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My Gear


  1. I just received a bolex h16 with all the bells and whistles etc including a rexofader. I cranked the camera with the levers at MOT and I, 24fps and then I hit the trigger.. absolutely nothing, is the spring busted? I've been prowling the forums and manuals, and can't quite figure out the problem?
  2. OK all you Bolex wizards... what is it?... I've seen them before but never actualyl attached on a camera.
  3. Time for me to sell one of my other Super16 camera : - 1 Bolex EL super 16 mm. Converted from normal 16 to S16 by Les Bosher, UK. Used, some small dents on the surface, but the camera works well. I shot one of my first documentary film with it. About settings : from 10 fps to 50 fps, film speed from 25 asa to 1600 asa, built-in lighmeter. Included : - 1 Bayonet to c mount adapter - 1 battery - 1 battery charger - 1 set of filters holder. Located in Europe. Price : 1000 euros. High res pictures on demand. ( you can e-mail me at : dartwiller@yahoo.fr) I hope my baby gonna find a new home.
  4. Hi Everyone, I'm thinking of buying a Kowa 16H lens for my Bolex H16 REX5 in the aim of making cinemascope. If I have fully understand this lens is adaptable directly on my proper lens, like for example a switar, with a clamp. I guess that I can find several models of clamps in fonction of the diametre of the lenses I want to use. The thing is that I want after that to be able to project my film with an Eiki NT2, and I wonder if I could use the same lens, as it is apparently made for both, camera and projector. How can I adapt the Kowa on the projector? With an other clamp? Here are I am with my supposition...
  5. The Doctor is in... Deep in the moment !!!
  6. OK... what to do with, yet another white elephant. It's a modified REX 1 with 200' foot load capacity. I got this long ago... works great... but was thinking of making it available. Either like it is or converting it to super 16mm or something. Anybody have any thoughts or suggestions on this? Arthur!
  7. Hello Everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am selling a Great little Bolex H16 EBM Camera Package on eBay. eBay item number: 222563920707 http://www.ebay.com/itm/BOLEX-H16-EBM-Electric-16mm-Movie-Camera-Kit-AMAZINGLY-GOOD-CAMERA-PACKAGE-/222563920707?hash=item33d1d7eb43:g:JscAAOSwHLNZVGvt There is a link to a Youtube video demonstrating its operation in the description for the eBay listing. I have many detailed photos of all the items in the Auction, drop me a message and I will gladly send them to you.
  8. Hello Everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am selling a Great little Bolex H16 EBM Camera Package on eBay. eBay item number: 222563920707 http://www.ebay.com/itm/BOLEX-H16-EBM-Electric-16mm-Movie-Camera-Kit-AMAZINGLY-GOOD-CAMERA-PACKAGE-/222563920707?hash=item33d1d7eb43:g:JscAAOSwHLNZVGvt There is a link to a Youtube video demonstrating its operation in the description for the eBay listing. I have many detailed photos of all the items in the Auction, drop me a message and I will gladly send them to you.
  9. Hello Everyone.... OK I found this EBM the is setup to record audio on to 16mm film while shooting... Well that's one way to get SYNC sound... It all looks very complete, but would anyone, today, still use this device? The reason I ask is that I'm planning to remove it... but it seems a shame to trash such vintage technology. any thoughts on this opportunity? Arthur!
  10. I know of several but they seem hard to find.. Had a "time flow" once... wasn't easy to use nor simple to figure the setting status. Anybody? Arthur!
  11. Hey is this legal? I was going for an Ultra 16 gate,,, but I think I over achieved... I got this 6.25mm X 14mm with a nice 2.24 to 1 ratio. What problems do you think are headed my way? A!
  12. Other than the obvious Out-of-phase problems. is there a way to determine that your shutter is perfectly in phase? I shot some camera tests and and some scenes revealed a phase issue and some were ok.... weird! why would this be? Arthur!
  13. ...OK, I'm working with Bolex EBM in a studio setting...the camera body will mount directly to the tripod or dolly. I'm not using the handle grip that has the on/off button on it. MY Question is: Can I plug in my generic power supply (12.2VDC) directly into the camera? The on/off switch will be in-line on the cable going from the power supply to the camera? This configuration will help me run the camera remotely. so what is wrong with the setup? Thanks for your support... Arthur!
  14. Hey Guys. I haven't shot on 16mm for quite some time. Picked up a H16 EBM, Just wondering wha the process for unloading is from the EBM, as on the old reflexes, you disengaged the motor and then wound back the film, not to sure what to do on this body. it also doesn't have the spindle... any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Mitch
  15. Hello, I recently bought a bolex 16mm film camera. Runs well. However, everything in the viewfinder is very very dark, even with quite a bit of light and aperture fully open. Is there anyway to fix this? Also, I got a 25mm to 100mm zoom lens for it. Almost impossible to focus because viewfinders so dark. Besides that, even when zoomed out all the way, things appear closer than they should. I have to stand at the other end of the room just to get a medium cu shot. Any ideas? Thanks.
  16. I have a Bolex Rex5 that I'm having a focus problem with. Consistent across several rolls of film the fist 15 frames of film waver in and out of focus before finally settling on a just-out-of-focus image which is holds for the remainder of the shot, almost just a soft focus. It is incredibly noticeable when text in in the image. Is this something one would see if the the pressure plate on the gate was not closed properly? I like to to think I didn't improperly close the pressure plate for several rolls of film, but I suppose anything is possible...
  17. I have the first prototype installed on a Bolex REX... eliminated the mask and have a line on the ground glass defining the exposed gate area. I think the lines should be thinner...
  18. Looking to have a bolex looked at/repaired. Anyone out there still servicing? Thanks! - Hunter
  19. Hello Crew!!! I would like some feedback, if possible, on these updated Bolex H16 graphics... Now Available from Dr. Bolex
  20. Hello Again, Dr. Bolex here again, Anybody have any suggestions on an ALTERNATE power supply for the Bolex EBM's? Since the standard issue battery is not cheap but worse very hard to find. SO, what about a simple 12V 3A DC power converter plugs into any 110 AC outlet. Then can be plugged directly in the camera... Also an option is to have batteries for use in the field. Thought?... what am i missing?
  21. Hey camera people!!! Some EBM cameras have battery power supply... anyone have any thoughts on just switching that out for a regular 12V power supply like what's on you laptops. only gotcha i see is you need power!... these batteries that are made for it are expensive and hard to find. Well I was going to do that to the EBMs unless someone can tell me why not! Thanks, Your replies are welcome, Arthur!
  22. WOW it is possible to get 10X and 13X plus almost 16X it's huge. Without distortion and pleasant to view.!
  23. Hello Peeps, I have a Bolex H16 for sale on eBay. It is a great package, it is in good condition, for the most part and it was tested. The camera comes with case, a few lenses, adapters and some extra accessories. If you are interested please take a look at my auction, you will find detailed information about the camera in my post, as well as some pictures. Link to eBay post: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bolex-H16-Reflex-camera-in-absolutely-great-condition-lenses-accessories/152299098290?_trksid=p2050601.c100085.m2372&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D37338%26meid%3Defb46c8c2bc440f28e31079ecfbad9d1%26pid%3D100085%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D152299098290%26clkid%3D277360011974057540&_qi=RTM2247625 Link to a camera test video with lenses info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1OyMB8CNzc Big Resolution pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76622647@N06/albums/72157672298789583 Thanks for looking.
  24. Here are some Bolex Cameras I have on ebay! Please give me you thoughts! _________________________________ Bolex EBM Electric - 16mm Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291900354769?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex H16 Supreme - 16mm Film Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291903279277?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex H16 - 16mm Film Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291903075640?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex H16 Supreme - 16mm Film Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291903108823?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex REX 4 Reflex - 16mm Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291902824463?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex H-16 Supreme - 16mm Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291903094703?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex M - 16mm Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291900419339?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 _________________________________ Bolex H-16 S - 16mm Camera http://www.ebay.com/itm/291900359952?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
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