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Sachtler "Super Hydro" 35 specs?

Heikki Repo

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Does anyone have any idea what might be the specs for this older Sachtler 150mm fluid head and when was it made? There's one currently on Ebay with good photos, but it seems there is nothing online on these fluid heads: https://www.ebay.com/itm/334438085263?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=4ZDXwJ8dQt6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=C7ngzI_zR6q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


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I started servicing Sachtler heads in the 90s and this predates any of the models I was familiar with. So I’d hazard a guess it’s from the 80s.

Given it says 35, it may be strong enough for a 35mm cine camera, which in the 80s would have meant a 35BL or Panaflex, pretty heavy set up.

The Sachtlers I used to work on used drag modules rather than actual fluid, which tended to dry out and become less effective over time. Not sure if Sachtlers ever used actual fluid like Ronfords or O’Connors. Check with the seller to make sure the adjustment dials for pan and tilt turn ok and work at every setting, and the lock offs lock it down properly.

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It reminds me of the Ronford F15, designed to allow the Arri II motor to extend below the tilt axis.  It may still have quite a high max weight capacity. The Ronford had about 50lbs.

Heikki, are you looking for an older, cheaper, higher capacity head for your ACL fully built up? There are some early Ronfords and O'Connors that can be cheap, but you may have to have them serviced.


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Thanks Dom and Gregg!

They reason I am asking is that I already own a very similar Sachtler head, the only difference being it doesn't have any name on it, only the Sachtler logo. I got it from a cinematographer who tells me it's from the (early) 1980s and is intended to be also used with 35mm cameras (with the space for the motor below the camera), alas, he couldn't tell other details. It's working well, but I'd still love to find official specs ?

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