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Jason Rodriguez

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Everything posted by Jason Rodriguez

  1. According to Anthony Dod Mantle, the shooting ratio was 60/40 for SI-2K vs. Film in "Slumdog". Step-framed sequences and timelapse were shot with the Canon 1D MKIII. Thanks, Jason
  2. Keep in mind the Sony cameras have in-camera sharpening, where-as we do not (this would be counter-productive to sharpen RAW, even during the RAW decode, since sharpening is irreversible). If you want to reduplicate that in-camera sharpening effect, you will have to sharpen in post. From my experience with cameras like the F900, HDC-1500, etc., a similar "softness" can be achieved with the Sony cameras that allow you to turn the sharpness all the way off.
  3. Also make sure you are not using the DPX, JPEG, or BMP from the "SAVE IMAGE" frame-grabs. Only use the DNG for resolution tests. The others do not have a great debayer algorithm, and so they will appear soft.
  4. Yes, the SI-2K will be displayed in the P+S Technik booth at Cinec as well, although I'm not sure about any large-venue screenings there. You would have to contact P+S Technik for more information on any other events outside of Cinec like that. Thanks, Jason
  5. Hello Everyone, For those who are visiting IBC this year, there will be a nice treat for you, and a great chance to see footage shot with the SI-2K camera system on the big-screen via 2K digital projection. This will be a wonderful opportunity to see what a "cinema-experience" with SI-2K footage can look like, so if you're going to IBC, and you have questions about how the footage will look when projected, this is an excellent opportunity and venue for that level of evaluation. The event will be Sept. 13th at 13:30. You can contact us for more information. We will also be demonstrating the SI-2K at the P+S Technik booth, located in Hall 11 at 11.E28. Thanks, Jason
  6. Hi, Yes, this would be a mistake on the site. Can you send me a link? Thanks, Jason
  7. Hi Nate, Sorry if this is confusing, but we're not using the TCP/IP stack of Windows, which would mean we also wouldn't use the TCP/IP stack in Linux . . . our cameras involve custom hardware that use a standard gigabit ethernet signal pathwa, but rather than TCP/IP, they are using a custom protocol via UDP/IP on a custom transport layer stack to transmit the signal with DMA support for less than 1% CPU usage. As for the ARB_Fragment support, yes, Intel has been increasing their support lately for Linux, and by extension for OpenGL in their display drivers, but 2-3 years ago (and back then we had the GMA900) when we started none of this support existed . . . and even then the latest stuff is in "beta" . . . Suffice to say the Windows kernel is giving us very good stability, and we have the software flexibility to add features and support for some very innovative developments. For instance, is there another camera system on the market that provides full 64-point internal custom user-definable 3D LUT support and film-stock emulation? For 3D-shooting is there a integrated camera system that has the ability liked we previewed at NAB this year that can take two streams and combined them into a single live 3D stereo image? Also how about a camera system that natively shoots to QT and AVI and can be natively ingested (i.e. no proxies or conversions) into two of the most popular NLE's on the market as well as a number of other media-related apps? Add on top of that only 3.5:1 compression and 4:4:4 decoding, basically the equivalent of a HDCAM-SR deck? There are a lot of great development platforms out there . . . hopefully people can look at the features we're able to offer and see the benefit of the development platform we've chosen.
  8. The proprietary UDP/IP ethernet protocol we use to make sure that you can get 100MB/s across the gigabit ethernet line with no drop-outs and DMA (so very low CPU usage). Secondly, the Intel GMA950 doesn't support the ARB_Fragment shader extensions for OpenGL like we need, so we have to use DirectX. A dedicated GPU (i.e, Nvidia) in the SI-2K would consume way too much power. Thanks, Jason
  9. The source code for the drivers we're using is not available. Also since the drivers were designed for Windows, I know simply having the source-code would not make it as easy as a re-compile. Linux is not being used simply due to lack of drivers for our required hardware. And this is not a "simple" problem. Even for video drivers, Nvidia Detonator drivers are reportedly 15 million lines of code . . . we're talking some very complex stuff here that large companies spend lots of money making sure they are stable on a specific OS platform. Having to deal with bad drivers is much worse that the fairly petty problems we've encountered with threading on the Windows kernel. For instance, Linux will have kernel panics, and that's the same thing as a Windows blue-screen . . . since we don't have blue-screen issues, I don't see why we would want to trade-away that underlying OS/hardware stability for the perception of a "stable" platform with Linux that due to bad or buggy drivers would be even more prone to actual crashing at the kernel level. We haven't counted out Linux, and if that platform gains the hardware support we need in the future, then we will definitely entertain development for that platform. But for right now, it's not feasible. Thanks, Jason
  10. Hi Evangelos, The imaging specs on the Altasens sensor are very good, and it does produce some stunningly good image quality with great dynamic range, color-fidelity, and low-noise. As you've noted, the 35mm DOF issue is one downside of using 2/3" sensors, but compared to anything else on the market, the Altasens sensors are far-and-away the best CMOS sensors that money can currently buy for digital cinema production without starting from complete scratch with all the uncertainties and cost of a new custom sensor design. Obviously as demonstrated by Arri, RED, and others, there are 35mm-sized sensors that can be made, but those are all custom designs. With the SI-2K that was not an option for us. We actually do have some 35mm-sized sensors in camera heads that we have made, but they are not digital cinema quality. Thanks, Jason
  11. There is a 12-bit uncompressed mode that gives you the full linear dynamic range from the sensor, pixel-for-pixel how it was transferred from the A/D converter . . . doesn't get much better than that. It's a custom file format called .SIV, but IRIDAS supports it in their SpeedGrade and FrameCycler product-line, so you can use any of those products for batch conversion to DPX files. We also have a DNG converter for the .SIV files in the camera software itself that re-wraps the RAW data from the SIV and puts a DNG header on it so that it can be opened directly in After Effects, Photoshop, or any other RAW converter that supports DNG files. Now this is the standard DNG file format from Adobe (which they have now submitted as a ISO-standard), not their "Cinema DNG" that they announced this past NAB, which is a forthcoming format. Point is we can deliver a great workflow using compressed wavelet (CineForm), which BTW is very light compression at only 3.5:1 right now, or we can give you full uncompressed 12-bit linear. Your choice. Finally, yes, you are right, a well tuned Linux kernel can beat the Windows XPe kernel for speed, only problem is that we would have to-do the tuning ourselves, and if you 'hand-tune' it wrong, you create instability issues . . . now when there's a "bug", you're not sure if it's at the OS level, or in your software, or what, so development/support issues get compounded and everything gets exponentially more complex. It's much easier to know you're using a stable kernel and then isolate any issues that are in the software-only rather than having to fish around for issues at the OS level. If you don't tune the Linux kernel and are just using the vanilla distributions, then the differences between XPe and Linux become more subtle, especially again when you go back to the issue of custom hardware driver support, and the stability of those drivers. Thanks, Jason
  12. We take the 12-bit linear RAW from the sensor head and apply a 10-bit LOG curve to the data in order to preserve the dynamic range of the information being encoded to CineForm. David Newman has a great explanation of why you want to have LOG vs. linear encoding for compressed material here on his blog: http://cineform.blogspot.com/2007/09/10-bi...bit-linear.html After compression, the RAW data decompresses to 10-bit 4:4:4 RGB, not 4:2:2 YUV. For FCP it supports the 32-bit float YUV encoding so that it can make seamless round-tripping between RGB and FCP's native YUV color-space.
  13. The choice for OS was really pretty easy . . . it all comes down to drivers and the ability of the OS to interact with custom hardware. Good video drivers for all the real-time pixel shaders we're running in the main interface, including the 64-point 3D LUT engine. Gigabit ethernet drivers for transmitting low-latency information from the camera head to the capture host computer, whether it's a laptop or the SI-2K. CineForm is very important as well, with the ability to natively encode to either QT or AVI, and have the benefit of developing with the QT API and the DirectShow API, both of which are abscent on Linux. While techically CineForm could be adapted for Linux, the amount of work would be quite high, and then we'd still be stuck on the driver front. The threading "issues" that are mentioned here are not really issues, especially with the speed of today's processors . . . I'm sure if processors were half as fast as they are now, then this would be a very large issue, but modern Core 2 Duo processors make any overhead that Windows might have compared to Linux miniscule. Lastly, we're running Windows XP Embedded, not standard XP 32-bit. This allow us to customize the OS quite a bit, removing all the "fluff" from the commercial package, and make a very stable and controlled environment on the SI-2K. I think there is some mis-information out there when people say "Linux is more stable than Windows" . . . the fact is that there is a lot of junk out there that people can mess up their Windows installs with, but at the base, core functionality of the OS's, you will find that the key to stability when integrating custom hardware is to have very stable drivers. We found that Windows was able to provide better offerings and more mature choices than the counterparts available on Linux. The nice thing about Linux is that it does provide a lot of extensability, and it's kernel is very stable. With some custom development, I'm sure it would make a great OS for what we're doing. We foudn the XPe kernel to be equally as stable though, and again, there is a lot more support in the development community for the type of hardware we're using to make the camera system possible. And that's basically where the decisions to use XPe over Linux came from.
  14. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to give you all a head's up on the new announcements we have for NAB this year. First off, we will be in a joint booth with CineForm, Wafian, and IRIDAS, at SL10608. We will be demonstrating some exciting new 3D technology where two cameras can plug directly into a single computer and copy of SiliconDVR and show live analgyph, and other non-anaglyph 3D visualization features while you shoot (so i.e., you won't have to sit around and try to rig up polarized monitors, etc. to see your shots in 3D . . . it will all be right there on the preview screen just as-if you were shooting normal 2D). Our cameras will be mounted on an exciting new professional 3D rig from P+S Technik. We will also be showing a new remote interface between SpeedGrade OnSet and the SI-2K, allowing users to pass reference image frames and .look files over ethernet (or WiFi), so that one user can be color-correcting the camera directly from SpeedGrade OnSet without tying the camera up (and color-correcting the camera in a very nice GUI). So basically no more need for the camera operator to have to save a file out, etc., everything can done by the SpeedGrade remote user, and in the SpeedGrade interface itself. Basically imagine the most supped-up paint-box you could imagine for a camera, and this is basically it. There will also be some other great items such as select clips from Dark Country playing back in the booth on a Samsung 3D monitor, and plenty of demos of the entire workflow from shooting to finishing. For more information and additional details and announcements you can read out press releases here: http://www.siliconimaging.com/DigitalCinem..._08_08_NAB.html http://www.siliconimaging.com/DigitalCinem...arkCountry.html Thanks again and hope to see you there! Jason
  15. We're still at around 45 seconds. It won't be getting any faster anytime soon unfortunately. Thanks, Jason
  16. This is because you were using the MINI . . . the above production was going to use the full SI-2K (not the SI-2K MINI). With the MIN you need a laptop or some connected computer source, and yes, the cables need to be long enough :) Not quite true . . . this was a known issue that could happen about 5% of the time that a situation like this occurred where a depleted battery was used to boot the camera, but the camera didn't full boot, and shut-down hard during the boot process. They were also using a very early prototype camera from last NAB (i.e., the second SI-2K ever made). We've fixed the issue. Also the issue was not the drive being "wiped", but critical file-system files being corrupted due to unexpected power-loss. And again, it didn't happen every time this situation was encountered with bad batteries. In fact, for that prototype camera (which had been in use for more than six months), that was the first time it happened. So we're talking pretty rare event. But again, it's been fixed. This only happens at 0db gain because 0db analog gain does not apply full-swing to the A/D converters (i.e., the max digital value at 0db is about 2% less than 4096 (so max code value of around 4014), where-as at +3db and above it is). Using analog gains allows for cleaner signals (you get less noise when applying higher gains compared to using digital gains), but you just have to keep in-mind that the RAW data itself won't peak at 100%, but rather at 98% when using 0db gain. We could have set +3db as 0db gain to hide this from the end-user, but we figured that people would rather have lower noise, and since the default .look files that come with the camera automatically compensate for this effect (so 98% white gets mapped to 100% white), it's really not an issue when shooting with the camera. Also our in-camera metering for high-light clipping, etc. will show you when you're clipping even if the RAW data is only at the 98% level, so again, not really a huge concern. Now normally most cameras our there would have either bumped up to +3db, or applied in-camera digital processing (digital gains) to make sure that whites always clipped . . . rather than using in-camera processing that "bakes" the color-adjusments into the digital data, we can very cleanly compensate for this very slight highlight shift through the non-destructive .look files and SpeedGrade OnSet. Also remember that this is 2% in photometrically linear space . . . so once you apply gamma correction and anything else to make the image look "normal", that 2% highlight head-room is gone and 100% white is 100% white. The histogram though is allowing you to see the RAW data as it comes off the sensor pre color adjustments (and again, all the color adjustments are non-destructive). Just to alay any confusion, it's not the SI-2K "SR", but simply the "SI-2K" . . . there is the SI-2K MINI, and the SI-2K. Thanks, we're glad to be of service :) Jason
  17. Hi Everyone, Sorry for posting so late, and thanks Mitch for following up here. Some quick points: The price list is currently available by either contacting us or distributors like Abel Cine. Part of the reasoning behind no current public price list on the website is that we are still working out some of the pricing details for upcoming accessories (not the cameras themselves), and distribution agreements for international support. As such, posting U.S. pricing can be a little misleading until we get everything sorted out, since those with Euro, VAT, etc. will be a bit different, but it won't be 1:1 correlation (i.e., we are not going to use exchange rates to sell in other markets), so we're wanting to get that all straight before publically posting something. Since we are not going the route of direct-to-market sales, simply posting price lists like other domestic companies without taking into account how the international distribution and support networks will have slightly different pricing (actually better for those in local countries since it will mean you won't have to pay unnecessary import fees, etc.) will cause a lot of confusion. As for FCP, the only "hoops" you're going to have to run through in a couple week will be recording a QT in the camera, and then dragging that into your FCP timeline . . . no transcoding, re-wrapping, etc . . . just drag-and-drop :) Basically the QT support for Final Cut Pro with all the full-resolution demosaicing and color metadata support is now fully implemented in in-house betas, and should be released for a public beta soon. As for camera shipments, we have currently shipped our entire first preliminary production run of 25 cameras to customers around the world, and we have taken the suggestions from those customers and incorporated some minor tweaks and improvements in our second larger manufacturing run that will be completed for shipment in early Q1. BTW, if any of the current customers are reading this, not to be concerned, since we will have an upgrade path should you want a newer enclosure. The enclosure is not changing radically though . . . again, it's basically tweaks here and there. Thanks, Jason
  18. The new Sony EX-1 would probably be at the top of the list for small-size while delivering pro features unless you're leary of new technology and/or can't get your hands on one. Thanks, Jason
  19. In an effort to better serve you with the latest updates, we have provided a RSS feed that will contain the latest updates on news, information, downloads, and other topics from Silicon Imaging. To subscribe to this RSS feed, please visit out website at http://www.siliconimaging.com/DigitalCinema/ and click on the "Subscribe" link at the top of the news posting section. Thanks!
  20. Do you have a newer camera with the P+S Technik design or one of the older prototypes? We've been using a 12mm Zeiss Superspeed and there is no vignetting.
  21. I agree, with Brian here, the laptop screen is a bad idea for exposure, especially gamma accuracy, unless you KNOW that it's calibrated properly. So that is why we've offered so many exposure tools in our software. You have a histogram, a false-color zone metering system, and a spot meter. The ASA of the camera it it's default 10-bit LOG state is around ISO250 for 3200K lighting, although you can push it to around ISO320 and use a .look 3D LUT and the internal color-corrector's non-destructive gamma/offset/gain controls to normalize the brightness to proper levels without incurring a noise-hit (again, it's non-destructive, so you can always reverse it in post). But definitely if you opened up another 2 f-stops from a nominal ISO320 exposure you're gonna start clipping quite a bit . . . at that point you only have around 3.5 f-stops or slightly less from middle grey to white clip (normally exposed at ISO250 you would have 4.7, and at ISO320 you get a little over 5 f-stops from middle-grey to white clip).
  22. The MINI actually needs a beam-splitter system for 3D work, altough this setup is a lot smaller than what you can do with any other cameras, except for maybe the T-head from the Sony cameras. We'll be coming out with a new series of cameras though that will be even smaller than the MINI . . . it won't be a replacement of the MINI, it will be a bit different, but if you want to put two cameras side-by-side, then that will probaby be the ideal design. We've found so-far from the test of those doing 3D work with out cameras that c-mount lenses don't do the trick for large-format photography . . . so you end up having to use really good glass like Zeiss primes, etc, all of which have front element diameters that are a lot larger than 2.5", so the point of having a really small width is lost when the glass you use is going to be larger than the camera itself (witness the image of the Digiprime on our MINI head on the website). Thanks, Jason
  23. Actually, I'm not that enlightened enough to provide you a "real" answer to your question :) . . . I do know that it's a new design, or at least a new fab of a design, i.e., it's not an old re-purposed chip like you're proposing AFAIK, although maybe the pixel and ADC architectures might be slightly older IP that is being re-purposed, but again, I don't know much info beyond that.
  24. The "Mysterium" is not from AltaSens, as I myself know who designed it as well as where it's fabbed (this is a very small community . . . there aren't many places or people with this type of expertise in the world), but it is nice to know that people think they look really similar :)
  25. CineForm released the 422 and the 444 versions of their codec. Now they need to release the RAW portion of the codec as well. The 422 and 444 versions of the codec needed to come first because the 444 version of the codec is what CineForm RAW decodes to. So the answer is that FCP support is coming VERY soon . . . and I say this for real because it was the release of the 422 and 444 codecs that was the hang-up . . . you can't have the RAW codecs without the 444 decode support as well. So now one major hurdle has been accomplished, and the next one is coming down the pike. Naturally I know I've been saying "very soon" for the last year now, so I don't necessarily expect people to believe me, but it won't matter in a little while because the codec will be available and we can then move on with life :)
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