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Drama Montage

G McMahon

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Hello all,


Hopefully there is a link to an initial edit of my montage sequence. 2min 20 sec duration.


Welcoming critique, length, shots, etc.


Sorry for the quality, the strobing in the club doesn't come through that well.


I plan to have my DVD reel broken into categories;

montage drama, montage corporate, montage 2nd unit/camera operating, sequences/ excerpts from drama.


Look forward to the feed back,

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Some really nice stuff in there! The exterior sunset shots are gorgeous...always a winner!


The only shots that didn't do anything for me was the tilt down from the glass building to the guy stumbling up the stairs and also the guy picking up magazines in the street. To be frank I don't think that they are particularly special. They are no way near as nice as some of the rest of your stuff. Also I would avoid repeating stuff e.g. the highlights on the wood panel - always show them something new.


I would also avoid Youtube, it makes everything look really horrible and pixelated.


What's the music? Batman Begins?

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I would agree with Morgan. And I would also remove some of those shots from the ally in the end. Some of it looked out of focus. Also, I would re-edit your reel to put a few of your stronger images at the end. I think that a reel appears stronger if the shots get increasingly more impressive towards the end. And I thought the music was cool, but because of it's seeming slow pace it detracted from some of your high energy shots. Maybe think about using a piece with a faster tempo?


With making a dvd reel, you should think about making several different reels so you can more accurately target a potential employer. That way you aren't giving them a disk that shows a lot of different styles of work, I know when I'm looking for someone I hate having to sit through examples of work that has no application to what I'm hiring that person for. And the dvd should be as simple as possible, such as having your footage montage play first as soon as the disk is inserted without any effort on the watchers part, and then have it go to a menu where they can choose to see the montage again and further long form examples of your work.


But all in all, great looking stuff!



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So I promised I would critique your reel, so I checked it out (as soon as I could get to a computer fast enough to view it. the computers at work barley run our AP newsroom system, which was programed in like 96.)


Obviously your further in your career than I (hey, I am young and starting out and trying to transition out of ENG) so I can't really give too much critique on the shots. There were a few things as mentioned earlier. The second to last shot seemed a bit out of focus. The pan from the building etc. There were better shots than mine, so I can't be too harsh.


I liked the music, but it seemed like it was trying to build to a conclusion, but sorta petered out midway. I like the soft understated music, especially in relation to the first few shots. Maybe you can use the same music but cut to a more climatic section of the song later on, its a soft track so finding a spot to make a seamless edit shouldnt be too hard.


I should mention the things I liked.


Great sunset shots, great composition on a lot of shots. The general in the rain walking towards camera left, and the shot that follows. I liked the shot of removing the table cloth and revealing the girl, but had a hard time understanding the shot. I can see she is in some sort of pain, but I sort of want to know what is going on that puts her below a table. Not a cinematography point per say, but the first viewing I spent time thinking about it and it distracted me from the following shots. I really liked the color and composition on the hallway dolly shot at 2:07. The kiss at 1:56 is very nice. I can see the movie in just that shot.


You have a bunch of good work there. I would think about some of the advice given earlier, but all in all I can tell your talented and have been at it a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hye you got some good stuff there. Now the thing is (I i got the same comment from some of my reel) is that your ool shows a lot of good single shots with a good mood and technique but it does not show your narrative skills (which i think is your objective) what I did was have my reel and plus that put clips or cut otgether a reel that would show a scene for example....dont know the formula really but thats my 5c on it..

O as well the music start good but then keeps pretty much the same and it makes it feel longer than what it is and goves the imagea certain mood which is good but as well think about it...


Good job and best of all.

Miguel Bunster


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