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Found 10 results

  1. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F303584655787
  2. Perfect conditions! Regular import with box and genuine Sekonic pouch. Asking price is €850 If you don't have an EU or UK VIES enabled VAT ID I have to apply local VAT.
  3. Hello, When you are metering a scene, do you meter for the camera's dynamic range, or for the 6 stops in SDR or the 13+ stops in HDR? For instance, if your camera has 6 stops of highlight dynamic range, and 8 stops of shadow dynamic range, do you keep everything in your scene between those 14 stops or do you keep everything in between the lets say 6 stops of standard dynamic range? I hope this question makes sense! Thanks in advanced to anyone who can help! - Matt
  4. Minolta Colour Meter 2 for sale - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301985597261?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  5. Hi, I'm new to the forum, so I'm sure that my question -- in typical "noob" fashion -- will be an obvious one; I'll ask it, nonetheless. As a young, aspiring cinematographer, I was recently advised by an experienced DoP to invest in a light meter, which I have done. I've found, however, that my readings will differ between incident and spot; the former tending to have my exposure higher than the latter. I know the difference between incident and reflected light, but am I incorrect to presume that the readings should be the same regardless? Or, am I in fact taking the readings wrongs all together? For spot metering, I will stand where my camera is and aim at the subject's face. For incident metering, I will place the meter in front of the subject, with the lumisphere facing my light source: in the provided example, the light was to the left of the subject's (my mother) face. So, I'm just looking for a bit of feedback regarding my metering techniques. What's the better option? Where should I be aiming the lumisphere when taking a reading? Where should I be aiming the spot? Thank you in advanced, Thomas.
  6. Hey there, having a hard time deciding on one of these spot meters. Would love to hear your thoughts/experiences as I'm planning to get my first SM, using it on a few upcoming film projects. Thanks for your advice!
  7. Looking for an iPhone/iPad mobile app that can give me relatively accurate spot color temperature metering. Any good ones out there? Which ones do you use?
  8. Okay I have basic skills with a light meter, I can operate a film cameras and Dslrs and so on. My questions is this. Say Im sat in a park doing a shot of two people sat on a bench, The weather is sunny with clouds and in the golden hour so not directly above, They are sat in partial shade and I will be using a reflector to bounce some soft fill. Do I take an incident reading from my actors faces and use that reading for my F stop Would this effect the exposure of the sky. As much as I have searched I have not found a decent tutorial anywhere that doesn't include Lighting, Seeing as I have access to reflectors only these don't really answer my questions. I ask mainly as I don't want to waste a ton of film before I get half a grip of what light Im putting in the camera. Sorry if there is a thread on this already. Im probably over confusing my brain. many thanks in advance
  9. Hi everyone Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I'm real new to forums. I have a krasnogorsk k3 and I understand the onboard light meter is not to be trusted. I have looked at many light meters but they all seam far to advanced for my needs I know at 24 frames per second the shutter speed is 1/60th So I only really need to know the f stop right ? So my question is is there a light meter you can recommend that Perhaps any of you use ? Many thanks in advance, Cheers Dave from the uk (It always rains here)
  10. I was given an old Minolta Flash Meter III. It is without batteries and after researching, I have found that I am beyond confused. Every search I do gives me contradictory information. Could someone familiar with this light meter point me to exactly what I need to power this thing? So far I read that this works... http://www.jr.com/energizer/pe/ENR_A544BP/ But that this works... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Minolta-Flash-Meter-III-Silver-Oxide-Batteries-x6-/180692143409?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27%26meid%3D4825571714958730983%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D1011%26rk%3D3%26sd%3D121002435600%26 Which doesn't help me bcause it's overseas so I'd need to find the same here. Some say lithium is ok. Some say no way, it'll ruin the meter, stick with silver. I'm pulling my hair out. Sorry if I seem confused. I would love to go down to the nearest drug store or Wal-Mart or supermarket and just buy the battery I need.
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