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CP-16r hand grip switch.

Ruben Arce

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I recently purchased a very nice CP-16r converted to S16 by Visual Products with video tap and some cool stuff, but it doesn't turn off when I apply power to it. It keeps running and the red light is on all the time. I know it needs to be inspected by a technician and I plan to get the camera serviced, but I would like to hear from other people how the switch located on the hand grip works. I mean it's kind of obvious, I assume you put the main switch on the "Run" position and then the other switch controls the power.

I read the manual and it doesn't say anything about that  button and I own another camera, but that one doesn't have that button.

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Thanks Brian,

Reversing the battery sounds like a good trick to avoid getting the battery drained by letting the camera run by accident. There is something wrong with my camera for sure, because none of the switches turn it off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That problem may be related to a small memory battery leaking onto the motor control circuit board. It ruins the circuits which control motor speed and the park function which then fails to stop the motor even of both run switches are "off". You could enquire with Visual Products and Whitehouse Audiovisual if they have the means to repair. It is sadly the way most CP16Rs die.

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Thanks Robert,

That could be the case with this camera. O own other cameras and none of them has battery leaking damage, but this one does. I'm going to send the camera to VP at some point, and I have the electronics from another camera. I hope they can replace the part and bring it back to life so I don't have to sacrifice a camera on good working condition.

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