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Galen Carter-Jeffrey

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Everything posted by Galen Carter-Jeffrey

  1. I bought mine on ebay a year ago for $400. I know there are alot of $150 auction from the ukraine. But this camera has been tested. And it looks great. Is $400 too much?
  2. I bought a K3 camera a year ago and used it for my intro to film class and loved it. Now that i have moved on, my need for a better camera is forcing me to sell the K3. How much is it worth?? I took great care of it and even shot a test roll a few weeks ago. I bought it for $400, could I get $400 for it? Here are some pictures of the camera
  3. John Pierson was my producing teacher. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0682775/
  4. Mine was a disaster. I used a K3 and made the loops too tight. The whole movie was like a giant blur, it was terrible :( Nobody ever told me about creating loops.
  5. The string around his nose is what i am talking about. For the mort part he was still.
  6. I shot some stuff on my school's cp-16. It looks good for the most part, but the lack of registration pin gave me some kind of weird "ghosting effect." Is there anything I can do to avoid this problem in the future? I attached a screen that shows what I am talking about.
  7. I will, his class is amazing. My experience here is no where near as bad as yours, in fact I think its pretty damn good as long as you get into the right classes. So far my teachers have all been so great! Equipment is decent, but i have heard of some horror stories. My TA still doesn't know why the department bought a bunch of new CP-16s she said that nobody wanted to get the cameras. (Do CP-16s sucks?) What did you do after you left UT? How is your career? I'm graduating in May and I'm a little nervous about what to do afterwards.
  8. I am PJ Ravels class called 16mm Narrative. I think that it should be a choice for the students to take either film or video, but the department is planning on getting rid of all the film classes for undergraduates.
  9. I am a film student at the University of Texas in Austin and am currently taking one of the advanced 16mm film classes. A few of my teachers this semester have been telling us that the department is phasing out film all together. They already combined the intro to film class with a digital class leaving it up to the students wether to shoot film or video. My concern is that in 3 or 4 years there will be no film classes or film equipment for students here. I want to write a letter to the department and have everyone in the film classes sign it, but i also want to include valid reasons on why film should still be taught. I don't want this to turn into a Film Vs. video argument, I was just hoping some people here might be able to show me some facts and figures about the industry to help convince them that film is no yet dead. -Thanks
  10. Amongst most of the undergrad students that I know Burnt Orange is kind of a Joke. A friend was an assistnat editor on Homo Eructus and he said he only laughed once in the entire movie. I'm kind of disapointed really, I had such high hopes for them when I came here. They really need to do a solid genre picture. I would also like to see more students involved also, but given their circumstances I dont really see that happening.
  11. That is my real name. I guess i'll add a last name, but i'm a little skeptical of putting information on the internet. I'm going to check out the DVD for your extra feature alone. Can I ask you what it was like working for Burnt Orange?
  12. That's pretty cool. I go to UT. But some of the reviews for this movie... :( I'm not sure how much longer Burnt Orange will be around.
  13. You're asking the wrong person. I don't know much about that. But here is a still from my Digital SLR under simulated settings that we used.
  14. 90% was practical lights from above no fill. Home Depot sells some daylight balanced "Florescent" lights that I just switched out. If I could go back I would spend a tad more time on getting more contrast in the shot, but it wasnt on my mind at the time. I'm a little worried that the lighting will be too even and flat. I forgot to I directed it and a friend of mine shot it. He's a badass.
  15. I was a little worried about the grain, but it doesnt seem to bother other people. I'm glad you mentioned the stylized contrast of the blood against the white, that is what i was going for. Have you shot this stock before? I'm curious to compare against other stuff.
  16. I shot my very first Color Negative a few weeks ago and here are some stills. I used Fuji 500D inside. I replaced all the florescents with daylight balanced bulbs. I shot on a CP-16. Supervised Transfer is SOO Exspensive. :( Now, I'm poor! I hope you enjoy.
  17. Juxtaposition of images is a big part of filmmaking. Is an editor a hack because he didnt create the images? I don't think the original poster is claiming that it is anything more than a funny internet video.
  18. Dont be an a**ho**, it's pretty funny. Is it citizen kane? No. But I LOLed.
  19. Uhh, Batman begins was a fantastic movie, let alone a perfect super hero movie. Not sure what you are smoking.
  20. Thanks, that is the kind of information that I needed to know. I probably wont be able to shoot any negative film before this project, Is there anything I should be thinking about while I am preparing the lighting? I cant remember the exact film stock, but its Kodak Vision 2 that has just recently been discontinued.
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