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  1. Seriously, the newsshooter comments section loves to state this by pointing to rumors or the general state of the industry then do a "huzzah! The high end camera is dead! Praises be!" Type beat song and dance but I don't know how to verify this, can anyone affirm or deny in as close to an objective manner as possible?
  2. 275 feet for $1600+! Anything vintage L.A. / Bevery Hills / CA related can go for big $$. Same with films of vintage Times Square showing the porn industry back in the day. (1970s) A film student died and left a small outtake 16mm reel of vintage Times Square and it went for about $1400. Apparently, L.A. had a Beverycrest sign in the hills, along with Hollywoodland sign, that was later shortened to Hollywood. L.A. used to have tons of storybook roofs, fairytale roofs, textured roofs, 3D roofs, Hansel & Gretel roofs around town. They had lots of names for them. This is not a great example of the textured roof design, but it reminded me of them. These are what the roofs looked like. This one just off of the Miracle Mile in 2012, near where I grew up. They usually were built up with asphalt shingles. This one was out of wood. I guess people will be going to metal roofs once CA can bans all fossil fuels. Only problem is metal roofs use a rubber membrane underneath...and it is made from crude oil as well! Photo: DDTJR Well, some rich person or institution picked it up. It could also have gone to a stock footage company that sell it to you by the second. Point is, you and me will probably never see much, if any of it. I've closed down my film Archive more or less. Not having any luck raising $ to buy a half-ass scanner, so no use adding more fuel to the fire. But if something comes up that is cheap and would make a good addition to the film Archive, I will try to pick it up. IIn the last year I've only bought a handful of films. I bid on this one, but $88.93 didn't go far in bidding. Most 16mm home movies can be bought for $15 - $35...unless the film nuts get a hard-on for it, like this one. This is the most expensive home movie I've ever seen on eBay. <><><><> Publicity photo Wolfman Jack ~ 'American Graffiti' 1973 DDTJRAC Wolfman Jack Archive.
  3. Hollywood Christmas Parade 1951 D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Just finished up cutting 40+ clips from some old newsreels. (If you want some editing practice, cut up someone else's old films. I don't need practice, it is just something I have to do.) Enjoyed seeing this clip of the parade. Hollywood was unrecognizable compared to today. Last Christmas parade I went to in Hollywood was in the late 1980's. or early 90's. Gypsy Boots brought up the rear on a bicycle from what I remember. Gypsy Boots was one of the original nature boys, that Nat King Cole sang about in a song of the same title and Kerouac alluded to in On the Road. Gypsy Boots top, left. 1948 Topanga Canyon w/ the nature boys aka the original hippies Internet: Fair Use
  4. I am making a low-budget short film in July, where the actor punches through the passenger window while another character sits in the passenger seat. They'll be multiple takes, so I want at least 10 breakaway windows. I've tested sugar glass, but it's tinted yellow. I've thought of using food coloring to try and dilute the yellow, but in case that doesn't work, I want other options. SMASH! Plastic (from smooth-on.com) looks realistic & clear. But don't want to pay $200+ for it. Is there some way I could make this plastic concoction on my own? Or another method to make smooth & clear glass under $100 for 10 windows?
  5. Purchased years ago. Provenance was Bob Monkhouse collection. https://archive.org/search.php?query=Mary+Pickford+Excerpts+Bob+Monkhouse Developed a liking for Pickford after seeing her in M'liss. Plus scanning and working with this film developed more interest in Pickford. She was something. Get a copy of Mary Pickford: Muse of the Movies from your library. Great early days Hollywood coverage. Pickford wanted to burn all her movies when she died. What a nut. She was worried people would make fun of them. OK, maybe not a nut, but just an egomaniac. David Mullen was connected with the film as well.
  6. Today In class, my teacher told me that Rivas splicer was hollywood standard. Is this true? I swear I always heard Guillotine splicer was industry standard. Is this just a preference thing? I'm curious Thanks!
  7. Hi Friends, I am professional photographer working from last 3 years and living in India. I have started doing DSLR videos a year back like events, short films, wedding films music videos & behind the scenes. I am really interested in pursuing a one/two year course in cinematography. Any1 had been to film schools for cinematography In Los Angeles.How was the experience ? Is it worth going there? I am really interested in shooting travel work. As an international student how are work opportunities in Hollywood? After graduating how long can we work there? Currently I have applied for FAMU and gonna apply for NFTS as well. I have already heard about USC CHAPMAN AND UCLA but the duration is 3 years. Need advice
  8. I'm 16 years old... Yes somewhat young but I have lots of inspiration and I'd say I'm fairly talented with multi-media. I've been learning after effects for over a year now, using it to edit Call of Duty gameplay which particularly involves VFX, Motion tracking, editing techniques(art), cinematic, time-remapping and editing of-course. It is actually very impressive how the Call of Duty editing community has mastered after effects with call of duty footage. Any of you should absolutely take the time to check out some very talented editors; if you're interested i'll refer you to some of them! It is a whole new level of editing and I'm grateful to have started with something without having to use IRL footage from a camera. I could now apply myself to IRL footage and such. I truly want to master a position in the film industry. I'm so inspired by some films and the art of cinematography mixed with editing.. Whether it's an editor, cinematographer, camera-man, or even the whole package. Whether it's to my own profit, a big company, a festival.. I want to learn all about cameras and technique just like I did for editing. Question #1: I'd like to know about what sort of education and/or diploma is needed to get a job at a big company or a big film project.. Those camera men/cinematographers who reach Hollywood; what got them there? Was it recognition and connections or was it schooling/diplomas etc. ? A few examples of cinematographers/camera men ? Question #2: What camera aspects should I look into? (I'm new to the whole thing) I have done some research on the Panasonic Lumix GH3 and came to mind that there are so many features and aspects to reconsider before I buy a camera, a film maker uses that camera and there's a very nice outcome (a slight panoramic, film looking, well toned).. References to some books, youtubers or links would be great. That's it for now... I hope I'm not asking for too much, I guess I could tell I'm pretty passionate about this lol. Thanks ! John from MTL, QC
  9. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/steven-spielberg-predicts-implosion-film-567604 Spielberg said. "That's the big danger, and there's eventually going to be an implosion or a big meltdown. There's going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe even a half-dozen megabudget movies are going to go crashing into the ground, and that's going to change the paradigm."
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