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Stephen Floyd

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    Gresham, OR

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  1. I'm curious if it is possible to find production notes for "Heat" to learn more about how Dante Spinotti and Michael Mann achieved the look they were going for. I could tell most of it was shot through a long lens, but I'd like to know more specifics about lighting and exposure. I'd also be interested in notes on Spinotti's other work, such as "L.A. Confidential" and "The Insider." I'm not sure if such documents were ever published or if anyone on this site may have access to them. Thanks for your help.
  2. From an editor's perspective, I think a change in aspect ratio for the purposes you are proposing would work well. I would make sure this change in ratio is matched with a change in style (such as going from stationary shots to freehand, of from traditionally-composed images to something riddled with dutch angles and extreme close-ups) so as not to break the fourth wall. But I agree that using a digital rendering of the movie would be the best way to alter the ratio without changing your projector. I think questions regarding your use of film could be better-answered if you could share what format you were using and what editing facilities you would have access to.
  3. Find a school where your regular assignments are to make and submit movies rather than simply study film analysis and history. These schools can sometimes be unaccredited, but a solid portfolio means more than a degree in many cases. Cinematography is a very technical position, so expect to spend a few years of hard studying and several thousands of dollars on equipment (apart from tuition). And you need to work well with others, so collaborate often and make sure you understand the job requirements of the electricians and grips you would be in charge of. And where do you live, if you don't mind sharing? And what part of the US would you be studying in?
  4. What kind of stock were you using? And I think someone shooting cool stuff in their back yard is going to spend a lot less time and money on re-shoots than someone endeavoring to film a whole feature.
  5. Seems to me like it is not necessarily the result of a harsh lighting effect, but very specifically-directed lighting and a small iris. I’d bet the floor does not appear because the exposure settings were so low the film did not detect any light except what was coming off the subject. But there are a lot of tricks one can play with film and that is only my best guess. Black floor and background were definitely involved.
  6. Sometimes traveler’s insurance can cover it, but I imagine the company you’re working for would have insurance for the production that should cover damaged or stolen equipment. If not, you could ask your producer who they use for insurance and inquire of that company.
  7. Start by deciding to make a movie you personally would be willing to watch repeatedly, mostly because you will have to in the editing process. But also because, if you can’t stand your own film, you can’t expect others to. But without training, it will be tough to go from raw idea to realized project. There is a language to film that is hard to pick up on by just watching a lot of good movies. You have to go out and make them and hang out with people who do, all while being ready to make a lot of very public mistakes. Just keep track of what works and what doesn’t and you will develop a “look.”
  8. Starting with 8mm would probably be best, because it is considerably cheaper and the basics of shooting on film will be the same for both formats (exposure problems, large versus small grain stocks, color temperature, remembering to take the lens cap off). In my encounters with 16mm, it is usually used in a group setting where multiple people are able to pitch in for the stock and then help make the movie together. But it is cool that you want to use film, because there really isn’t anything that can replace the aesthetic of silver on cellulose.
  9. Thanks for the advice. I had credits at the end of the video, which he didn't even bother trying to alter, but having them at the beginning would have been a bigger help. And I added a note to my blog so those who search for his web site may find the warning and know better.
  10. I just found out someone claiming to be a videographer had embedded a video of mine on his web site and was passing it off as his own. I’ve removed the video from my youtube account but am a little concerned about this becoming a habit of his. Is there anything I can do or an authority I can contact to prevent this from taking place in the future? I know youtube allows you to prevent embedding of videos, but doing that would keep me from showing them on my web site as well.
  11. I have some edited footage I need to send to a friend by Monday night and he wants it on Mini DV tape. I tried the “print to video” function on FCP with my Panasonic DVX100 and it does not seem to be working. The computer tells the camera to start recording, which it does, but none of the footage from the timeline makes it onto the tape. Is there something I need to do differently with either the computer or the camera? I remember having issues printing footage onto tape at school with a deck and eventually getting it to work. I have not received any error messages and am starting to wonder if my camera is actually able to record through the firewire connection.
  12. I've found a bunch of classics on streaming, though with no consistency. I watched Mad Max through my Wii, but had to get Road Warrior in the mail. But there's Kurosawa, Tati, Lang and all sorts of cool guys on there. And isn't streaming included in the price of by-mail services these days?
  13. I may have misunderstood your original question. But it seems like Phil gave a better answer than I could.
  14. It is easy to see environments like that and itch and contrive to exploit them, when you can't. Don't sweat it, since there will always be another tantalizing environment to find you again. What you are describing, however, sounds pretty slick and you should shoot it with whatever you have on hand. I would make something like this scene from .
  15. That is what I was hoping to hear. I used tiff files in journalism, so that should be an easy format to utilize.
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