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Found 17 results

  1. Recently checked at Panavision Australia, clean bill of health. Purchased 2017, used on a couple of jobs and never rented. Fantastic condition with most recent /i data. Sigma ceramic clear filters included and have been on since purchase. $9000 USD / each Will entertain offers if purchased together. Can ship worldwide or arrange pickup LA / SYD
  2. W.T.B. Cooke S4i 65mm Lens Send info. to sales@broadcastsolutions.com
  3. For Sale : Cooke S4i 180mm T2 Prime PL Mount Lens Price : $9,000 US Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for details.
  4. Set Includes: 18,25,32,40,50,65,75,100,135mm Excellent Condition Selling Price : $45,000.00 Pics Upon Request
  5. Cooke Mini S4/i Lens Set 18,25,32,50,75,&100mm (Feet) Zeiss B Speed T 1.4 (PL Mount) Lens Set GL Optics Leica-R (PL Mount) Lens Set re-housed Alexa Mini Package (without licenses) Kowa Anamorphic Lens Set
  6. Dear Friends, We have a brand new Cooke S4i 12mm lens for sales. Please contact us by filmtech@foxmail.com if you are interested! We also have lots of used professional film/digital equipement(camera+lens), or high price performance lighting+grip, supplied from Aisa for you. Please don't hesitate to ask us if you have any inquiry!!!
  7. Hello, Set of CookeS4i for sale: -Set of 5: - cooke S4i/18 18 mm lens footage cooke S4i/32 32 mm lens footage cooke S4i/50 50 mm lens footage cooke S4i/75 75 mm lens footage cooke S4i/100 100 mm lens footage -New in box -Available now - Price: 75000€ Negotiable Please if interested send me an email at zaarour.joelle@gmail.Com Thank you
  8. hello we are interested in buying standard 5-7 lense set of Cooke S4 preferable (can be Cooke S4i as well) only good condition. No scratched or damaged lenses offer please. Preferable in EU (European Union) or Europe, but all offers welcome. We are located in prague czech republic, with branch in US. looking forward for info - condition, photos, mechanics, optics, location, price excl tax/incl tax. you can reach me at klimpar@vonkuttenberg.com or +420777174155 (imessage, phone, whatsapp)
  9. WTB Cooke S4i 150mm Lens (Imperial) ASAP. Send pricing and details to sales@broadcastsolutions.com.
  10. Urgently need a single Cooke S4i or S4 new or used.Imperial Please call Fred at +1 323 328 0681 Fred Salaff CEO FJS International LLC 2000-2 Harrison St. Hollywood, Florida, Fl 33020, USA www.fjsinternational.com fred@fjsinternational.com Tel:+1.323.328.0681
  11. Looking To Purchase New Or Pre-Owned Cooke S4/i 180mm prime T2.0 Lens. Imperial Please send details to sales@broadcastsolutions.com
  12. For Sale : JUST LISTED (PRE-OWNED) : Cooke S4i Set Includes:14/16/18/21/25/32/40/50/65/75/100/135/180/300mm Cooke S4i Mini Lens Set 18/25/32/40/50/75/100/135mm Excellent Condition Lomo Anamorphic 35/50/75mm Round Front Just Serviced Lomo Anamorphic 50/75mm Just Serviced Zeiss S16 High Speed Set Includes: 6/8/9/5/12/14/18/25/50mm Metric Just Serviced BRAND NEW Fujinon 20-120 T3.5 PL Mount Cabrio Lens With Original Box CINEMA LENSES: Leica Summilux-C Prime Lenses Set of 12 Includes: 16/18/ 21/ 25/ 29/ 35/ 40/ 50/ 65/ 75/ 100/135mm T1.4. Cooke Optics Speed Panchro Prime Lens Set 18/25/32/40/50/75mm Re-Housed Zeiss 14mm Standard Prime T2.1 Lens Zeiss 35mm CP2 Super Speed Lens Zeiss 18mm CP.2 T3.6 CF 12" Prime Lens Angenieux Optimo 16-42mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 30-80mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 17-80mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 45-120mm Zoom Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 30-80 Zoom Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 15.5-45mm Zoom Lens Fujinon Cabrio 19-90 V1 Zoom Lens Fujinon Cabrio 19-90 V2 Zoom Lens Canon CN-E 30-300mm Lens Red 18-85mm Lens Red 18-50mm Lens Red Pro Prime Set (6) Lenses Cooke Varotal 18-100mm T3 MKII Zoom Lens Cooke Varotal 25-250mm T3.9 MKII Zoom Lens Cooke Varotal 20-100 Zoom T 3.1 CAMERAS: ARRI Alexa XT Plus Camera Package ARRI Alexa Plus 4:3 Camera Package ARRI Alexa Plus 16:9 Camera Packages ARRI Alexa EV 16:9 Camera Packages ARRI Alexa-M 4:3 Camera Package Red Epic Dragon Package Red Epic Camera Package Vision Research Miro Package Vision Research Phantom Flex 2K 32GB Package Sony PMW-F5 Camera Packages Low Hours Panasonic AJ-HPX 3700 Camera Canon C300 EF Mount Camera Package GRIP TRUCK Chevrolet 2008 5 Ton Diesel Truck 169K Miles 60" Liftgate w/Tilt & Pig Tail Control System Includes Grip & Lighting Package Email for the details. Looking To Purchase: Preowned Arri Amiri Packages Arri Alexa Mini Packages Arri 416 Camera Packages Zeiss Master Primes Zeiss B Speeds 18mm & 50mm Arri Ultra Primes 16,24,32,50,85 & 135mm Arri Alura 18-80 Lens Arri Alura 45-250 Lens Zeiss 16mm,40mm & 135mm Standard Speed Angenieux Optimo 24-290
  13. Cooke S4i lenses For Sale (Pre-Owned) Set Includes : 14/16/18/21/25/32/40/50/65/75/100/135/180/300mm 300mm comes with it's own case with lens support and 2x extender and 1.4x extender All mint & serviced. (300mm has never been used) Cases Included Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  14. Selling two of my lens sets, Im owner, not broker. please PM if interested, we can deal by a broker if need. cooke s4/i 14/18/21/25/27/32/40/50/65/75/100/135/180 USD 198k or a little more using broker hawk C 40/50/75/100 USD 92.5k or a little more using broker thats it =) best Gabriel
  15. Hi I have the option to use either the cooke mini s4i or the Zeiss Master Zoom 16.5-110mm. The camera that I will be using is the Arri Alexa XT Studio. Can you guys help me choose by informing me about the pros and cons of one over the other? Just by going through the specs I have noticed that the master zooms are really really heavy (12.5kg!) so a steadicam/movi shot seems out of the equation. If anyone here has used both they can possibly share their experiences. Cheers!
  16. Hello guys, SK4 + BMPCC I am wondering if the Cooke SK4 lenses are working well on the BMPCC(Blackmagic Pocket Cinema camera). I look forward to rent a 9.5mm or a 12mm T2 Cooke SK4 lens. I was wondering if someone has used this setup before and if they can confirm if there is a problem or maybe a benefit to this setup. I would test it my self but they are rented out for now so thats no option. I would love to see some footage so I can see for my self if it is a good choice to use it for a film. I am especialy curiouse what it does to people and their skin tones and the effect it has on there face. S4I + BMPCC Also I wonder if people used the 14mm T2 35mm-lens with the BMPCC. I have a feeling it will lose thier feel in the out of focus area when used on a Pocket camera. Would love to hear what you guys think. Footage would be great of course. Thank you for your time, Daniel
  17. I am looking to sell my set of 5 Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime lenses which have only been used for testing and are virtually brand new. Comes with orinal Zeiss boxes and warranty. Great set with some gorgeous focal lenghts not usually found in the standard set. 16mm T1.9 28mm T1.9 40mm. T1.9 65mm T1.9 100mm T1.9 Located in Los Angeles. Thank you!
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