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kpv rajkumar

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About kpv rajkumar

  • Birthday 12/03/1956

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  • Location
    chennai, india
  • Specialties
    rock music, karate and golf

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  1. whoosh ! dunno where that came from. love to fly that flicker free fella for a v1610 @ 27,000 fps in far flung mumbai soon ! awesome, rod ! rk
  2. wow, that's a pretty foreboding picture, dave. i'm also imagining it with the red tail lights on ! rajkumar
  3. hi!nice to hear from you. that's a rented one.planning to by my own steadicam soon. thanks for the invite, bud.love to join you in those sessions. my number is 98411 54186. cheers ! rk

  4. Hi great to see u here! thats a fab profile photo. is that a glidecam...do u own one or rented it? cool. doing my DI in Prasad lab only. send me ur phone number...will keep u posted when the DI session is on.

    Great. Tc.Cheers!!

  5. how about giuseppe rotunno and all that jazz ? regards, rajkumar :)
  6. roger that, tom ! i'll soon be going the whole nine yards on all of his stuff, ( even love his freaked out hair-do !) including 'in the mood for love' and all of his wkw works and not forgeting his work with kaige on 'temptress moon', ( ha ! now i remember falling in love with gong li on time cover years ago !) ! thanks-a-thousand-feet-mag ! rajkumar
  7. dave, maybe i'm not qualified here, as i have watched only 'rabbit proof fence'. however, i loved doyle's raw-earth camera work in that. but after reading this interesting thread and imbibing the various impressions floaring around , let me chip in my own two cents: chris doyle as an artistic original reminds me of trilok gurtu, the maverick indian percussionist and the incredible crocodile man from down under , the late steve irvin ! rajkumar
  8. also, the fact that Deakins is hands-on and does most of the operating , though he has regular operators like Clint Dougherty and Kyle Rudolph ! rajkumar
  9. yeah, weighing in about 2 kilos with battery and cassette, you may not be able to lug a dvx for long, meandering, walk thru shots, apart from the possibility of injuring the neck! you may want to wear neck-braces though, and then mount the camera , take care ! rajkumar
  10. oops ! that must have been a nasty little accident . seamus ! from where i come from, i need to also personnaly make sure that the lady's legs are all bootied and laced up, lest she leaves lasting scars on the most expensive parquet flooring ! rajkumar
  11. what is negative fill ? can somebody explain when this becomes a necessity and how you set about finessing it ? many thanks in advance, rajkumar
  12. wow, you're welcome and thanks a tonne again , bill ! much friendship, rajkumar
  13. The Redrock is a 35mm adapter, Raj. I used old Nikon AI primes. This was an 85mm wide open at F2.0 and the camera iris was set to "open". I was about 5 feet from the actress. As far as framing, I had a brief rehearsal and we were off. So I really had to decide pretty quickly how I wanted to crop her and how much I wanted to emphasize the lead room in the shot. I've always kind of liked chopping foreheads. The director was an accomplished photographer here in Hollywood. We really had to be on our game. I overlit a plant at one point and he gently came up and reminded me that we were going for a 'natural look'. Got it. A true gentleman, there's a lot to learn from him. I don't know if there's much art to shooting junkets but I just pulled a one man band for a couple that will air on MTV U. They should air next week in support of Horror Fest, so I guess these will be my first national spots: thanks a ton for the info, bill. now, at the risk of sounding naive, tell me what happens to the image when you drop the master black level to -3 ? and how does this choice delimit our options in post ? btw, the warm delectability of the image is finessed by your highly nuanced choice of 1/4 bpm ! good little national spot to begin with, bill. reminds me of giuseppe rotunno and all that jazz ! cheers ! rajkumar :P
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