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OH DAMN!!! I can only lay my hands on 2 VistaViusion cameras and a 3 ton grip truck!! To think I'll have to miss the once in a lifetime opportunity to pay 25 bucks for a stunning footage copy of the work I do, shot on my own film Just my luck. Oh well I just have Vision 2 stock anyway and I wouldn't want to compromise this genius' world changing vision. Maybe Vittorio Storaro or Gordon Willis are available. I hear they'll thankfully, nay, obsessively long to work for free, gleefully providing miles upon miles of the most technologically advanced film stock available along with several truckloads of lighting and grip equipment and all the personnel that could possibly be needed at no charge to any unknown, unproven auteur with a self proclaimed world changing story that casually strolls along because they just plain need the extra bit of footage for their reel. Of course they wouldn't sully this opportunity by asking for something so selfish as to be fed while on set, that kind of hubris would be considered uncouth by a true film pioneer like the man who placed this wonderful ad. What a generous offer, I mean who needs Apocalypse Now or The Godfather when you've got THIS GUY'S story, what every that story might be. Thank the all mighty that such humanitarians exist in the this industry. Where would we be without them!! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had one this side of the pond recently...


As the Director of Photography you will be responsible for the

technical aspects of the images (lighting, lens choices, composition,

exposure, filtration, film selection), working closely with the director

to ensure that the artistic aesthetics are supporting the director's

vision of the story being told.


I'm glad they told me, I hadn't known.

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There is another forum (for which I moderate), and this PM has been circulating around to members of that forum.


I've been active on forums for over 10 years and personally have never been contacted about something like this before, so hopefully you can see the geniune and sincere effort I'm putting into spreading the word to reach my goal.


I'm fundraising online to get a Red One cinema camera to shoot my next feature. I've been working really hard to make it happen and have been trying to contact everyone who might be able to donate towards the cause. One of the main advantages of going about it this way is even if people don't donate, they will hear about it, tell their friends, and may follow what all is shot on the camera if I reach my goal. So It helps me create sort of a grass roots following along the way so when the feature is released it becomes an event.


The plan is after I raise the funds for the Red camera, I will update my website helpmebuyared.com with all the projects the camera has been involved in so people can track the projects it's helped get made, the actors who've been in front of it and where on the planet the camera has traveled. Rather than donating to one project, this cause will help a lot of projects get made and shot on some high quality film gear.


I could really use your support. Below is my donation page that includes a video of some footage shot on the Red One...




I have references on my website from people who have worked with me before..



And I put together a free resource for filmmakers, that includes where to find contracts, popular forums and topics, Red related info, and many other filmmaker related stuff that you or your filmmaking friends might find helpful. It took me a few days to compile all the info to share with people in hopes they'd see that I'm sincere in reaching my fundraising goal...



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead


"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." -Mark Twain


"You will find, as you look back on your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others." -Henry Drummond


"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do." -Helen Keller



take care,



My favorite is adding the quotes at the end, kind of a, "Why you should donate." litany.


One of my moderator friends wanted to add, ""There's a sucker born every minute." - P.T. Barnum





PS: Starting to think these are really all jokes. That a group of folks are trying to top each other in the "most ridiculous request" department.

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I know this guy Tim, and he's not kidding. It could be worse though, he could be starting helpmebuyacanon5dmkiianduglyzacutorig.com


So you know him, and he really thinks people should give him money to buy a RED camera? Really? That just boggles my mind.


Oh well, takes all kinds.




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Well the thing is, I know there are a lot of people who get others to pay for their movies. I mean, you don't make a movie with your own money unless it's a very inexpensive movie, and even then you view it as an expense, not an investment But this guy is a writer/director, not a cinematographer. So what's the sense in raising money for a camera? Why not raise money for a movie and rent a camera or hire an owner/operator if you're really snowed by the notion that a Red will make your movie for you. The kicker is that the $30k he's asking is gonna buy a really minimal Red package and you have to wonder how he'll then afford the rest of the movie. Posting a Red isn't free, even if you do it yourself.

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Well the thing is, I know there are a lot of people who get others to pay for their movies. I mean, you don't make a movie with your own money unless it's a very inexpensive movie, and even then you view it as an expense, not an investment But this guy is a writer/director, not a cinematographer. So what's the sense in raising money for a camera? Why not raise money for a movie and rent a camera or hire an owner/operator if you're really snowed by the notion that a Red will make your movie for you. The kicker is that the $30k he's asking is gonna buy a really minimal Red package and you have to wonder how he'll then afford the rest of the movie. Posting a Red isn't free, even if you do it yourself.


Yeah, the whole thing makes no sense, and I find it pretty obnoxious. It's one thing to ask someone to support your movie. Usually you have to let them read your script, and they look at your experience. Then they contribute for one of two reasons, first, they think the movie will make money and they look at it as an investment, or second, they believe in the material or in you, and really think the movie should be made.


But this guy is asking people to donate to buy him a $30,000 plus camera package, yet he is offering no script, no return on investment, nothing. Just, "Hey, why don't you give me some money. And trust me, I'll make good movies with it, but you won't see a dime of any profit I make."


Seems like total B.S. to me.




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But this guy is asking people to donate to buy him a $30,000 plus camera package, yet he is offering no script, no return on investment, nothing. Just, "Hey, why don't you give me some money. And trust me, I'll make good movies with it, but you won't see a dime of any profit I make."



I find his detailed persuasions (the cost of your wedding would be better spent on my camera, etc..) far more offensive than any Craig's List ad I've seen. He might as well just say "you know you're all failures, so why not fork over your money and live vicariously through me?". It's amazing how brazenly stupid people can be when they delude themselves into thinking they have the supreme creative vision of the universe idling in their brains. For someone who claims to have been shooting for over ten years he acts remarkably like a cocky freshman who hasn't yet been given the opportunity to see himself fail and become humbled by his shortcomings. He should be ashamed of himself.

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I know this guy Tim, and he's not kidding. It could be worse though, he could be starting helpmebuyacanon5dmkiianduglyzacutorig.com


Be careful what you wish for.


A quote from his site, as it now stands (having raised a shocking $127)





It's looking like I'll be getting back to what I've always done, shooting with what I got around me Roger Corman style. I'll likely shoot my next few independent feature films on a Canon HDSLR camera. For those who read this, I wish you all much success in achieving your filmmaking dreams and hope you never forget why you love movies.





I think Roger Corman might be upset, I'm pretty sure he shot a lot of 35mm?

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For what it's worth, this kind of mentality is all too frequent in Dallas - the mindless embrace of the local indie scene in which everyone is a maverick, paving their own road with new tools for making movies and new strategies for funding them, or not funding them and somehow miraculously Midas-touching them into gold anyway. So few ever pause long enough to think that the methods and economies of movie making have evolved as they have over the last hundred years for a reason. Everyone wants to be part of the revolution.


It's a huge part of the reason I left that city.

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The attitude of "take all you can get away with" comes from thirty+ years of Conservative economic ideology permeating through the ether as if it was perfectly okay. What was the line?... "Greed is good." (Gordon Gekko)


The idea of actually working hard and earning what you can achieve has been replaced with the ideology of "bend the rules and steal whatever you can from the stupid and desperate and ignorant." It's sad. :(

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