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Incandescent string light ?

Dominik Bauch

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I'm thinking of using incandescent string lights like these for a shoot:


Anyone used similar and have any tips on the best kind to get. They will be used in a 2 car garage, so I don't want the light to overpower the room, more of an accent with the added benefit that they will cast some ambient light around. Going for a moody, low key look overall. Definitely don't intend to have them everywhere. 


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Sure you can buy them, or have the electricians make them up, but all of the ones that are for sale from amazon, HF etc are LED bulbs. They are hanging outside all over my neighborhood. They have little leds inside that look like filaments. Just saying clarify before you buy. That said, the ones from home depot sure look like the real thing.



Edited by Nick Gardner
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