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David Cunningham

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Everything posted by David Cunningham

  1. Hi Jose, I had not yet done it. I was planning to send some film in the coming weeks. Can you tell me more about your experience? Maybe I won't bother.
  2. You can have projection prints made from your super 8 negatives by Andec Film in Germany. It's the only place in the world.
  3. Jack's LaserGraphics Director is as good as it gets! Great to know you do 16mm film out too Jack.
  4. Videofilmsoltuions can do a 16mm film out for you.
  5. You may find this interesting and helpful. Maybe you can work with them to special order 65mm motion picture film. I'm sure it can be worked out if the order is large enough. http://www.ilfordphoto.com/pressroom/article.asp?n=202
  6. Hi Matt, Tired to pm you after I cleared out my mailbox and it looks like yours is full now. Feel free to pm me now with your per cart price. Dave
  7. So sorry to hear, Matt! That's a sad day. At least if/when you come back I fee sure other 1014s and super 8 film will be here in at least one form or another. I may be interested in film you have, especially E100D or other color reversal. Fee free to PM me if you have time/interest. Good luck! Dave
  8. Unfortunately exactly what you are talking about is why "The Artsist" was shot on Vision3 color stock and then desaturated. I know you said you didn't want to do that. But those at the studio decided they could find no satisfactory alternative.
  9. The head of this post was from 2012 before the bankruptcy. It was rekindled because of recent quotes indicating a plan to bring back legacy stocks.
  10. Ah yes. Old article. Per the most recent interview with Evevski: "Kodak is no longer doing R&D into updating its film products with new lines."
  11. Where did you hear that they were still willing to evolve the Vision series? All recent reports confirm that R&D in all film formats has ceased at Kodak and all efforts at this point are to maintain the existing availability while optimizing and maximizing profitability.
  12. FYI. Shooting a critical shoot on 10+ year old film from an unknown storage scenario is dangerous. If that film was just left sitting in a beaureu or desk in an office for 10 years it will almost certainly have a very slight gamma ray fog and slight chemical break down fog and reduced contrast. It will be hard to distinguish that from whatever the X-rays may or may not have done.
  13. I wouldn't be too worried with slow film like that. 500t might be a different story. I've only ever noticed it on portra 800 and tmax 3200 still films. Now if it goes though 3 more times on the way back, that might be pushing it.
  14. Well that's pretty cool. Using that you could get your double 8 processed at any 16mm processing lab. I like it.
  15. Center. Not sender. I think this one is set up the way I was saying: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ocipp_pkcIQ/TbcnfZ7NgFI/AAAAAAAAAJE/JhstEWpX9nA/s1600/bolex%2Bfrontal%2B3%253A4.jpg You just loosen that center screw and it allows you to slide it back and forth to regular vs super16 centering.
  16. Most bolex super16 mods I've seen have a set screw in the turret that allows 2 positions. One position is locked in for the sender lens in super16. The other position allows it to rotate per usual back in the original regular 16 position in case you want to shoot 4x3 for whatever reason.
  17. I can tell you my switar 10mm does cover super16 quite well but is very soft at wide open period, worse at the edges. All the Switars I have a nice and sharp with minimal aberration at f4 and smaller. But wide open in all of those lenses is quite soft, especially at the edges. I have a 10mm, 25mm and 50mm Switars, each a bit sharper than the other in that order but all quite satisfactory for super16 work. Especially outdoors in natural light where you'd rarely ever by snide f8
  18. $1000 for a 30 second tweak of the sound track?!
  19. Perhaps there was an issue with the camera itself that the user knew about. Maybe the record function did not work in camera, so he/she recorded to external tape and then used the record function of his projector to try to sync the external recording back?
  20. One more quick note on the film stocks... Vision3 50D (and Vision2 50D to a lesser extent) are amazing stocks worthy of a 4/5K scan. The other stocks, not so much... other than maybe for better resolving of their chunky grain.
  21. I highly suggest avoiding a Bolex for 4K work. Although Super16 (and probably Ultra 16) are worthy of a 4/5K scan for final distribution of HD/2K work, it's not quite 4K quality. But, due to grain aliasing you DO have worth-while advantages to a 4/5K scan. As mentioned above, but I will summarize and confirm, you have a few issues with Bolex Rex models: 1.) They are very expensive to convert to Super16 and Ultra 16 is not quite as much image area as Super16. 2.) The prism causes all kinds of issues such as light loss, distortion, etc. Your prism could be dirty, discolored, etc. 3.) Related to the prism, using modern and high-end lenses (especially at fast speeds) is not possible for optimum performance. For example, if you were to buy or rent an Arri Zeiss Ultra Prime lens you would not get the full image sharpness of that lens and would definitely not be able to take advantage of the fast 1.3 F-stop. 4.) Related to the c-mount... you would need a very expensive adapter. The cheap adapters are not good and usually do not have the distance pin-point accurate. I frequently find cheap c-mount to whatever-mount adapters not perfectly sharp at infinity. You would need a high quality adapter AND a check-up to ensure proper lens collimation. 5.) You are severely limited by the 100Ft daylight loads used in a Bolex. Although later models have magazines, they are not like modern magazines. They are very slow to load, very heavy and clumsy to cary/work with. They were an after thought. So, yeah.. That's my take. If you really want to get into this and do it right you will end up spending thousands of dollars on a Bolex system so you may as well spend a little bit more and find a realy-to-go and services SRIII.
  22. Thanks for all the input everyone. That's a lot of information to help with my search.
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