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Everything posted by painfulcrash

  1. oh ,waw , miguel .. great stuff .. I certenly agree with Alvin: you do deserv the spot. -crash ps: and thank you for sharing it with us.
  2. i'm jelous of you guys. congrats .. -crash PS: Miguel , if I begged you , would you send me your demo reel ? Morgan ; thanks once more. how much was the shipping ? (from england)
  3. Morgan , I got your tape today , and got it transfered to NTSC. I really liked your stuff.. Thank you for your help . Now , my aim is to shoot as nice as you do .. and even better :) (hopefully) -crash ps: hope to see you in about a year.
  4. Lost in Translation : I was slightly disapointed :( I like Mr.Coppola's son's work better then his daughters. ow , by the way I found a really neat commercial that Lance Accord shot : http://www.boardsmag.com/screeningroom/commercials/1099/
  5. i agree , David Mullen would be a great option to consider. out of blue option: Lisa Rinzler I really enjoy her work espc. in "Love Liza"
  6. The Terminal ; Mr.Kaminski proves to me once more that he mastered an un-masterable art form : cinematography. my eyeballs are tingling for his upcomming movies.. -crash
  7. even tough i have no good advice to spare, i wanted to write a reply to say i'm so sorry about the suicide. if it was me i would show up, just so that i play my part in the game and stay in the loop. (so i can get jobs later on) :(
  8. Congrats Morgan ! WOuld it be okay if you can send me a copy of your work that you have sent to AFI? I will pay for the postage .. Thank you and good luck , -crash (aydin ozer)
  9. it may sound sarcastic , but American Movie inspires me so much in so many ways. the struggle and love towards film making with what you have. priceless documentry. every whinny student should watch it, and see the battle ;)
  10. ( i can not wait untill a feature film gets shot with genesis) this topic will be sizzling :)
  11. after all facts and figures; i think genesis will be a symbol for the digital revolution.
  12. Eligibility Information: Who May Apply to Become a Lawful Permanent Resident While in the United States? : http://uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/LPReligibility.htm but i decided to see an Imigration Lawyer to sort everything out and take my actions early.
  13. I saw the trailer both in the theatre and online. There was two reasons why I suspected digital-cam use: 1- motion : whenever the camera or the character moved too fast, it had an effect that the digital cameras have. You can especially pinpoint it at the scene where a dead body drops on the cab, and the cab driver jumps out. 2 - grain : it is hard to tell in the online trailer, but when i watched it in the theatre the grain looked like digital grain. I personally liked the look: a slight camcoder feel with an edgy look.
  14. http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/collateral/ Any information about what they have shot it with ?
  15. Remi Adefarasin - "Band of Brothers" TV Series (which i own) :blink: whaw .. how was that experiance like ? i truly like your your work in "Band of Brothers" georgeus. and i'll be watching About a Boy once again for referance. (I got a job shooting a romantic comedy)
  16. so is your friend technically illegal ? :(
  17. 1- if you asked that question to my cine-4 teacher (who owns a Pan 24p) , he would tell you to record sound with the camera. But personally , I would use portable DAT recorder; key word portable. (DAT has been the standart audio-recording format ) So I would dont worry about the quality, because its going to be clean anyway.. worry about how fast and accurate you can get the sound. There will be situations where the XLR will be too short if you go to the camera . But if you use DAT-coder you can just place yourself anywhere you want , not worrying if you are gonna pull on the camera with your tangled XLR... 2- We did an in-class test shoot with 35mm and 24p. I have to say 24p amazed me. (Even tough i'm not satified with the depth) The image quality is very nice. (very close to35mm) But one thing to watch out is : the white zones. Like any other digital format it has hard time holding the whites. If you use the zebra mode, and light according to it, you will have a beatiful image. good luck , -crash (aydin ozer)
  18. One of the previous American Cinematographer covered "elephant". It is very informative.
  19. As an international student , seing no one really know the answer to this visa problem gives me the chills.. I said to myself , just become the best dp there is and things will be okay and i'll become a citizen somehow (so i can stay in the states) The closer I get to graduation my eye balls get bigger; i'm afraid that they are going to pop out one day. After considering other options, I decided to concentrate on one of them: After school , US gives me one year to find a job.. After that i'm kicked out. In that year i'll somehow stick my humble head into a production house as a DP.Director and get working visa. (which is going to be really hard) if there is any one out there that knows the trade of this visa problem for cinematographers, please educate us. I can not seem to find many other options. any help would help , thank you , -crash (aydin ozer)
  20. i think it was an artistic choise more then a technical mistake. i liked it :) -crash (aydin ozer)
  21. do you mean : one unusual shot ? or the consistant unusual style in a single project ? there is billions of unusual shots (at least thats what i would like to believe) hm .. as far as the unusual style in projects; there is thousands of them (at least thats what i would like to believe :) check out , emmanuel lubezki - Great Expectations (1998) he didnt leave any headroom for charecters, which forces you to look them in the eye. i thought it was pretty genius. -aydin (crash) ozer
  22. Congratulations , David Mullen ! You won't remember me , but we emailed to each other bunch of times (about a year ago) I have read every single piece of knowledge you fed to cinematographer.com (in a way i felt that you mentored me) being an ASC member... you had the knowledge and the skills,but no one to refer you in the society. I just wanted to say congrats. You are in ASC now and you deserve to be a part of it with your creative and georgeus images. cheers ! -aydin crash ozer
  23. janusz kaminski .. man is a legend in my heart. it wouldnt be a lie, if i admit that i'm obsessed with his work. Jason ; the only reason I live at the moment is to go to AFI. I assume you are in the program.(whaw :blink: ) Can you please send me the demo that you have sent to AFI.. so i have an idea of what is expected. a year left to finish my undergrad .. please let me see your work. i'll pay the postage and etc .. -aydin (crash) ozer
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