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Martin Yernazian

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Everything posted by Martin Yernazian

  1. GEnts, for the love of god stop arguing like little girls! As a REAL filmmaker, my roll is to listen, so I agree with both Werner and Jon, I even think they are both in the same page but with different deliveries, what makes them ... what? enemies? Naaaa, that's stupid, just a miss understanding. For Werner, if you want to remain skeptical then do, is your choice, just remember that this guys are trying something new, for me Red is bringing the exiting days of new bold developing back, like it use to be in the golden years of film making, where people risked more and didn't played safe like most of the industry today. and for Jon: well my friend I understand your frustration, you have a reservation and you come here to see how people ( that don't have one ) are bashing the camera, well my advice is don't lose your cool, don't let the skeptical film brothers get to you, is just their opinion, yes you are right people in here do feel a little more superior, for Christ sake we shoot on film, we had work in the industry and our projects have dealt with serious money, yeah impressive right, well yes and no, there is a lot of bozos in here to, posers you might call them, but I bet there is people like that in all film forums, Red User, DVX User, etc for crying out load this industry is supported by the posers money, they are the followers, the morons taht will pay money to see VAn helsing and Who is your caddy?... do you see where I'm going? Why a person that sounds as a smart as you, would listen to people you consider followers, is a waste of time, respond to those that have an expert, intelligent, criticism. But in my humble opinion I have to say this to everyone, both digital and film lovers ( I'm both) WAKE UP! THIS IS A BRAND NEW INVENTION, IT WILL EXTEND YOUR PALETTE , WHY RESISTING IT? this is the most exiting time for us filmmakers, we get to choose any kind of format ( regardless the budget) and make it look great. I found it really conservative, not to put some chips on Red, as well as other cameras, sound technologies and so forth, and be open to their development. Best ps: this is from a guy that just bought an Éclair NPR from 1974 and converted it to super 16. and has 3 features coming up in both digital and film formats.
  2. I just got one myself, as you saw in the pics, I got a PL mount on the Cameflex, and I think I went a little over the top, I have no regrets, because I will have great lenses in there, but they are going to be expensive, I will suggest an arri B that will great to
  3. That's great that you push teh envelope like that, I new it was digital, but the delivery is really nice, I guess you did pretty great keep feeding the monster Best
  4. I like it !, it's simple and gets to the point quickly next time you should hire a graphic designer, someone that understand style, and make it glossier Best
  5. This is really Good man, I will hire you, for some projects, I think you should work in more stuff than just war and action, not that you aren't really good, YOU are , but for example a few music videos and some other stuff will show the client your range , I still love your reel man, really good Do you mind mentioning what formats did you use ? Best
  6. HAHA how many of these do you find Kirk hehe
  7. I actually think the test are perfect I love the 3 examples, and that blimp is great, I know is heavy and probably a best , but hey you can get the job done! Greta Job Tim
  8. hehehe.... it would come man, if you call it they shade will come! ps: your inbox is full best
  9. Hey Oliver there is a good thread that I started a few months ago, you should search it best
  10. Hey Olex I was wondering 2 things 1) How much it will be to PL mount it and convert to S16 lens? so how much ttal for the whole lens 2) do you have any sample footage of this lens? Best
  11. Stephen there are 2 avreavtion that you say all the time but I do not understand: what is FWIW, IMHO? THANKS Fulgencio, honestly I don't know what to tell you, teh guy was great with me never a problem, he took a while to respond, but nothing to serious, I was on his ass right away and he could not bare more than 2 phone calls every day.... The camera came back in great condition, so I feel for you man, if you want I could send him an email or something Best
  12. That Kinoptik comes on the A cam, and it those cover S16 I want one to they are great I just try one last week, didn't have the money aaaaa :(
  13. I was wondering the same thing..... I had a chance to get a few Cooke lenses, but I was hesitant 'cause I didn't have my camera yet.... I'm still interested. Best
  14. I left the camera on top of my desk when I went to sleep, and in the middle of my sleep and some crazy dream with a weird looking dog, when I felt the whole house was moving and I woke up to 20 seconds of a land samba! Anyhow the first I did was to run to my desk.... and to my surprise everything in the table was in the floor, except the Glorious One, the NPR was standing by herself, Proud of her heritage and upcoming future. Best
  15. There is actually http://cgi.ebay.com/Digital-Directors-View...1QQcmdZViewItem I know it looks cheap, but I know you can find more viewfinders pl mounted with a video assit Best
  16. I have the Ninth edition but I can't find any info on the Optar Lenses, do you guys know in what page I cna find info on the big Bible? Best
  17. Gracias man, Te escribo o te llamo pronto UN abrazo
  18. Victor, Buenisimo este artefacto, tambien tu fotografia, Ya me estas dando muchaas ideas para mi proxima pelicula .... estare en contacto
  19. Thanks Man I want to get a kit of lenses that could much any proffessional work out there, are they as sharp as people say? I have never seen footage with them and I really want to check them out? Any movies that they have used them ? Best
  20. I won't rent my cam man, I buy the gear for my own projects or those that I produce, but everything is for my productions I know people will think this is not good, but I'm building myself on my own way, my own projects But thanks for the advice Best
  21. As an Argentine I'm happy about this, big time!!!! What I don't undertsand is why are they shooting in Spain if Che Guevara's story happened in South America....... whatever Good work Jim!
  22. Logan you are completely right, That is the next thing that I will be getting What you think of a nice set of Optar Illumina ?
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