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Help! Super 16 conversion problem

John Walbolt

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Hey I converted my K3 to super 16 and I think I put it back together slightly wrong. The scan came back jumping all over the place and there is some light leaking in on the side. Does anyone know what could cause this or how I could fix it?


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So the jumping is very common with the K3. The ones I've owned (I've had 2 actually) the film did not fit well in the gate at all. The rails are fixed, with no lateral pressure on the film. If the pressure plate doesn't fit perfectly and hold the film in place, nothing really does. So what I did was polish the shit out of the pressure plate and increase the spring pressure. That way the film is held by something and it did help the issue. Also, those stupid loop formers need to be removed. Not sure what the light leak is, but I would assume it's from the door or the footage counter, which is very prone to leaking. Maybe nicked that when doing the S16 conversion. The seal sucks and it generally flashes the film like that. 

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  • Premium Member

Did you shoot anything before converting it? Could be the jumping and light leak were already issues. Have you removed the loopformers?

The film records upside down, so a leak on the right is left side in-camera, so probably the door.

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