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Found 8 results

  1. For Sale : Arri Master Prime Lenses 100 Master Macro, 32 & 21mm 100mm Master Macro : $18,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-100mm-macro-lens/ 32mm : $9,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-prime-32mm-lens/ 21mm : $9,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-prime-21mm-lens/
  2. For Sale : Arri Master Prime Lenses 100 Master Macro, 32 & 21mm 100mm Master Macro : $18,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-100mm-macro-lens/ 32mm : $9,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-prime-32mm-lens/ 21mm : $9,000 USD LINK : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-master-prime-21mm-lens/
  3. For Sale : Atlas Orion B Lens Set 32/50/80mm $27,500 US Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/atlas-orion-b-lens-set-32-50-80mm/
  4. Ultra Prime Set X7 Price: $45,000 omar@raw-entertainment.com In perfect working condition 10mm 16mm 24mm 32mm 50mm 85mm 135mm Omar Alarian COO / Film Producer IMDB: www.imdb.com/name/nm7440967/ Raw Entertainment www.raw-entertainment.com Gold Sponsor: www.cinematography.net Sponsor: www.cinematography.com Latest Feature Film Trailer Welad Rizk: youtu.be/KbuuzxTxhP4 Youtube Channel: youtube.com/c/RAWegypt Instagram: instagram.com/rawegypt?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Facebook: www.facebook.com/rawegypt Address: 55 Abd El-Haleem Hussein Ad Doqi Dokki Giza, Egypt Cell: +2 010 996 7575 3 USA: +16176104227 omar@raw-entertainment.com
  5. 32mm Cooke Speed Panchro (T2.3) For Sale. Arri Standard Mount. Serial Number starts with a 5. I also have a 75mm CSP that I'm selling, listed here separately. I'm asking USD $2,200 for this lens. Preference will be given if there's a buyer who wants to buy both lenses together. I popped it on my Panasonic S1H and unsurprisingly, it doesn't cover Full Frame (see portholing picture in the photo album). This is a Super 35 lens, although there's a bit of darkening at the edges noticeable on these S35 4:3 aspect ratio shots, but it's *barely* noticeable in 16:9, especially if you're not shooting white walls, and certainly not noticeable in anything wider like 2:1 or 2.35:1. Typical of Cooke Speed Panchros of this vintage, it has some light coating scratches in the front and rear elements, (including one deeper scratch near the edge of the front element, see pictures) but nothing that would affect the image. Duclos told me there's some haze and contamination (see picture) in the optics, and some oil on the iris blades as well. It could use a service, or rehousing somewhere like P+S or TLS. I've included a few shots (of the camera operator figurine from a low angle), shot at T2.3 (Wide Open), T2.8, T4, and T5.6. If you're close enough in Brooklyn, Manhattan, or Queens, I can deliver by Uber. Or I can ship. Uploaded file size limits here are pretty small, so I'm going to see if linking to a photo album works: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmPk26hi
  6. Hey there, i was just wondering what some of your favorite and most inspirational experimental film makers are. Mine is Hans Richter, the way he uses film as an extension of his paintings is, to me, life changing. I have had a film showcased in a film festival that was influenced by his work. i first heard about him in a documentary called "Free radicals: a history on experimental film". i want to know what you guys like because I am constantly looking for new ideas and influences for my work.
  7. I am selling another part of my private DoP lens collection. Beautiful compact size of great Zeiss lens. Very sharp. Typical Zeiss quality in a small body. PL mounts and ARRI mounts. 24mm T2,2 32mm T2,2 50mm T2,2 great for small camera setup, traveling, car mounts, handheld work… you can attach 49mm filters which are cheap. Lens were collimated by my optical guy in camera rental house in Prague. more pictures in full quality https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/56419ce681d1d55cc993456fdac02b7c20160111224542/df9ecf Price 3900 USD or euro equivalent. Shipping worldwide. Located in Prague.
  8. Im selling a set of 3 ARRI Master Primes. The 18mm T1.3, 32mm T1.3, and 65mm T1.3 are in excellent condition. Never rented. Available for inspection. Location: North Texas, 45 min north of Dallas. Im asking $55,000. The lenses come in a durable Innerspace lens case. Also willing to sell lenses individually. The best way to reach me is by email at: elliotovla@yahoo.com We purchased the master primes in late 2012, so we have had them almost two years. They have not been in for any service. One of the lens caps has a chip in it. Not sure how that even happened, but I included a photo of the plastic cap with its damage. Nothing major. The lens case has some wear, but a small wipe down will get it looking in great condition. I have included photos below.
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