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R.I.P Steve Irwin

Dajan Bozanic

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Also, J-H, many Eisenstein movies were filmed with French cine-cameras.


& the French were also pioneers in anamorhosis.



Henri Chretien! The astronomer with a gift for innovation.... Yes! My People! :lol:


I almost always disagree with "their"(whatever that means) politics but, deep down, my French sensabilities flourish. Very bourgeois...Although not in the Marxist sense. Yes, I am a capitalist, however I prefer the term used in a way that expresses the half-lazy, contemplative, middleclass book-worm with an appetite for coffee and tea, all the while surrounded by a modest dwelling. On top of that, I'm a third German and a scorpio. :unsure:


hehe, that sounds like an advert for a dating classified! Anyone...? J/K :rolleyes:

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No! They eat miners? And to think there's no coal shortage. As far as eating children goes, I believe it was Johnathan Swift who wrote "A Modest Proposal." Being that some of Ireland is in the UK I think that makes you more prone to eat children.


Anyway, there should be a 10-page limit in the Off-Topic section.



AAAARGH, no, I mean Minors, as in little kids.


Matthew Buick


P.S Jon-Herbert-Barto, you're an idiot.

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They are much more prevalent than you think, you have not watched US news coverage on this issue. Did you read what one of your fellow Americans wrote in this thread about his high school experience? Look don't take it from me, listen to your people, or just open your eyes. One or the other.


"you forgot the shootings, stabbings, drug deals, drinking, fights, and collectively low IQ of the students which I had to put up with every day for four years. I think the problem is on the parenting side, not the government side. Throwing money at the system won't cange the behavior of the students or make the parents care."-David Sweetman


That was David's expirence, mine was very different and I went to school in the 70's when thing were MUCH worse. I'm sure there are some Ex-Canadian Highschoolers that would tell you their expirence was akin to 4 years in the bowels of Hell. The one thing American news agencies do well is sensationalize the news. They are in the BUSINESS of selling newspapers after all (what was it William Randolf Hurst said, give me the picturesa and I'll give you the story.) or in the case broadcast media, advertise spots, so there's little doubt what you've seen are HIGHTEN examples of a problem. My eyes are always open and I use them to see beyond the hype to the reality of the situation. Maybe you should try that.


Ok so you invade Iraq, make it worse than it was under Hussein, then you leave the poor buggers to rot. Gee great plan. Does this mean there will be no ticker tape parade in New York to celebrate America's victory in Iraq?


I'm not defending Bush's war. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. In Vietnam, we didn't have a clear cut defined goal and therefore the war drug on until the American people FINALLY demanded our withdrawal from a conflict in which WE NEVER LOST A MAJOR BATTLE. They rightly saw it as a waste of life and effort because there's NO WAY to win a war when you haven't defined WHAT winning is. The Bush administaition lied to the American people to get them into a war for which there was no plan for the aftermath and no respect or understanding of the culture in which the war would be fought. They are now relearning the lesson of not planning and having clear cut goal again at a VERY high price for that education. MAYBE this time they'll learn. One note though, as bad as it is in Iraq, it's infinately better than it was under Hussein. So NO, probably no ticker tape parade in New York, but at least the Iranians have the CHANCE to change their lives and that is something.


News flash, the USA SIGNED the Geneva Convention, that means you are obligated to follow it even when your enemies are not signatories. Sorry but it's all spelled out quite clearly in the Geneva Convention.


I'm not condoning what they did, but I UNDERSTAND why they did it. We SHOULD try to be better than our enemies or what's the point of calling America the city on the hill, which is why those soldiers were courtmarshalled and sentenced. But given the extreme provocation, brutality and inhumanity of the terrorist acts committed, I couldn't guarentee that I wouldn't have done the same or even worse if put in their situation. I'd like to THINK I could rise above my anger and hatred, but I can't guarentee it and that is a most sobering thought.


Yes and then American soldiers turn around and shoot innocent civilians in cold blood. How many investigations into this are on-going right now? The death penalty is being recommended for some US soldiers involved in this practice.


American soldies DO NOT " turn around and shoot innocent civilians in cold blood." and if some renegade element DID do that, I WOULD volounteer to be on the firing squad the exicuted them. You seem to have some warped sense of our military. I live about 2000 yards from one of the biggest military bases in the country, Ft. Bliss. I know a lot of these guys and gals. They are professionals. They don't have the equilalent of Nazi Death squads anywhere in the United States Army. I know, I woulda heard something. In a war there are always barbaric acts and war crimes. In Vietnam there was My lai. It happens. American soldiers are there because thier government sent them there and they do their best to engraciate themselves with the people they're dealing with, after all, it's HARD to get information and help from people your massecuring is't it? I swear, Richie, I donb't know where you come up with this stuff!


You can still own a gun, you're more than welcome to live here and own one.


Yes I'm sure after a riggerous and thorough investigation by your government and filling out enough paperwork to spell the demise of a small forest, you can with MAJOR restrictions own a gun. but see here in the US if I go to all THAT trouble I CAN own a fully automatic machine gun, so I'll stay in the good ol' US of A


As for the weather, I'll bet you'd be surprised to hear that the USA gets more snowfall each year than Canada does, true fact. But what a silly thing to comment on, Minnesota and NY, are not exactly balmy in January and Americans choose to live there.


Well there ya go, Canada DOES have some good points then doesn't it. B)

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The real problem is that Coronation Street is getting a bit boring, fix that, and the UK will be number one again.

Coronation Street? That was boring right from the beginning.


I personally think the Australians make the best dramas.


English dramas consist of Grant Mitchell beating people up in the queen vic.

American dramas consist of the un-funniest humour on this planet. (And worst canned laughter ever.)

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I thought you where done?


As a final note on this:


"One note though, as bad as it is in Iraq, it's infinately better than it was under Hussein. So NO, probably no ticker tape parade in New York, but at least the Iranians have the CHANCE to change their lives and that is something. "


You realize your forces are in Iraq, not Iran, they are two different countries. Of course that could all change if the USA invades Iran in the coming months. Maybe Canada should invade the USA and give Americans a chance to change their lives, i.e. every one will have health insurance and 50 million Americans will not be left with no coverage like the present situation. You want to see paper work? Go into an American hospital and get treatment! If your illness doesn't kill you, the paper work will.


Plus what do we do with the flood of American seniors coming to Canada daily to buy prescription drugs? Why can't they buy them in the good ol' USA as you call it, these seniors seem a little disloyal to America buying all their drugs here. Some states now buy 100% of their drugs from Canada in an effort to cut costs for their gov't employees.


And why would you need a fully automatic machine gun? Next the NRA will want personal ownership of ICBMs.



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USA brand pharma's pass on the R&D cost to its own citizens. Nice of the bastards...My mom was telling me that even the German name brand pharma's are getting cheaper....of course the Fed Gov could do something about this but the Republican voters think of it as a form of "socializing" the industry. And as stupid as it may seem, that word alone scare the begeezus out of Americans, both libs and cons. Of course price control has nothing to do with "socialized medicine" in terms of what they(republicans) want the people to beleave. It's really all screwed up. Some even claim USA companies' product would suffer by intervention on its pricing policies, which is absolute hogwash. Watch, I bet someone will chime in with the same,..."but there are cost controls already in place..." routine....Again, hogwash.


As far as the NRA....Its actually funny, the more I feel Bush is screwing up, the more I support them, and "gun" freedoms. I know it sounds backwards...but if the fit ever hit the shan..... :lol: J/K

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Plus what do we do with the flood of American seniors coming to Canada daily to buy prescription drugs? Why can't they buy them in the good ol' USA as you call it, these seniors seem a little disloyal to America buying all their drugs here. Some states now buy 100% of their drugs from Canada in an effort to cut costs for their gov't employees.

*sigh,* I can't believe I let myself be dragged into this thread again. Because see there's this whole thing called economics. It takes a lot of money to develop treatments. Companies in America develop treatments. They then have to make that money back to fund the continual development of new treatments or else they lose money and go bankrupt. Canadians just knock off the medicines that America develops, so they have no R&D costs to recouperate and can sell them for much cheaper. If America operated the way Canada does in this respect, the forward progress of science would take a serious hit.

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Mr. Beverly is always using the word "we", like if he´d won 1st & 2nd world war, lost the Vietnam-war

and started a useless killing spree in Iraq.


Before I forget it, J.S. Beverly - I can agree to Richard`s overall statement that Steve Irwin´s general behaviour was irresponsible BUT disagree the way Richard expressed his opinion - this is an open forum and quite some people were pissed off. But now I understand, you´re the same kind of person like the POTUS - a black-and-white painter.

Yeah, I remember, axis of weasel, freedom-fries, freedom-toast and other silly, childish stupidities, brought to you by the USA, former super-power.


I´m in Germany ( not defending / praising this country nor my native over an other one ) and I´d like to know from you canadians ( Richard ? ) who visited the US if the majority of their people behave like this specimen. I thought that was some type of cliché.


By the way, still wonder how this thread could shift so far from it´s topic.



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Cliche? Perhaps stereotype.... All stereotypes stem from some kind of "truth". Like our stereotypes regarding Euro(peons) :lol: , namely the French. I've been to Canada and it actually surprised me how much it was like America. As a matter of fact, the worst white trash I've ever seen was in western Canada. Mind you I've been through Kentucky, Miss., etc. All the watering wholes....I was young but I remember thinking,"ahh. They have them here,too..." I felt warm inside. Happy. Just my level. Like "specimens".


Yes, threads do tend to fall off topic when they reach 11 pages and counting....

A friend told me the Discovery channel has been showing a Croc Hunter marathon! Not to mention the ebay storm of Croc merch...weird. "...this dude is dead! Lets buy collectors items!..." :blink: This says more about my country than the Iraq War, IMHO.


correction to previous post: beleive

Edited by Jon-Hebert Barto
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Canadians just knock off the medicines that America develops, so they have no R&D costs to recouperate and can sell them for much cheaper. If America operated the way Canada does in this respect, the forward progress of science would take a serious hit.


As we say in Canada, EH?


Can you link to a single piece of credible on-line evidence to support this theory?


Actually Canadian drug prices are lower in Canada because the government here imposes price controls, like every other industrialized nation on the planet does. Your assertation that Canada knocks off US prescription drugs is pure poppy cock. You think Canada is a third world toilet that has no repsect for drug pattents?


I suppose every time an American uses insulin the USA is ripping off Canada, since insulin was discovered in Canada and used by millions of Americans. Do you know how much Canadian made flu vaxine the US imports from Canada every year? The US can't make enough to supply its own needs so Canadian drug companies often make up the shortfall.


Here's a link to the AARP's page on why Canadian drug prices are lower, no mention in this article about Canada ripping off drug patents:




If you have information to the contrary let's see it.



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I thought you where done?


Not Quite, as I said, I DO have other things in my life going on. But don't ley me stop you if your getting tired. B)


You realize your forces are in Iraq, not Iran, they are two different countries. Of course that could all change if the USA invades Iran in the coming months.


Sorry about that. Late night miss-spelling or maybe a Fruidian slip I'm not too sure. It's hard to consentrate on 4 hours sleep. Now I know how a zombie feels.


As far as invading Iran goes, after having nothing but trouble with those idiots ever sense the late 70's I'm leaning more and more towards parking a Trident in the Gulf of Oman just off shore from those beautiful fun-filled Iranian beaches and turning the whole freakin' place into a radioactive ember the minute they cut the ribbon on that unrainium enrichment reactor of theirs. BUT that's just my opinion.


Maybe Canada should invade the USA and give Americans a chance to change their lives,


You could TRY it. I don't really give you very good odds but MAYBE you could get lucky, like a group of Girl Scouts armed with cookies happens to be guarding our northern boarders that particular day. Can the Canadian army take on a group of Girl Scouts? I mean they'll be armed with cookies and the limon ones are pretty hard. If they throw them just right your guys might be in trouble.


i.e. every one will have health insurance and 50 million Americans will not be left with no coverage like the present situation. You want to see paper work? Go into an American hospital and get treatment! If your illness doesn't kill you, the paper work will.


Actually, That one I can't argue with.


Plus what do we do with the flood of American seniors coming to Canada daily to buy prescription drugs? Why can't they buy them in the good ol' USA as you call it, these seniors seem a little disloyal to America buying all their drugs here. Some states now buy 100% of their drugs from Canada in an effort to cut costs for their gov't employees.


Well after CONSIDERABLE pressure, drug companies here have inacted programs to help seniors afford thier drugs if they can't otherwise. American companies WILL do the right thing if you put an exorbident amount of pressure on them. Actually I believe the greatest threat to this nation isn't the Chinese or the Iranians or even North Korean. The greatest threat to this nation is unrestained capitalizm. There seems to be NO morality in business (if there ever was) now a days and it's something we are going to have to eventually deal with. Also campaign finance reform will do more for demacracy then all the flag-waving an ever do. We're not wothout problems the way Canada is :rolleyes: but we're TRYING to become as enlightend as you guys are.


And why would you need a fully automatic machine gun?


Because they're FUN!


Next the NRA will want personal ownership of ICBMs.


THAT WOULD BE SOOOO COOL. I'll bring it up at the next meeting. My OWN Minuteman II! NEATO! Maybe I'll go the nastalga route instead and get a Titian instead. Liquid fuel so rocks.

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Mr. Beverly is always using the word "we", like if he´d won 1st & 2nd world war, lost the Vietnam-war

and started a useless killing spree in Iraq.

OK I admit it. I DIDN'T win WWII ALL by my self but the other 3 were all me Baby!


Before I forget it, J.S. Beverly - I can agree to Richard`s overall statement that Steve Irwin´s general behaviour was irresponsible BUT disagree the way Richard expressed his opinion - this is an open forum and quite some people were pissed off. But now I understand, you´re the same kind of person like the POTUS - a black-and-white painter.

I LOVE that POTUS guy....and BTW I would NEVER want to infringe on your right to speak your mind no matter HOW wrong you might be. As a great AMERICAN once said-"I may not agree with what you have to say but I will defend to the DEATH rour right to say it!"


Yeah, I remember, axis of weasel, freedom-fries, freedom-toast and other silly, childish stupidities, brought to you by the USA, former super-power.


We ARE a silly lot aren't we. Freedom Fries...Makes ne luagh and actually if it weren't for the fact that we have the largest economy, the most powerful military and the highest standard of living in the WORLD that MAKES us the last of the Super-powers to still be in existance, I might laugh even harder at our silliness. BTW I had a whole thing to do on the word "Axis" but I don't want to get another 3 days of sitting in the corner so I'll let it go.


By the way, still wonder how this thread could shift so far from it´s topic.


If you read the thread, you'll see exactly how Richies twisted rants got us off topic, huh Richie.



As far as the NRA....Its actually funny, the more I feel Bush is screwing up, the more I support them, and "gun" freedoms. I know it sounds backwards...but if the fit ever hit the shan..... :lol: J/K


THAT'S why the put that poop in the Constitution. Revolution, BABY B)

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"If you read the thread, you'll see exactly how Richies twisted rants got us off topic, huh Richie."


There is an old saying James, it takes two to make an argument. Did I put a gun to your head and force you to post, or did you choose to of your own free will?


"As far as invading Iran goes, after having nothing but trouble with those idiots ever sense the late 70's I'm leaning more and more towards parking a Trident in the Gulf of Oman just off shore from those beautiful fun-filled Iranian beaches and turning the whole freakin' place into a radioactive ember the minute they cut the ribbon on that unrainium enrichment reactor of theirs."


This is exactly what Bill Maher meant when he called Americans cowards for lobbing in cruise missles from off shore at foreign countries. Even more chilling was George Bush on the news telling a reporter that the USA would go into Pakistan if they knew Bin Laden was there even though the Pakistan gov't has forbidden US troops on their soil.


"You could TRY it. I don't really give you very good odds but MAYBE you could get lucky, like a group of Girl Scouts armed with cookies happens to be guarding our northern boarders that particular day. Can the Canadian army take on a group of Girl Scouts? I mean they'll be armed with cookies and the limon ones are pretty hard. If they throw them just right your guys might be in trouble. "


Actually man for man Canadian soldiers are by far the best in the world. 1000 Canadian soldiers would wipe out 1000 American soldiers in an afternoon. Canadian troops have proven themselves in battle over and over again. With what Canada pays its soldiers and the pathetic support they receive from the public here you have to be really dedicated to want to be a soldier in this country. Unlike the USA people don't join the military here because of the benefits, there are none. I forget how many times Canadian fighter pilots have won the Top Gun trophy at the school Tom Cruise made famous.


Canada leads the NATO forces in Southern Afghanistan where most of the fighting is going on. Canada is also suffering the highest casualty rate in Afghanistan right now, but our boys have killed into the thousands of Taliban.



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Actually man for man Canadian soldiers are by far the best in the world. 1000 Canadian soldiers would wipe out 1000 American soldiers in an afternoon. Canadian troops have proven themselves in battle over and over again. With what Canada pays its soldiers and the pathetic support they receive from the public here you have to be really dedicated to want to be a soldier in this country. Unlike the USA people don't join the military here because of the benefits, there are none. I forget how many times Canadian fighter pilots have won the Top Gun trophy at the school Tom Cruise made famous.







Ummmm, no. You are wrong. British SAS. Russian commandos. Gurkhas. French Foreign Legion.



Best prepared, best trained, etc, etc, is all well and good until you actually start fighting. Our soldiers do pretty well when politics doesn't get in the way. We are losing Iraq and lost Viet Nam becuase politicians want to pick bombing sites and select tactics over strategy first. Stupid suit monkeys!!! I would argue that our military school of strategy is on par with that of the old Prussians. Again, politics misshapes everything. Like a cancerous cell attacking something pure. Bush and Rumsfeld are not what I'd call military grand strategists!!! They are the cancer...


Of course training gets better the smaller your class is. Just like in grammar school....


Based on a Combination of Manpower, Technology, Firepower, Training, Resources, Available Reserves:

1. USA

2. China

3. Germany

4. India

5. France

6. Russia

7. UK

8. Italy

9. Israel

10. Pakistan


Of course this doesn't take into account a "man for man" debate, however war is not "man for man" no matter how romanticizesd movies make it out to be. War is nation versus nation. Yes, some battles in history have changed course due to one human, but these momentum changes are always reinforced or lost by the nation that backs him up. This is why terrorism is so dang hard to fight. Bill Maher calls us cowards, I wonder how he feels about ununiformed "soldiers" hiding in chilrens bedrooms taking pot shots....oh, they must be "freedom fighters". All the turd-world countries use this style to fight proxie wars agaisnt the west at large. Hence we can NOT go into Iran or Syria.....their uniforms are not presently engaged. I think elections in these places is great, vote in Hamas and Hezbollah. This legitimizes their power and our "excuse" to wipe them of the earth. If they hold government power, this war will be easier to prosecute....however I do feel the palestine issue is a seperate case...


Americans did hide in the forrest and ambush the British, but we also fought in pitched battles. We had a standing army that did not mix with the civilian population at large. So don't bring up guerilla war in this sense because I will smash your arguement. I've come up againt this form before and left it in my wake...


This is all really stupid anyway. We are like watching children argue who the best professional wrestler is. Of course we can all agree that everyone loses in warfare.

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"Ummmm, no. You are wrong. British SAS. Russian commandos. Gurkhas. French Foreign Legion. "


Canada's JTF2 would have all of these forces on the ground and tied in human knots in about 30 seconds.



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"human knots" :blink:


that sounds sweaty... :lol:


Yes, the Joint Task Force 2 is very good. As matter of fact, the USA gave them medals for their duty in Afghanistan.


But, again, this is a statement that is overreaching. In reality there is not much difference between Delta, JTF2, SAS, ect., as we all cross-pollenate training. I don't think we will be fighting each other any time soon....

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But, again, this is a statement that is overreaching. In reality there is not much difference between Delta, JTF2, SAS, ect., as we all cross-pollenate training. I don't think we will be fighting each other any time soon....


Are you sure? We are under threat of US invasion every day. Did you see "Wag The Dog"? What if Bushy decides to deflect the public's attention from his policies by invading Canada?


By the way John....just out of curiosity, what is your connection to the film industry?


Your signature says this:


J.H. Barto

Legal Systems, LTD.; Recovery Analyst


Are you a lawyer for the entertainment industry or some thing similar?



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Based on a Combination of Manpower, Technology, Firepower, Training, Resources, Available Reserves:

1. USA

2. China

3. Germany

4. India

5. France

6. Russia

7. UK

8. Italy

9. Israel

10. Pakistan

Sorry but.. what?


I'd say:


1. United States

2. China

3. Israel

4. India

5. Russia

6. Korea, South

7. Korea, North

8. United Kingdom

9. Turkey

10. Pakistan


(Actual combat power, not size)

Edited by Daniel Ashley-Smith
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And why does everyone always bring up the SAS as being the UK's best special forces. Everyone always forgets the SBS.


To join the SBS you have to FIRST go through the Royal Marine Commando selection, THEN go through SAS selection, THEN go through SBS selection.




Random note: And I just got pranked over the phone... ba**ards...

Edited by Daniel Ashley-Smith
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