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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. It does not have to be like Burns exactly, but in that style of moving parallelly around a photo or drawing, zooming in / out, etc. Can that be done easily in post or is it in-camera? I have a copy stand, but can't move the camera. And really I don't use the copy stand to film photos, I just inject the still photos into the video software. But I'd like to move around the photos or drawings, zooming in and out. If I need certain equipment for camera movements what do you recommend? Thanks
  2. https://archive.org/details/storagepreservationmotionpicfilmteolijr.a.c.39
  3. What a loss. Here are the proof sheets from The Americans in memory and honor of Frank. https://danieldteolijrarchivalcollection.wordpress.com/2018/08/06/robert-frank-the-rejected-americans-you-choose/ https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTkqjSJ3nDq8P3-atoPgWCXTfma_Q%3A1568136129167&source=hp&ei=wdt3XdD5B8HL-gSa-oOABA&q=Photographer+and+Filmaker+Robert+Frank+Dies&oq=Photographer+and+Filmaker+Robert+Frank+Dies&gs_l=psy-ab.12...0.0..1687...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.v5Iw-AC1DdE&ved=0ahUKEwiQ3r6n4sbkAhXBpZ4KHRr9AEAQ4dUDCAs
  4. Thanks for the info to check. I looked all over the lens and box. No DS mentioned.
  5. OK, just got a cheap follow focus puller. ($127) Very happy with it. Pretty good fit, some slop with sloshing of grease. But for the $$, I guess it is fine having never used $$ ones. When I first tried the lens I grabbed the t stop ring thinking it was the focus ring. Screwed up the shot. But it was just a test, so no big deal. Lens shown has to go back to BH. They keep sending AS when I order DS. Not once, but 4 times! The stop options for the follow focus is very useful. I almost threw the long handle away as it was hidden in the box. I thought it only used the wheel. PS...I always glue extensions on the shutter button of the digital cams. I do mainly still photography. I hate the shutter buttons they use. Can't feel them for shooting from the hip. Terrible design. This cam has a synthetic turquoise cabochon epoxied on the shutter release. I would prefer a black cabochon, but blue was what I had.
  6. Maybe. Planning to try anyway. He took me down in the basement to show me how he plays his pipes to the steam heat furnace. I hope to shoot that in IR. I got IR video, just no IR light sources other than flash. That is something to experiment with. I can get IR lights, but I want invisible IR light. That is the iffy part. I don't need invisible for him, I need invisible for me and other candid projects. I figure I might as well shoot for the invisible light if I can.
  7. Thanks. Still trying to get some lenses. I've ordered a few Rokinon DS from BH for my Sony. They keep sending AS lenses. They have sent replacements a number of times. 4 lenses over 2 weeks and all wrong AS lenses. In fact, the budget for the film is mainly these lenses...on my credit card! Hope to get some lenses soon I can keep. As far as worthy? I think so, but just no telling sometimes. I've had projects I thought were important and little interest was shown for them. Other projects I thought were nothing, had big followings. That is the beauty of not having to work commercial. If you please yourself with your work, you are fine. With commercial work, you got to make $$.
  8. PS...above shot was lit by one bare bulb! Ceiling light is broke. I put same photo on another forum. Face and little table desk all burned out. Every venue and print may need their own post image. This image has +/- 20 minutes of post to make it work. With film / vid, you got to get it closer unless you got deep pockets for frame by frame retouching.
  9. Last Thursday started on new documentary about an 85 year yodeler. 3 floors packed with 65 years of country music history. Still trying to figure out best way to shoot. This is his office he uses to make radio shows. No room for a tripod. My fat stomach is in the bottom of the photo. I'll shoot once or twice a week for a few hours. I can't work too hard. Got ADD. I can work hard, but not on the same project all day. Got to mix things up. Will probably end up as a 1 hour to 1.5 hour film. Whatever does it justice. Budget is next to nothing. This is an 'I do it all film.' Not knowing how to do it all is another challenge. If I hit the lotto I'd hire you guys or gals to make the film. But must be grateful for having 'some' skills to do it broke. Shot some test footage on Thursday for sound and lights. No room to get the video cam in while taking a still...that is tight!
  10. The only way to settle this is to shoot some sample film with both setups. If I had the excess $$ or equipment I would get it done for you. This is the type of thing that intrigues me. While I'm not a pixel peeper, I like to know where I stand. I do lots of available light shooting. I don't have the luxury of adding light many times. I shoot all my lenses wide open, then test stopped down some. I know which can produce decent results wide open and which can't. It is good to know if your setup will produce less than highest level results from the start.
  11. That was the topic. I heard a piece on food author Pollan that says he is into drugs now. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/books/review/michael-pollan-how-to-change-your-mind.html
  12. That was the exact topic title on a photo forum that kicked me out. So will open up discussion here. Recently I have been thinking I need some drugs, but not for creativity, but to get may ass in gear. Too drained to work hard and fast. Just dragging. Of course, getting more sleep would help. I can see how rock stars take drugs to get energy. I had to give up drugs in the 80's. I lost my memory for 3 days in 1985. Wanted to jump out of a window, naked. Felt like I was burning up. After that I decided I better preserve any brain cells I got left. But it is always tempting to think how creative I'd be if I just got doped up. With doc work, you can only be so creative. So lucky creativity is not the end all with my type of work.
  13. If all you have is a 1080 Blu-ray player and 1080 TV is there any benefit to using a 4K camera over 1080 cam? Thanks
  14. Vintage college football press photos from the 1930's - 1950's (mostly) Crazy gear! After I made it I thought old radio coverage of the games would be good background sound for it. Maybe will redo someday.
  15. With 35mm still film camera a 50mm is considered normal. Is it the same with 35mm FF 4k? A 35mm FF 4k must not be the same as 35mm film as the top and bottom of a circle fisheye gets cropped, whereas it does not crop on 35mm film.
  16. What is a decent Steadicam wannabe that is affordable. Not Steadicam, but something that rests on your shoulders and chest. I was going to use a tripod, but the musician is a clutterer and no room for the tripod. Hardly able to move down the aisles...sideways. I tried hand holding and it is tough doing interviews as he is long winded. Does not have to be rock steady, but something better than handheld. I'm using Sony A7Rii, 35mm Rokinon cine', hand bracket with video light and a small mike on cam hotshoe. Was going to try monopod, but prefer mobility. Thanks (PS...it is hard taking decent, steady video on the fly while trying to follow focus. Sometimes you grab the T stop ring instead of the focus ring by mistake.)
  17. Do you test your film cameras when you rent or just start shooting? If you test, what are the type of your tests? Thanks
  18. I will look up 'follow focus', but the lens is huge. Compare it to a ZM 35mm. The Rok is like a telephoto or zoom in length. OK...I see what it is... Marking the ring is a cool idea. I thought the puller read the focus dial. They just need to look for the marks. Do they have some sort of machine for the T stops as well? Or do they just try to match the looks and put a gear on the T stop ring? Here is a ZM 35mm. Manual lens. I think it is under 3 inches. (But do not have in front of me.) My f2.8 35mm ZM is +/- 2-1/8 inches long. (W/O hood.) Fair Use photo
  19. Up till now I've used still lenses for my video work. I bought my first cine' lens, a 35mm Rokinon. (BH sent the wrong one, I ordered a DS and they sent an AS, and it looked 'open box' but that is beside the point.) This 35mm is a monster compared to a 35mm still camera lens. Why are cine' lenses so big compared to still lenses? Another question is...why do they put gears on the focus and T stop rings? I prefer the feel of the still camera rings, but maybe I'm missing something with the gears. Thanks
  20. Is the only benefit with a T stop vs an F stop is that you can swap lenses and be guaranteed a T5.6 on one lens is a T5.6 on another lens? If not, what is the benefit with T stops?
  21. Thanks for the info! Glad they saved something about the machine... http://www.earlytelevision.org/rank_cintel_crt.html Does anyone know what were the first VHS movies made for sale? (regular or X rated) I have a book called The X Rated Videotape Guide. It has some early 1970's and lots of mid 1970's x VHS tapes listed. But the dates may be when the films were made and not when the video was made. I started to collect some of the earliest VHS porn in my archive. Trying to see how things were when they made the switch from film to VHS. I had a list of 166 titles of mid 1970's listed X VHS tapes to hunt down. I maybe found tapes for 20% of what was on the list. And the ones I would find were mainly singe examples of the titles with no box and in fair looking condition. For me, I just trashed most of my VHS tape collection when moving over to DVD. Too bulky, too low Q image and not worth anything to sell. So I can see how lots of history was just trashed. When I first started to collect the VHS porn I didn't have the guide book to go by. So I bought big lots of VHS porn. I paid about .40 cents to .60 cents per tape in bulk, with boxes and in nice shape. (Media mail shipping cost more than the tapes!) Only problem with that is, out of the 3 lots totaling over 120+ tapes I purchased, I didn't get anything usable for my specs of early 1970's VHS porn. When I got the The X Rated Videotape Guide I could see what was made and look for that specifically. The single tapes were a lot more expensive. They were not worth the $5 to $12 I had to pay for each tape. But it is not a big deal, so overpaid to put them in my archive. (I have not got as far to test them to see how they play. I just started collecting the early X VHS over the last couple month.) I got interested in VHS, in a small way, after watching Rewind This. My only interest with VHS collecting is the early era X films when 8mm and 16mm porn films transitioned to VHS The X Rated Videotape Guide I have is the first revised edition of 1986 / 1984. At the time it was written, the book said that 50% of the VHS tapes made commercially were for the porn industry. From what I gather, VHS has died out even more with collectors. I checked on the links mentioned in Rewind This and things looked to have gone downhill.
  22. I got a hairy windscreen with my mike. (This is just an example photo) For interviews / singing / music indoors, with subject 6 to 8 feet away, mike mounted on camera hotshoe, is there any benefit to using this screen? Or are they made for outdoors only. Thanks
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