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Shooting S16 with R16 mags?

Tristan Clarke-McMurchy

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Hey everyone,

Apologies if this has been answered before, but is it possible to shoot on a super 16 NPR body with regular 16 NPR mags? Or do they have to be modified to be used on a S16 body? A friend of mine has a S16 body and I have an R16 kit with mags, but I'm wanting to shoot some S16 soon. Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks all

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Some technicians modify the magazines some don't. So technically is possible to shoot S16 using any magazine, but according to some technicians they may scratch the film. My NPR was converted by Les Bosher to S16 and PL mount, but he didn't modify the mags and several people had the same with Les. Then I sent my camera to Bernie for a CLA and he recommended modifying the mags and I did it even when the cameras used to work fine.

You could load some brand new film on the magazine, run the camera for a few seconds and then inspect the film looking for scratches.

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I had the same with ACL. The scratching was pretty much invisible to my eyes, but Bernie suggested modifying the mags - and so I did. But I guess that I would have been happy with how they were. Moving towards bigger projects I like the ease of mind though.

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