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Valerio Sacchetto

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Everything posted by Valerio Sacchetto

  1. My reply was mostly about the catalogation of things. Like you said, and i absolutely agree, the news doesn't need to show you the gruesome details of a story (or the emotional part of it) but it's up to the news system to regulate itself not the censors. I'm in no way saying that it's right (or wrong) to show death, destruction or abuse, i'm saying that you have to treat information and entertainment like different things. If you're on the street shooting something and someone kills a man in front of your camera what you've recorded is not a snuff movie, it's not even a movie! If you stage the killing and record it with the intention of making a movie that would be a snuff movie under every aspect. It's just semantics, i know, because if you enjoy a movie and later you discover that someone has been really killed that doesn't change what you've experienced. Essentially i agree with you i only wanted to specify what i meant.
  2. I wouldn't call those snuff movies, they're really a different thing. They're not movies. If you place those among snuff films then you'd have to treat news reports and amateur videos the same way and that wouldn't be good at all. I know that's just arbitrary but in the end isn't that the very nature of censorship, costumes and morale?
  3. Thank you both, as usual. Guess i'll try some sun photography (at dusk/dawn) in the near future. Didn't think the sun would have been at a safe brightness near the horizon. Thank you again for sharing the knowledge.
  4. I'm gonna ask the dumbest question of this year. How do you spot meter the sun without burning your retina? Same goes for composition (when you don't have a monitor to look at). I always thought that looking directly at the sun with an optical device such as a camera would be like asking to be blinded. The filter in the eyepiece of some cameras is just a normal ND .6 (if i remember correctly) so do you put a custom filter (like the one used by welders) in front of your eye or i'm missing something (hence de dumbest question of the year)?
  5. Impressive. A must see for all the teenagers that lounge on their bed chatting on their laptop :rolleyes:
  6. Gifted myself with some cinematography books. Happy Holidays Cinematograhy.com!
  7. Suddenly this video came to mind as you can see there is not so much space, still the frame is largely pitch black. Naturally in such cramped space something shows up. What i mean is that you don't necessarily need a HUGE amount of space.
  8. If you say something face to face to someone that person would know who you are, if you have an interview then readers would know your name, teaching to somebody same thing. I see no difference here. I'm a "student" too (in a broader sense) and i don't worry too much about asking things. The very fact that i ask something tells that i'm willing to learn. Surely the same answers may be found somewhere else but sometimes you need a human to explain, or the possibility to personalize something. Other times you can find the answer only here and even if that happens once in your entire career than the forum would be proved useful. The day i'll have to work with someone from the board (hardly possible) he/she'll remind me as someone that if doesn't know something prefer to ask instead of making something up. What the "real name" rule should prevent are posts like "OMG! You SUCK!!!" and i like that. I'm sure that if your question, as long as it's asked politely, will obtain a meaningful answer no matter how strange your request is. Providing it's inside the realm of common sense (shooting actors with real bullets anyone?). What could have asked Spielberg to put him in trouble? And i've seen posts from "personalities" like Rodrigo Prieto (he asked things...if he does how a student wouldn't be entitled to do the same?) and Remi Adefarasin. Not counting David and all the other professionals that may not be known to the public.
  9. The tree shot is surely lit and it doesn't seem (to me) that they used a mirror.
  10. Remember that the readings in the kodak brochures are reflected readings thus you end up with a huge range of stops in a place where the incident reading is just one. That's because not everything is middle gray. Let's say you have a white sheet of paper and a gray card, then you'll have a single incident reading and two reflected readings ranging, for the sake of discussion, 4 stops. But that's not your exposure that's just what they are (one lighter the other darker) and that's why you put lights (or reflectors): to control contrast and keep everything you want to show up in the film range and vice versa. I hope i wrote everything right, i already apologize for my mistakes. Since english is not my native language is quite endemic to me to say something wrong. :)
  11. I think we all hope that this will worry Fuji and spur them to answer with another stock. More choice for us :) I'll probably work on a short where the DP is planning to ask kodak some test rolls. I'm not experienced enough to know if that's possible at this time but if we end up with some i'll try to give you some impressions.
  12. Those nifty little things are called "lightmeters" or sometimes "exposure meters" (in english). On this board you'll find double the amount of information about them than you'll ever need since it's kind of a favourite topic. just try a search with the terms i suggested to you :P About getting the "right" exposure? Well...that's another story :rolleyes:
  13. Thank you, to be honest i'm not going to shoot rainbows anytime soon i was just curious. So yes basically i was thinking in the right direction, that's somehow reassuring :P Well since it was a non specific question i guess a well saturated rainbow may be the best image possible (also with an eye to the post) I hadn't a particular filter in mind, even if a polarizer is the obvious first, but i swear i wasn't referring to the cokin one! :lol: If i happen to be in presence of a rainbow with my SLR i'll sure take a shot with and without a polarizer. Thank you all for the meaningful answers.
  14. What about the exposure? By instinct i'd expose for whatever landscape is in front of me to have a nice overall frame but would i have to do some corrections to have the best result possible (in general, of course)? Filters?
  15. Google power at its best http://www.bealecorner.com/trv900/barn/barndoors.html :D
  16. Here we usually put layers of paper towels secured with tape on what i believe are called wall spreaders.
  17. http://www.filmxchange.de/ is the only one i could find. It's been already mentioned and discussed here. If you find others please let us know :)
  18. Don't think about monkeys... <_< Dho! :huh:
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