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Super 8 Search Engine! Try it!

Bjarne Eldhuset

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Hi, just want you to try out the spanking new Super 8 Search Engine.




It's supposed to only give search results that are super 8 and small gauge related - hopefully bye-bye "Super 8 motels" :-)


After getting irritated trying to find super 8 stuff on google, I decided to set up a custom made google site which only (almost) gives super 8 related search results. I have added loads of pages to the database, and will add more in the future, but I would like to have you guys test it.


Please tell me if there are certain search phrases that give much "garbage", and I'll try to find out the reason, and fix it. Also, fill free to link to the page:




(The layout ain't much, but I'll have someone else improve it. Someday:-)


Regards, Bjarne Eldhuset.

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I noticed the results are different if I use certain words then plus or minus the phrase super 8 or super-8.


Shouldn't super 8 and/or super-8 automatically be added to each search whether the searcher lists the phrase or not?


The reason you get different results if you add super-8 to the search, is because some sites may be about super 8 without actually including this phrase.


Here is how the search goes:


To the google search setup, I have added a long list of websites that I know are about super 8. The google search engine will only search through these pages, and pages they link to.


Let's say you have a website about the Beaulieu 4008, but the phrase super 8 is not used on this website. So if you search for "Beaulieu 4008"and super-8, this page will not come up, because you have asked for a page that includes both phrases.


The whole purpose of this search engine is actually that you do not have to narrow each search by using "super 8" and so on, beacuse the search engine will only search through sites that are included on my growing list of super 8 related webpages. There are already a couple of thousand pages, and I will add more pages every week.


Regards, Bjarne Eldhuset

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  • Premium Member

That's clever. I would have never suspected any super-8 site not using the phrase "super-8" in it, but as you have researched, these situations exist.


I did a quicky test with and without the words super-8 in the search. When the word Super-8 is added to the search it seems to eliminate unrelated topics, whereas without the word super-8 I did get a couple of non-related topics. But on the other side of the equation as you have pointed out, I probably missed a couple of links by adding the word super-8 to the search.


Try "Digital Age" then try "Digital Age" Super-8,


Try Polaroid, then try Polaroid Super-8


In both cases I think the search is more accurate by including the word Super-8

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