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Homemade Steady Shot System used in VideoClip

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Homemade Steady Shot System used in VideoClip.

Actually shooting long-distance shots from the comfort of a chair!



I my newest videoclip I was trying to find a way to create an equipment that will help me get rid of heavy steady camera systems that they actually destroyed my hand and muscles after a while. Also there was no way of achieving the results needed because the videoclip consised of long-walking shots.


I wanted to shoot my newest video clip by sitting on a chair and mostly doing it without having to spend a fortune. It is almost as the buyed thing and most important, it was made by our hands.
Feels better to work with your own made equipment. Reminds of your passion.


I recently directed my second video clip using 100% homemade steady cam systems. I actually achieved shooting long distances without even touching the camera just by sitting on a chair.


I want to be an inspiration for young film and art directors out there so this is how I did it.


The videoclip can be found here:


For Tips and more information about how I did, I will post soon, but you also subscribe to my ever growing subscribers list in which I ofter update with advices and tips.


For more information about skoumas please visit


Edited by George Skoumas Papanikolaou
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Well the video doesn't show how you did it, it's just a music video, so it's misleading to say "this is how I did it!".


Also the fake film effect you put on your video looks really, really awful and is very annoying very quickly and really detracts heavily from the music video.



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  • Premium Member


Well the video doesn't show how you did it, it's just a music video, so it's misleading to say "this is how I did it!"......



You're suposed to watch the second video, then go somewhere to subscribe, after which you may get the answer.




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You're suposed to watch the second video, then go somewhere to subscribe, after which you may get the answer.





Lol! :) Well that's even worse isn't it! That's like saying "This is how I did it", and then linking to a video that doesn't say how you did it but invites you to dial a premium rate phone number. Seems kinda dodgy all round!


I don't really like that kind of bait and switch dodgyness.


Anyway, he says "This is how I did it" before the first video!



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Hello there.

I understand this is not a perfect system as it is homemade and actually the way of making it better is through this process of commenting so thank you for this.

I come from Greece, never was rich (this will change though) and I always had to come up with ideas to fill the financial gap. Seems that those idea are getting finally some good feedback in.

About the CC I agree. My next project will be lighter.

Also I am interested in building a good community (Apart from here) with people that share the same passion with me so this is the second video all about.

But I am totally 100% accurate when I say that you can make those steady shot by sitting on a chair and not even minding holding the camera.

I am still in my first steps and it is normal to make mistakes but for me I always like to go as deep as possible into the art I love and not count everything with money.
This is why I go in and build the stuff I want, just like someone else did before me.
But I let this process grow and even find some ground breaking solution.

So be positive about this and I will tell you how I did it because you seem interested in this even the wrong horizon thing which is actually my mistake in wrong counter weights. Not a production error.

Edited by George Skoumas Papanikolaou
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...So be positive about this and I will tell you how I did it because you seem interested .....


People are interested and want to see the device you were developing. If they can make a single click to see it and read about it they will go there. For the logical proposition (if.....then), what about this. If they see something really cool, then they may join up to your blog etc. The other way around will be less popular.





Edit. spelling

Edited by Gregg MacPherson
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There are already devices out there that allow you to sit in a chair and make those shots and not have to hold the camera... There is a few of them...


Rickshaw, Action Dolly, Golf Carts with a piece of speed rail running across the braces, Segways, and ATV's your not inventing something new...




Plus you still havent showed us the device...

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About the CC I agree. My next project will be lighter.



No not the colour correction! The fake dust, hairs and extreme tramline scratches etc. Looks really awful and horribly fake and it's not clear to me what it is supposed to be bringing to the video. A real shame when you have gone to some trouble in other ways in the video.



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Agree with Freya on this one.


Fake dust and focus masks - Unfortunately it's the sign of a beginner for many (get that stuff out of your system, or alternatively shoot real film with lens-baby/old lens and hand-process it)


I'm not sure where the 'long-walking shots' are either - the video cuts before anything long enough to be considered painful - and... fraid to say it, but it isn't that steady.


Best you were made aware of this.

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Thank you very much. I will be checking this forum and provide the information to my development part of my company.


Please stay tuned into my newsletter service in which I am interviewing and making documentaries about reaching my goal.

The perfect lighting skills and cinematography skills.

I really approciate this forum, I wish had a bit more time to go through all the topics here.


Have a great day.

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