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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. I use Surefire tactical lights. But for self-defense.(combined with pepper spray) In NYC you can't have much for self-defense. If someone hits you with 1000 lumens in the dark you can't see for 15 - 20 seconds. 200 lumens is the minimum for self-defense, 1200 lumens is much better. Surefire is pricey, top shelf. You can also try Steamtight, they are cheaper. You may have to go down in power, 200 lumens may be too much, dunno. A household flashlight is about 10 - 20 lumens and wide beam. If you got a Cabela's nearby, lots of cheap lights that pack power. Check out https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/forum.php The home of flashlight fondlers! Good luck!
  2. Thanks for the info. I'm using on YouTube and Vimeo
  3. What type of camera do you use? Are they converted cameras or factory made? Can you do it with something small like the Pocket Cinema 4K? Are the IR lights small? Does the IR light give off an orange glow or is the IR light invisible? Thanks
  4. 'Look at #metoo'... is a social documentary study of my tablet's screen of various girls on Instagram in the #metoo era. This is the short version of the video. The full length 37 minute video will be on the Internet Archive as it is too long for my Vimeo account. Note: lesbian separatists and third-wave feminists object to the use of the term 'girl' for any female after she has reached the age of menstruation. NSFW...ish In production are similar videos on stretch marks and acne.
  5. As shot with still cameras on video setting.
  6. Nice foundation he has set up. I'd like to do the same for small gauge film....if the lotto ever cooperates!
  7. Dunno who took this...but love the Bobby soxers. 1940s 4 x 5 chrome (The girls were all natural back then!)
  8. I never could figure out them guys that would do lots of work shooting a movie with expired eBay film. I used to make fun of them. But I ended up on eBay buying used projector and editor bulbs and scrounging for acetate 16mm leader. So I guess it is payback / karma. (BTW, poly leader is a dust magnet, picks up all sort of crap. Go with acetate leader if you can.)
  9. I thought about asking for $, but the crowdfunding says no porn and about 40% to 60% of the archive is ancient stag films. I got a Retroscan scanner that does OK, but not the best. I keep buying lotto tickets so I can buy a Lasergraphics as well as a house or office to put the Lasergraphics in. But so far lotto is no cooperating. Many people have never seen a projected film. They can get mesmerized by it. When I was in grade school they would take us into the parish hall on Fridays and show us some 16mm films. One day, in Jr. college they wheeled in a cart with TV and VHS and that was the end of 16mm.
  10. https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/sd-express-cards-to-release-in-2020-format-adopted-by-cameras-in-2021
  11. 'Pig in a poke' films don't go for much. .75 to $1.50 a roll on average in big lots. Film is the cheapest part of the equation with collecting time capsule films. Rarer films that contain interesting or historical content and are well described, may go for $30 to $100+ a reel. The problem is this...a $20 film lot like is shown here will cost thousands of $$ to get digital scanned....if you don't have a scanner.
  12. OP...dunno. This was the redlight in Amsterdam. (Candid) Photo is sharper, but had to reduce it for forum. You should be able to adjust it some to fine tune your likes. I pushed this about 1-1/2 stops, but this red is what it looked like with little manipulation for color. You could always try a mix of lights or gels. Do a series of lightning tests and post the results. Would be interesting to see.
  13. Impressive English! That is right, keep making em. Sometimes one project leads to another project. I call them 'offshoots.' In my own case, I have dozens of offshoot projects that came out of previous projects. Also expose yourself to all sort of venues. You never know what will give you an idea for a project.
  14. I like shooting people, but I don't like dealing with / talking with people. So that limits me with people vids. I do lots of candid work with still photos, but that is about it. Maybe I can get into candid video work. I'd like to try that M43 Pocket cam someday. There was a homeless guy on 5th Ave eating dirt with a spoon from a tree that was growing there. That would have made some interesting filming, but you have to be prepared and I wasn't. I've taken to making videos off of Instagram. It is a dream for the social documentarian. You can get into the lives of all sort of people. OK, it is not as good as getting into their homes and life. But they wont let me in anyway and I don't know em in the first place. I wanted to make a video on a IG account called 'House of Fatties,' but looks like they banned them. I have a few vids I'm working on for acne and stretch marks on IG. I can get the idea and shoot the video in 5 - 10 minutes. It is my fault I waited 2 weeks to do the fatties. But lost track and boom they are gone. Those are the type of vids I like to make....fast! I could never do traditional video or film work. You have to be very anal and patient for film work. I was at the Santa Monica Pier one time watching em make a movie. I waited about 15 - 20 minutes and they did absolutely nothing. That was my ADD limit, and forced at that, so I moved on. Also have to be a good technician, again anal. I am pretty good at tech, for candid street work, but when it comes to studio work, I'm not that anal. A good cinematographer is akin to the large format still photogs with 8 x 10 view cams. Both are cut from the same cloth. Do you have any ideas for your next vid?
  15. You have to stay on top of this stuff. I waited a few weeks to make a video on an Instagram account I liked, then poof, they were banned and everything is gone overnight. I was first clued into the ephemeral nature of the Internet many years ago while watching a video on YouTube at lunch. I got through half of it and was going to finish on lunch break the next day. When I went to the link YT had removed the video for copyright issue. It was just a video on some art galleries. I guess the galleries didn't want their art on YT.
  16. Interesting 9 minute audio telling the story of how throwaway ephemera plays a part in understanding and preserving history. "A history of the modern world as told by everyday throwaway ephemera" https://archive.org/details/AHistoryModernWorldThrowawayEphemeraPRI
  17. Everyone has a philosophy of 'why' they press the button. Here is Weegee's take on it... https://archive.org/details/WeegeeTellsHow
  18. I wonder what happened to her? She was a darling girl, looked to be healthy. Well, that is the mystery of found photography. DDTJRAC / Getty
  19. To add some manipulations I extended the test to 32 generations, reducing and then enlarging the 32nd gen JPEG. If you manipulate an image enough you will be successful in degradation. But this test was done simply to show how importing and exporting a JPEG affected the image over many generations.
  20. Well, I work in many areas Perry and am limited in what I can spend in any one area. I have to try to balance my budget. I have a number of hard drives already. But they add up in $$. You have working drives, back-up drives, off-site drives, etc. I have to budget to buy postage stamps when I send out promotional mailers, so can't just spend on whatever I want to.
  21. 8bit is all I've ever used Perry. It works fine for my prints and for digital online. I don't make billboards, but it works for 17 x 22 size and maybe bigger. And in reality I just print 11 x 14 or 13 x 17. Another problem with going big bit size is space. 16bit is too much for me to work with for storage. I can't afford tape drives or huge RAID and NAS setups Perry. Take the cyanotype I used in the example. The original 800 dpi TIFF scan cropped was 97mb. The uncropped version full bleed to edges was 151mb in a 24 bit color scan. For the same scan in 48 bit color it is 303mb. That size of file is too big for me. I got hundreds of thousands of images, I could never begin to store those size files on my budget. And some of my scans are a lot higher dpi than 800. There is an interesting difference if you go the Internet Archive link and look at both low res images without clicking on them. There are 2 small dots at the bottom of the image. Click on the dots and it toggles between the gen 1 and gen 31 images. The 31st gen jpeg has lines in it. But when you click on the photo and it brings up the hi res version there are no lines. Maybe if it was printed in 40 x 60 inches the 31 gen file may have lines in it...who knows? What is your explanation of this phenomena?
  22. Do you mean crop and enlarge the image each generation? For my own work I settle on the size first and seldom change it. Only burning and dodging usually change, sometimes sharpness and contrast. Have you done testing on this, if so lets see it.
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