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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. Who makes the 5K sensor with more noise? Are sensors easily swapped out with Scanstation?
  2. When you stand for a short period of time your ankles and joints crack when you move and get in the sound. Heavy breathing has to be suppressed and gets in the sound. When you handhold on the shoulder heavy breathing can raise or lower the camera. Then your shoulder is pinched the next day from holding the camera. You are always choking up and trying not to cough. …it is hell being an old cameraman
  3. Silent scanner 8 - 16mm http://www.moviestuff.tv/moviestuff_universal_mark_ii_series.html $8495+
  4. I'm just learning about editing. What resources are there to study for editing? Any gold rules for editing don'ts? Thanks
  5. Tyler, they must have had a mess with all these personalities involved in the cutting process. With digital editing is easy. Film must have been a nightmare with moving things back and forth, in and out.
  6. I've been working on a film called The Cotton Pickers. Film also has some migratory farm workers and dustbowl refugees from the 1930's in it. So it not 100% cotton pickers. I thought about breaking up the carrot and potato workers into other films, but am not that interested in it so lumped em all together with about 75% of them as cotton workers. And really they were as the name says ...migratory and picked whatever they could to make a buck. About 80% of material was shot by Dorothea Lange. Here is one of Lange's less known, but still iconic shots. Photo has 15 - 20 minutes of post work by me. Almost everything out of the LOC are flat, raw scans...and dirty. Lange was a helluva gal and photog! I've come to known her quite well post processing hundreds of her photos. But I probably spent the most time on this photo.
  7. Interesting little film. Nice music. I didn't like going back and forth from wide screen. Chops it up too much for my taste. Good luck!
  8. I thought you were being harsh, but after watching, I concur. I sped through with the slider. Too jumbled up for me. Also hate low res film. But there were bits and pieces that looked interesting. Good luck with your film aspirations OP.
  9. I've tried a number vintage lenses on stills. Always disappointed. No great vintage look for me. Waste of $$ All these lenses were sharp. I was looking for interesting bokeh and got very little. Here are a few I've tried... http://vintage-camera-lenses.com/meyer-optik-gorlitz-primoplan-1-9-58/ http://vintage-camera-lenses.com/carl-zeiss-ultron-50mm-1-8/ http://vintage-camera-lenses.com/category/lenses/jupiter/ Check this site out for lenses, it is the holy grail, but you will have to adapt to movie cam. http://vintage-camera-lenses.com/carl-zeiss-ultron-50mm-1-8/ If you want film look, try shooting at T2.8, T4 to T5.6 max. Then add some digital grain. If you have a monochrome sensor and shoot at 2500 ISO. Higher ISO can have a nice grain look to them. But I don't like it over 2500 ISO, although in emergency will go to 3200 ISO sometimes. Even color sensors at high ISO can offer some grain. Problem with digital grain in post is that it is not organic grain as film grain is. Digital grain is like a screen of grain put over the image even in the whites. At least that is how it was a few years ago when I tried. Maybe they have improved it. Note, all my digital cam / software is old. (2012 to 2014) Maybe state of the art gear / software will perform better in areas I've discussed. If you want to soft the look, then try very light diffusion. Very cheap $$, just be careful to buy items that can be returned if they don't achieve your look. Some $$ ones are non returnable. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ntt=soft focus filters&N=0&InitialSearch=yes&sts=ma&Top+Nav-Search= Good luck!
  10. Here is one of the clips with commentary. Takes more work to get the names and dates so I let people figure it out if they are interested. If I had more time and energy would tag everything. I'm only one person, can only do so much. I have 140+ areas of collection in my archive. https://archive.org/search.php?query=Frankie %26 Johnny Old Country Record Shop D.D.Teoli Jr. A.C.
  11. Last I heard he had 15,000. But that was long ago. I guess it is a disease with collector. A friend has a movie about him. I watched some of it. He canvased many states going door to door in the boondocks trying to buy old records. I would hate to have to build a collection like that. I'd buy it off eBay if I had the $$. Although the places he went looked interesting for photographing people. (occupants of the house) I'm building a collection of early western, county, hillbilly, folk and yodel music. I met an old yodeler in his 80's. He gave me about 150 hours of music and commentary I'm going through to mine songs from. Some of it is very rare material and would make good background music for some of my films. I had never given music any thought for my films which are for the most part silent. But some of the music may fit the films pretty good. I'll put one on the I.A. and send it in. A very rare version of Frankie and Johnny.
  12. Or transfer to DVD and trash? I trashed the bulk of mine, except for some personal tapes. I kept them just in case the new fangled DVD didn't turn out to last. Recently my archive acquired about 40 VHS tapes and now have to find head cleaners and working VHS machines. Ahhhh...the joy of going back in time!
  13. You got a nice list. I got a few records. Hope to digitize. I'd save my digital files. Appreciate it, but not into vinyl. Joe Bussard would be in trouble in a fire. https://www.google.com/search?q=joe+bussard&sxsrf=ACYBGNStix0lgeK0dHX6BKPC0VXXtHsNWg:1568734341648&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwif5bjpltjkAhVLmK0KHZWPDtkQ_AUIEygD&biw=1000&bih=630
  14. You have to PP for Vimeo. YT and Vimeo need their own separate files many a time. TV viewing may need its own file. The trend with TV is to oversaturate colors and contrast. Good luck!
  15. https://archive.org/search.php?query=3%20graces%20teoli 7 files of the same subject that illustrate the difference in resolution between 72kb - 4.32mb. The film shown is 'The 3 Graces,' a vintage acetate film suffering from vinegar syndrome.
  16. "...minimizing the appearance of breathing when changing focus."
  17. Yes, you are right about DS. I guess DS means dual sided controls. One of the lenses had dual controls and ll, so it is a DS lens. Other one does not. Why didn't Rok just mark things on the box?
  18. OK, will study my software for options. I have Movavi, hopefully it does it. I wanted to inject some movement into my movies.
  19. I bought a zoom from Japan to try. Not much $$. I've used lots of adapted FD prime lenses on the Sony. But they were all superwides. With superwide FD's the corners are fuzzy on the Sony, so gave up on them. But maybe little longer FD lenses would fly with short film clips where fuzzy corners would not be that noticeable. The longer the lens, the less the fuzz! Being underground I'm always experimenting and working outside of the mainstream. We will see.
  20. Was looking for cine' zoom options for Sony E. Had no idea they were $10,000 to $40,000 per lens. Has anyone tried old film era Canon FD zooms on the Sony? Does the FD have constant focus along the zoom range ? Thanks
  21. It does not have to be like Burns exactly, but in that style of moving parallelly around a photo or drawing, zooming in / out, etc. Can that be done easily in post or is it in-camera? I have a copy stand, but can't move the camera. And really I don't use the copy stand to film photos, I just inject the still photos into the video software. But I'd like to move around the photos or drawings, zooming in and out. If I need certain equipment for camera movements what do you recommend? Thanks
  22. https://archive.org/details/storagepreservationmotionpicfilmteolijr.a.c.39
  23. What a loss. Here are the proof sheets from The Americans in memory and honor of Frank. https://danieldteolijrarchivalcollection.wordpress.com/2018/08/06/robert-frank-the-rejected-americans-you-choose/ https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTkqjSJ3nDq8P3-atoPgWCXTfma_Q%3A1568136129167&source=hp&ei=wdt3XdD5B8HL-gSa-oOABA&q=Photographer+and+Filmaker+Robert+Frank+Dies&oq=Photographer+and+Filmaker+Robert+Frank+Dies&gs_l=psy-ab.12...0.0..1687...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.v5Iw-AC1DdE&ved=0ahUKEwiQ3r6n4sbkAhXBpZ4KHRr9AEAQ4dUDCAs
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