patti at (626) 844-3722 or cameraessentials@gmail.com for more info or pix. Camera Essentials Weather Protectors: Film Camera’s (#1068) Arri 235 200’ magazine $75.00 (#1070) Arri 235 400’ magazine $78.00 (#1072) Arri 416 $125.00 (#1057) Arri 435 (1000’ zoom) $179.00 (#2249) Arricam LT (1000’ prime) $189.00 (#2244) Arricam ST prime $199.00 (#2245) Arricam ST zoom $199.00 Clear vinyl raincovers: (#z1013) Arri 35-3 1000’ prime $49.00 (#z1015) Arri 435 1000’ prime $55.00 (#z1016) Arri 435 1000’ zoom $55.00 (#z1021) Arri 535 Handheld $55.00 (#z2238) Sony F900 $55.00 (#z1023) Moviecam SL 1000’ zoom $55.00
  6. I am the DP, in pre-production for a 35mm motion picture film being shot on black and white infra red film in Israel. I am trying to find a solution for a video assist to accompany our ARRI 435. We are shooting in almost complete darkness, only with infra red light sources. I am looking for contacts or leads to individuals who may knows how to build a video assist that corresponds with the parameters of the IR stock that we are working with. If anyone has any suggestions or knows of any camera tech wizards I would be thrilled to speak with them. Please contact me directly at adiva@thenthis.org.
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