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This kid has Landon and Daniel beat...

Nathan Milford

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

I'm not green....


Buy hey that kids just got given the chance... People like Landon and I have to get out there and earn it for ourselves.


Landon, we're meeting up, and we're gonna kick some serious butt...


As I said. I'm not green whatsoever.. (little g....)

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People like Landon and I have to get out there and earn it for ourselves.


Seems he already has:


Starting at the tender age of four, he has already acted in 24 regional feature films and has starred in 1,000 episodes of a hit Kannada-language soap opera on television.
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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

I know actors and actresses better than Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, but they don't get to star in one of the biggest films of all time.


Anyway I'm just gonna shutup now because I'm just jealous. Beaten to it by a 10 year old... dammit.

Edited by Daniel J. Ashley-Smith
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Buy hey that kids just got given the chance... People like Landon and I have to get out there and earn it for ourselves.



yeah and it's totally unfair how he was born in the world's richest country with access to the best technology, while you guys were born in the US, a third world country.

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Geez! I just read about another kid, 9 years old in Malibu, directing his first 35mm short, starring himself and Kevin Bacon. Also, he's worked with Steven Spielberg and several other big names.


crazy stuff, man, crazy...


Who could be jealous? Why, they're downright adorable.


Heh, but seriously -- that's amazing. I wouldn't have been ready to direct at 9 or 10. I don't think I would have even desired it. My life's own path has brought me to where I'm pursuing directing and I don't feel that I've gotten a late start or anything when I see kids half my age doing it. Did they "beat me to it?" Heck, beat me to what? To telling a story? I've told plenty of stories. Did they beat me to recognition and a big budget? Well, yes, but that's not neccissarily what I'm in it for.

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith
yeah and it's totally unfair how he was born in the world's richest country with access to the best technology, while you guys were born in the US, a third world country.

Yeh, with thousands of other people attempting to do the same thing, not letting us get a word in edgeways.

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Yeh, with thousands of other people attempting to do the same thing, not letting us get a word in edgeways.


this may be news to you, but living in a region or country with a lot of production going on only helps you. there are more rental shops, post houses, film labs, people willing to work on your project for the experience, etc.. and film/video equipment costs several times less, relative to income for us in the US and UK (cameras cost the same in new dehli as they do in minneapolis, even though they only make like $5000 a year). honestly, if you wanna make a movie you really have no excuse nowadays because of dv and hdv. just be glad it isn't 1990 and your options are basically shoot on film, finish on film (lab costs galore) or shoot on crummy-looking video and try to figure out a way to get access to expensive video editing equipment and then (even more difficult) try to get someone to respect your project that was shot on video.


in my experience, i've met two kinds of aspiring directors/filmmakers... ones who really wanna make their films and are willing to do the work necessary to make that happen, and those who really just care about being able to walk around and tell people "i'm a director-- i made a film".


needless to say, the latter have gotten nowhere. except for the ones with trust funds who hired skilled professionals to make their film appear.

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Guest Daniel J. Ashley-Smith

He got a lucky break as an actor from a young age, which enabled him to do what he is doing. With his kind of wealth and contacts he can do anything he likes.


I have virtually no contacts who work in the big time, I can't afford to go buying loads of DVD's or visit the cinemas often.


Third world country or not that kid's richer than me and has a far bigger advantage.


But, fair play to him. He's done well. A 10 year old directing a 35mm feature length film is pretty amazing stuff.

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What a dumb thread.


Who cares how old this kid is?


"Genious" ? Let's see that film first. Might be a piece of garbage.


I've never seen a more sorry bunch than the older members of this board who go out of their way to bash and humiliate a bunch of teenagers.


You have no idea how inspiring your jealousy is.



Edited by TSM
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Guest Film Idaho

Being a filmmaking teenager isn?t all that bad. But we are only limited by what we have before us. We can?t just waltz in studios and beg for money. We have to earn it ourselves find/buy our own equipment etc.


I like what I produce and knowing that I did it all by myself makes the pay off ever sweeter. :D


As for it being a race I look at it like this: we will be miles ahead of the pack when/if we go to film school. We will have some real experience and had already made mistakes that I would rather make now then later in my professional life.


Just some food for thought.


-Alex Mason


P.S. Thanks to Kodak for the 30% student film discount it makes a world of a difference. Even thought they don?t have to give it to high school students they do anyways.

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All I meant is that you get there when you get there and if you are persistent, you will make progress; this has nothing to do with age or the speed at which different people learn different things. Not to discredit your accomplishments, I'm just saying that sometimes, the only thing that will really dictate a person's success is the process itself and not how fast they got there.


By the way, Phil, I know about the mortgage thing and am confident that I can handle it. And no, I don't know how long it will take for me to hit a point where I can live comfortably and successfully, but I know it will happen!


I'm not trying to be cynical to the younger filmmakers on here. I think what you're doing is great. But just a heads-up: you might be less prepared for film school than you think, simply because in film school, other people are going to tell you what to do and you will have to work even harder to get something out of it. Or you could just decide NOT to go to film school, which is a feasible option as well. You know, I thought I'd already gotten every "film school" mistake in the book out of my system and then I got out onto a real set. I did not make any mistakes and actually did very well for myself, but I was acutely aware that this was a different world from what I was used to and it didn't matter what I already knew, because I was on these people's turf and not in my previous comfort zone. It's an adjustment and the only way to know it is to experience it...and again, time will tell. Having said this, I wish you the best of luck and I have a feeling you will succeed in whatever you choose to do, because if you're this into it now, and you stick with it, you're gonna be hardcore in another 10 years!

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  • Premium Member
Heh, but seriously -- that's amazing. I wouldn't have been ready to direct at 9 or 10.

I find this story a bit ridiculous, because directing a film is not something that you pick up just like that. Unlike some other arts where one can have precocious child prodigies (like music, chess, maths), filmmaking falls in the same category as writing and painting where one needs to have a certain experience to make something good.

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  • Premium Member
I find this story a bit ridiculous, because directing a film is not something that you pick up just like that. Unlike some other arts where one can have precocious child prodigies (like music, chess, maths), filmmaking falls in the same category as writing and painting where one needs to have a certain experience to make something good.


Also, exceptions don't prove the rule. Prodigy stories are cute -- journalists love them -- but they don't get around the fact that for most of us, it's a lifelong learning effort involving a lot of hard work and disciple, combined with luck.


I suspect that one could hire someone in a coma to direct a movie, and assuming you hired the right surrounding talent in front and behind the camera, and had enough money, something professional and competent would result. Truth is that I've been on a few features where the only weak link was the director! The AD and I would look at each other and think "gee, we might actually have a good day of shooting if only the director called-in sick..."

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  • Premium Member
John Landis said that if you can drive a car, you can direct a movie.


Film directing is incidentally extremely overrated. A monkey could do it. Provided that the cast and crew on the page.




Unfortunatey many people who bought mini DV cameras believe what you are saying!



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Would it be wrong to assume that very highly experienced crews frequently end up carrying wunderkind, new kid, fashion of the moment directors?


I had got this impression. There's been a good few action movies recently - I won't name names - which have been directed by absolute nobodies. Okay, so that sort of genre movie tends to be fairly generic anyway, but there's a sort of professional-but-rote going through of the motions that seems to happen and it is detectable in the finished product.



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  • Premium Member
What a dumb thread.


Who cares how old this kid is?


"Genious" ? Let's see that film first. Might be a piece of garbage.


I've never seen a more sorry bunch than the older members of this board who go out of their way to bash and humiliate a bunch of teenagers.


You have no idea how inspiring your jealousy is.





http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=joke ;)

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