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My Gear


  1. Moviola Film Editing Machine | eBay This seller has all sizes! $350 a pop...16mm or 35mm. <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  2. Canon 11-165mm PL Mount Super 16 Format T2.5 Amazing Zoom Lens Good shape lens, amazing technically. Includes hard case. £3500 (EU) or $4200 (US) – I am based in London but will be in New York soon so can ship it from there if that helps. Technical Specs Focal length 11-165mm Max aperture (T) 2.5 Close focus 3' Image Circle 16mm Front diameter 95mm Weight 2268g Length 190mm Mount PL Mount
  3. Aaton A-Minima S16 Camera Package $17,000.00 US Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/aaton-a-minima-s16-camera-package/ A-Minima PL Mount Body w/Top Handle Video Tap 3 Magazines Aaton Intervelometer Sachtler Touch & Go Quick Release Plate 2 Camera Power Cables Battery Charger 2 Battery Charging Cables 2 Short BNC Cables 1 12V Micro Force Y Cable 2 IBM Generic Power Cables Hardigg Case
  4. Hi everyone, I have a S16 SR2 with the SR3 lens support system that has two small rods (see picture attached). I was wondering what kind of thread was needed for 15mm extension rods ? Would something like this work : https://www.digixo.com/audio-hifi/accessoires-video/smallrig/p380092-smallerig-1659-combinaison-de-tiges-filetees-15mm.html?affiliateID=300&gQT=1 Or do I need special rods ? Thanks a lot !
  5. Here's my piece 'Luthier'. It's the making of a classic guitar by an artesanal luthier. Shot on Aaton XTR XC + T2.5 Cooke Varokinetal 9-50mm lens + Kodak Vision3 500T and 250D. Processed and scanned on a Scanity (4K) by Cinelab London. I made the live recording of the music in the theatre using a Rode NTG4+ mic into a Zoom F3 recorder. The music was composed by Jeremías (the guitarist/luthier) and is called 'Aida' named after my mother that passed away a couple of Decembers ago. The why: finding out this talented busker was also a luthier, I asked him to make a guitar for me with the idea of filming the whole process. Both the guitar and the 'piece' are intended as a family heirloom. I can't play a note myself! I want to pass the guitar down on the one hand and have the 'filming' as a testament to my 'art'. I hope you have a bit of time to watch the piece. I will be entering it into the very modest Gibraltar Visual Arts Spring Festival in some months time. If I win it will pay back some of the costs I incurred and that's good enough for me haha. Watch at 1440p on YouTube for the best quality! Thanks for watching if you do watch!!!
  6. What is the difference between scanners with Sequential RGB+Infrared color capture method vs a bayer pattern color capture method? I see that laser graphics offers both models and that the arriscan has the Sequential RGB+Infrared. What is gained from the rgb method ?
  7. For Sale : Arri 535B 4 Perf Camera Package Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. 535B Camera s/n 5192 4- 535 400’ Lightweight Mag., s/n 6127, 6104, 6265, 6066 4- 535 1000’ Mag., s/n 8705, 8633, 8589, 8669 Eyepiece Ext. Video Elbow w/VP5 Video Assist ESU Control Unit
  8. For Sale : Arri 435ES 4 Perf Camera Package Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. Arri 435ES 4 Perf Camera Body IVS NTSC Video Tap (Not HD) 6- 400’ Magazines RCU-1 Ground Glass 12” Eyepiece Extension 15mm Bridge Plate 12 & 24v Splitter Box 435 Shoulder Cushion Camera Case 2- Mag Cases
  9. Hi All! As a student, each projects means a way to stretch myself further. If I'm not trying something new (or a little bit scared) on a project then I feel like I'm not taking steps forward. Lately I've been doing pretty in-depth floor plans and 2D pre-vis, and it has been working wonders for every project. However, I'm still working to get exactly what I want in my head to paper, so that on set my images are not a surprise. Is there a way I can tell how many foot-candles a certain light will output? I'm wanting to essentially know exactly how powerful a light I'll need to expose to a pre-determined f-stop. I'm familiarizing myself with inverse square law, so all I'd need is an output at any one distance and could work from there. Is this just a knowledge gained from experience? Or is there a practical way to determine output? Thanks, Jake Mitchell
  10. Hey all! Just finished the ASC Manual and there are a few spots that speak about "Ground Glass". From what I've collected, it seems to be a piece of glass that works between the gate and the reflex and often includes different aspect ratio guides? Can anyone give me a clearer definition? Thanks, Jake
  11. Super 8 - Wittner Cinetec - Super8 Film - S8 - 16mm - Narrow Film I was surprised they had so much stuff. Cine' film must be more popular in Germany / Europe than the USA. I think this is their earlier catalog. www.wittner-kinotechnik.de: Katalog <><><><> Early porn videotape ad from 1980 with trade in scheme. DDTJRAC / VHS - BETA Print Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  12. From what I gather they are more or less the cost of a LG ScanStation...but not really sure. The website, while graphically beautiful, is hard to figure out. Looks to be German made. Has anyone used one in the US of A / or anywhere? I'm still holding out for a 'sampling scanner' that spits out a fast, short synopsis of a reel. (Along with gentle film handling Perry.) An example of a .20 second sampler scan. I don't remember the space between frames, but it is important. Maybe this sampler is a frame every 1-1/2 feet. Breast Reduction Surgery Film Sampler Test .20 Sec Per Frame D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive <><><><> Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival Collection Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio Archive Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography
  13. Arri 535B 35mm Camera Package Price : $6,000 US Link : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-535b-35mm-camera-package/ Camera Package Includes: NTSC Video Tap 3 Or 4 Perf Movement Available 1000′ Mags Or 400′ Shoulder Mags Available (Steadicam Mags Available Also) 1x Ground Glass 1.78 Or 1.33 1x Power Cable 1x Long Viewfinder 1x Heated Eyepiece Mag Port Cap
  14. For Sale : Arri 535B 3perf Movements (QTY) 2 Price : $4000,00 US Each
  15. LOTS MORE! ASK IF YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOUR LOOKING FOR!!! Accepting All Reasonable Offers. Qty.- 3 Arri 235 3 & 4 Perf Camera Pkgs (includes both 3&4 Perf Movements) Qty.- 8 Arri 535B 3 & 4 Perf Camera Pkgs (includes both 3&4 Perf Movements) Qty.- 4 Arri 435ES 4Perf Qty.- 1 MOVIECAM Compact MK2 3 Perf Qty - 2 Aaton XTR S16 Camera Package Qty. - 1 Bell & Howell EYEMO 35 Includes: 4/50 FPS,Daylight Spools Qty .-1 Arri 2C w/Crystal Base Qty.- 3 Arri BL4S Camera Package Qty.- 1 Arri III Parts Only Qty.- 1 Arri III Camera Package Includes:Video Tap NTSC CEI Color Qty.- 2 Arri Mattebox MB14 Qty.- 9 Arri Mattebox MB18 Qty.- Arri Mattebox 15mm SMB2 Qty.- 1 ArriHead 1 Includes: Both Wheels,Locking Nut,VF Holder Qty.- 3 Ronford Baker F7 MK4 Includes: All Accessories Qty. -1 Ronford Baker MKVII Includes: All Accessories Qty .-1 Cooke 18-100mm T3 Includes: 15mm Rods,Motor Bracket,Zoom Stick Qty. -1 Angenieux 18-102mm T2.9 Qty.- 1 Codex Recorder CDX-3600 Included: Cables & Power Cables Qty.- 3 Arri FF4 Follow Focus 15mm BA3, Complete Kit Qty.- 1 Chroziel Follow Focus Lightweight Qty.- 1 Rain Deflector (For Panavision Side Holder,Hand Held Mode,No Cables
  16. Arri SR3 Advanced S16 Camera Package $18,500.00 : https://broadcastsolutions.com/product/arri-sr3-advanced-s16-camera-package/ SR3 Advanced Camera Package Includes: x2 400ft Mags AM Camera HD tap Tap remote and cables Eyepiece extension Ground Glass LWS bracket Bridgeplate Power cable
  17. Hi all, I'll be shooting on the Arri 3C for the first time next week. I've done a little bit of filming on an Arri SRT2 and some 8mm - but no 35mm - and would love to hear some tips and tricks from other DPs who've worked with this camera, as there seems to be fairly little info available online. We'll be shooting mostly indoors (stock has already been chosen by the DP, I am working as the 2nd unit DP). From the sounds of it, it's a fairly clunky camera to use handheld - which is what I think we will be using it for mostly (shooting children). I have an experienced 1st AC, so, I am more interested in operating, or exposure quirks. Thanks!
  18. I know there are many Krasnogorsk haters on this forum but I wanted to share this awesome project by Russian DP Max Ivanov. It's been 2 years in the works and so much effort has been put into this with a ton of custom machined parts and boards. Here are the specs as shared on the Instagram page for the project: - Camera works with 7-12V batteries (it has a 2-pin lemo connector for power input) - Swiss 100 watt BLDC Motor. (BLDC motors have longer service life and were installed on the Aaton A Minima, XTR Prod, Arri 416.) - Motor controlled and stabilized by a microcontroller - Sync is accurate to 0.001fps at 25fps. (between 0.01-0.001 at other framerates) - Framerates: 1-50 fps - Video tap is based on GoPro internals which allows to record the tap feed in-camera. (Max said he will be adding a cable clamp / adapter since it uses the unreliable micro-hdmi connection from the gopro internals) - Optical viewfinder can be used at the same time as the video tap - Wi-Fi control which allows to set framerate and run/stop wirelessly via your phone - Electronic footage counter. (Maintains footage count after being powered off and has a reset button) - Super 16 gate with ground glass adjustment mechanism. FFD can now be easily tuned and will be precisely set on every model. Max will also be selling a set of tools for calibrating the FFD on this camera so you will be able to calibrate it yourself (I can already hear some of you complaining about how nobody should attempt to do this on their own unless they're a trained technician) - Super 16 viewfinder with correct markings - PL Mount Obviously not a camera for every situation, like narrative projects or basically anything with dialogue. However, I think it's perfect for more abstract projects like music videos or fashion films, especially when you need to move fast and do dynamic handheld stuff. I have one preordered and am super excited to test it out once it's ready! (I think the current eta is March/April)
  19. We have a Brand New Never Installed Arri 235 -2 Perf Movement for sale (2 Perf Movement Only). Price- $18,500
  20. I see they have separate gates for sound and silent. They are pretty pricey. Did you find them worthwhile for the price?
  21. For Sale : Fuji 35 & 16mm 400ft. stock new & sealed. Stored in a temperature controlled environment. Purchased new in 2011 & 2012.
  22. Hi there, I recently bought an Arriflex 2C and it came with an extra handgrip motor. Model CRA-6A from Cinema Products which can either work at 24 or 25 fps. It didn't come with a battery nor a power cable and I'm trying to build one myself. It states that it's a 16-24 V & 2 Amp motor but i can't identify what kind is this input power port. It looks like a downsized version of a 3 pin XLR but I could be wrong. Any ideas on what could it be? I don't know if it's readable in the picture but each pin is marked with a letter: A, B and C. I have guessed that "A" stands for the hot pin, "B" for the cold and "C" for ground. But again I could be wrong and I don't want to apply power without being 100% sure since I could fry the motor. Any help is highly welcomed! I'll update if I find additional info on this. Fran Moreno
  23. Arri 35-3 Body 4-perf PL Mount $8750 (Indiana, USA) (4) Standard 400 ft magazines (2) Shoulder 400 ft magazines C.E. Crystal High Speed base Handgrip with trigger Internal battery (brand new uninstalled) Flight cases Body and mags have been completely CLA'd. This kit is single owner and in great condition. More accessories available (Jergen's door, SD tap, etc) if interested. View full kit here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/tnhnw7l7ivm92fok68gbq/h?rlkey=v3do7ou8u0x8eplwoqeykp4q6&dl=0
  24. $22,000 $27,000 w/ Lens Hello, Bought an XTR Prod from Visual Products back in May. Did not get any use out of it with the strike. It was purchased and has sat in its case. Looking to recoup some of the funds spent. It has been fully serviced by VP and not used since. I also have a Canon 8mm-64mm Hurt Locker Zoom that I can bundle in as the case contains a spot for it. Here is a link to the Sharegrid listing. Price isn’t updated. It is $22,000. Cheers! Aaton XTR Prod w/ PL Mount (2) Custom Flight Cases (1) 1.78 Viewing Screen (1) Visual Products HD Color Tap (3) 400’ DX Magazines (3) 12v Onboard Battery and Abel Charger (1) Walnut Handgrip and Cable (2) Standard 15mm Steel Rods (2) Short 15mm Steel Rods
  25. Made a reel out of all the concert footage I shot in 2023. The super 8 footage was shot on a Beaulieu 4008 ZMII and the 16mm was shot on a Bolex H16. https://youtu.be/WgHjehnVAkA?si=BnNhBzU_E0mt8ZBW
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