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Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

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Everything posted by Daniel D. Teoli Jr.

  1. And what about smaller 16mm productions? How good is the quality of the video produced?
  2. OK, thanks. I found another tape with the exact same issue, but it was throughout the tape. It was a 'free vhs tape given from an Adam and Eve adult products sales promotion. It was a 30 minute tape of rehashed adult material. So sounds about right...nobody cared about it.
  3. Very creative work...really beautiful! Looked at it a few times. Only thing that hit me rough was the opening shot going into the TV. I thought it would have come across better if it zoomed in closer to the TV screen before making the transition. But it was still OK as-is. And really these type of nitpicks need to be compared real time. Maybe a closer edit might not look as good. Just have to see it. Send in some more of your work!
  4. Standing Wolf, from another forum where I posted this thread added this reply... Popeye did appear in a Betty Boop cartoon in 1933, and that WAS his first animated film debut, but he'd been the star of the funny papers' 'Thimble Theatre' since 1929.
  5. I stopped wearing masks in the Spring when the state took them off the mandatory list. Recently got tested for covid antibodies to see if I have any built-in defense. I have no antibodies and never got the vaccine. Fall is coming and covid or whatever the current virus du jour is, is rising; so mask season may come around again as the state goes back to mandatory masks.I've been using new / old stock Henry Schein procedure masks for dentists from 1998 made in USA. (Yes, America used to make masks.) I found a couple hundred new masks I had in storage and had been using them. I used to buy the masks by the case when I worked in demolition. There were cheap enough so you could change them every few hours if you needed to. For heavy dirt I used 3M N95's, but back then they were not called N95's.All the Chinese surgical masks I've tried look similar to this vintage 1998 mask, but you can't breath through the material. Consequently you end up breathing in unfiltered air sucked in from the sides of the mask. In other words the Chinese masks I've tried are just for show. To test surgical masks for filtering, form a seal around your lips with the mask material as you suck in air through your mouth. If you can't breath through the mask material...there you go...you got a decorator model!Since the USA does not seem to make any surgical masks, I'm hoping that someone in China or elsewhere makes a decent filtering mask. I hate wearing N95 masks all the time. Any suggestions for masks you can actually breath through?
  6. I offer free transfer of Betamax and VHS to DVD. Only catch is if it has to be something I can use in my Archive and you share the material with me for non-commercial use. The good part is I have a huge range in scope for my Archive, so it doesn't hurt to ask if I am interested in the subject matter. You pay shipping both ways and get a DVD copy of your tape, which is returned. Tapes submitted have to be clean and not a mess. Here are a few example examples of my VHS transfers. Internet Archive Search: Cynthia Plaster Caster VHS Special Features Internet Archive Search: Mel Blanc VHS Clip From Strictly GI NSFW Internet Archive Search: 'Baby Fat' Clip Wild Bill Huge Bust Workout VHS Internet Archive Search: Death Row VHS Trailer teoli Write direct if interested: w1000w@aol.com Dan
  7. It is noteworthy as it was the first Popeye cartoon where Popeye doesn't eat his spinach. I wonder what Mae West thought about her guest appearance? Internet Archive Search: Clips From Popeye Never Kick A Woman 1936 Max Fleischer made Betty Boop prior to Popeye. Popeye appeared in a Betty Boop cartoon and due to his popularity evolved into his own series. It was said 90 million people a week out of the then population of 120 million people in America went to a movie at least once a week. Cartoons were shown at movie theaters prior to the main feature. The cartoons were intended for everyone, so were not kiddy oriented. Back then, other than live entertainment, all you had was radio, Victrola and movies for entertainment. So movies were a big deal. The voice of Olive Oyl as well as Betty Boop was Mae Questel. She was also Aunt Bethany in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
  8. Maybe static is the wrong word, that is just what I call it. (If it is called something else let me know.) I've got a collection of VHS screens with various static on them. Having a VHS archive, I document everything VHS...even the static. Most static I see are variations on a theme and usually at the end of the video where there is no picture. But this static was different. This is a short clip of 2 nude girls with intermittent wide gray static lines and an intermittent green / magenta color shift. The wide lines cover +/- 80% of the left of the screen. The static started at the last 1/3 of a 1 hour tape and is fairly regular intermittent. The first 2/3 of the tape shows no lines like this. The tape may have been a dupe tape or the rear end of a tape was cut off. I say this because there is no ending, just an abrupt stop in mid action and rewind. It was a commercial video rental tape. I removed the sound to make it more focused. Sound was normal before removal, even in the static prone part of the video. nsfw Internet Archive Search: VHS Static Wide Lines 1 Do you know what caused this type of static on this VHS tape?
  9. I'd think zone focus would produce poor results for film work. I do a tremendous amount of zone focus work, but it is with candid still photos and not with filmmaking. With still work, I don't use hyperfocal distance; I use the best guestimate of the distance the image will be shot at. If I think the subject is at 3-1/2 feet, why should I use an 8 or 10 foot hyperfocal setting?? If they are actually at 4 feet , then 3-1/2 feet is closer than 10 feet to the right distance. With infrared flash still photography is all zone focused. You can't see anything on the screen in the dark with an IR still cam shooting with flash. Weegee used to talk about press photogs doing the standard 10 foot shot. They would keep their press camera set for 10 feet and be ready for anything...kinda!
  10. Yesterday's office... Still photographer Bruce Mc Broom & Peter Sellers on the set of Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu 1980 Photographer: Unknown
  11. If you are short on time, don't make a big deal of it. Walk around with a pocket cam or cell phone and grab what you think is noteworthy. Just make sure it is decent for archival purposes. Many times I archive on the fly. I'm at a presentation so I record audio, stills or video. I'm already there, so why not? Things like that. Make it fit your schedule.
  12. Yes, very impressive. Do they use a computer to map out any movements or is it always done by operator live?
  13. https://archive.org/search.php?query=Fuller+%26+D%27+Albert+Industrial+Photo+Catalog Great time capsule. Tons of stuff. Densitometry, seamless, backdrops, register boards, darkrooms, cine', nitrogen burst. 3 volumes. Has index in each volume, but end part is unpaginated. I suggest you download. Makes it lots easier to view, plus it is sequential order that way. Plus I.A. banned me once and all was lost. Only by a fluke did it get restored. At least you got it via download. If the forum wants to put this in 'books' section fine by me. But figured they can do it as it is old and not a book so much.
  14. I was interested in finding out how water resistant dye based inkjet prints are. I had some extra well aged dye based inkjets sitting around that were for sun testing and used one of them. They were aged about 2 years. After about 10 hours in the water the dye bleed noticeably into the white print border and water. I think you could use dye based inkjet prints for darkroom shoots. But if the shooting dragged on too long you may have some issues with dye based prints. You would just need a few dupes of each type you used. And I don't know if things would be that critical with a darkroom shoot anyway. You would be doing quick shots in low light. I will put photos of the dye inkjet prints tested in water at the link I posted previously when I get a chance. Just for the record...Eastman Kodak dye transfer prints start to lose dye noticeably within 30 minutes of water submersion. Within 24 hours a dye transfer print submerged in water is about 70% gone. IBT Dye Transfer film is more water resistant. I don't have the notes in front of me, but from what I recall it took a few days for noticeable dye loss in water.
  15. Thanks for all the help! I've only got got 16mm and 35mm splicing blocks. Spicing VHS is pretty complex. With the rarity of good VHS decks I wonder if the risk is worth it? Maybe what I'll do is just make the two halves of tape into two separate tapes. I've got lots of old VHS I can take apart.
  16. Lasergraphics LFR 35mm Film Recorder Smart Back - Made In USA | eBay
  17. Just picked one up at Amazon. Got the smaller 50 pounds per shelf model. Would have liked to get the 100 pounds per shelf model, but it is much bigger and more $$. Being on a space and $$ diet, I got the cheaper and smaller weight rated model. I don't really have big loads to put on it anyway. I'm using it for audio visual work as a copy setup for digitizing VHS / Betamax to a DVD recorder. Still, it is nice having more weight capacity if it is ever needed. I don't plan to use this lightweight cart for setting up my Revox B77 for temp jobs. I go through transcribing marathons with the VHS / Betamax Archive. Once they are done being transcribed to DVD I can stow the setup until the next marathon. Or if I need the odd tape transcribed it is not a big deal setting it up. Just unfold the cart then plug and play. I'm not new to folding carts. I had 2 very expensive stainless steel Vollrath folding catering carts back in the '90's. Loved em, especially for temp work. They were very heavy and if you were not careful unfolding the Vollrath and got your finger pinched in it...you would never forget it again! I sold both off when I moved and needed some money and had less space. I picked them up used at a public auction. I wish I had kept them, they don't even make them any more. The non-folding SS Vollrath carts are about $900 now. The folding carts would probably be near $1050-$1100 each. Vollrath used to be the king in USA made stainless steel commercial cooking equipment. But who knows now, maybe it is all made in China? Vollrath SS Cart
  18. No, I did not scan. I took it off a DVD...under auspices of 'fair use.' And maybe it is public domain...don't know? Clip is from Last of the Giants Full film: I am looking for the 16mm film to buy, so I can scan it. But train films go for lots of $$ sometimes. The train nuts gobble them up on eBay. I had to do lots of color grading on the clip. It was heavy magenta, especially in the whites. and saturation was too heavy in flesh tones. Some of the color shift may be due to copying and copying and copying! I have another train film I was going to put up. Flight of the Century. But I generally don't like to rip entire shorts off DVD unless I know it is public domain. That is why I use clips a lot of the time...for fair use discussion.
  19. There is no rule book to art OP. You do what works best and if you can't do that, you do what is 2nd best. Some gal wrote me once asking what exposure should she use for infrared flash. How would I know? I wrote her back and told her to test. That is what I will tell you OP. Test the alpha and the omega and don't forget the in between. They you can see what works best for your project. And you can always fall back on the old adage...rules are meant to be broken. That is how 'Godfather lighting' came about. Good luck!
  20. Fascinating how they changed tires with the ring of fire. Short clip, well worth watching. Changing Tires On ' Big Boy' Steam Locomotive : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  21. Normally I use Verbatim Japan BD-R's, but last year I decided to try some of the cheaper Taiwan BD-R discs to save money on some of this temporary work that ends up as trash in short order. Here are the archival test results for various BD-R's. https://daniel-d-teoli-jr-archival-collection-ii.home.blog/2021/09/06/blu-ray-discs-they-are-not-all-the-same/
  22. I got some reel to reel audio splice tape. Is that OK? If not what should I use? I got a broken tape in the Archive that needs a splice. Thanks
  23. Photos: Internet Archive The overhead glass comes down and presses the book flat, but on an angle and not a 180. Then it take 2 photos...one of each page. I have been working as an informal volunteer for the I.A. for 7 + years. Over that time I've donated over a hundred thousand items to their collection. Some of it very rare. I had asked them if they could help buy me a cheap cine’ sound film scanner. I have about a million feet of film on roughly 1,100 reels that need scanning. The Internet Archive could also get the digital output donated from it. They would not give me a penny towards buying a scanner…actually they pester me all the time to give them money. Since I finished the eBay Adult Only Archive project I've got back into flat bed scanning. (The eBay project ended up as 28,000+ screen shots and photos.) In a few weeks I will be bored with flat bed scanning and will get out my Retroscan cine' scanner. I got a fantastic 16mm sound film from the late 40's / early 50's called 'One Enchanted Evening' to scan. It will make a good project for the AEO Light optical sound extracting software. As of yet I've only tested AEO Light but have not done any films with it. I will have to go the distance with AEO Light and 'One Enchanted Evening' will be a good film to do it with for my AEO Light debut. If it works out I will send in a copy for your perusal. But it won't fly on YouTube and scared to try with Vimeo. Surprisingly Vimeo had taken a super rare hardcore 1920s film called the 3 Graces I submitted. But they banned me a few weeks after I sent it in. I complained and they reinstated the film and my account. But all the links I used for my account were dead after that and had to be redone. So it is not worth the hassle with them.
  24. OP, can't say from first hand experience. My experience is, only from watching behind the scenes footage on DVD and from a few short 20 minute experiences at the Santa Monica Pier, underground at the NYC Subway, the Oculus in NYC and Vegas. They were shooting a film / commercials at these locals. I stood there for 20-25 minutes at each, waiting to take some photos and in ALL cases nothing went on except a few workers walking back and forth. I saw no stars, nothing. Now, 20-25 minutes of standing around is the upper end of my ADD brain limits. So that type of work doesn't mesh well with my brain. Vegas was worse. It was not a cine shoot, it was a commercial still photo shoot. They had the street closed down with police on both ends and a shiny new car seemed to be the subject. A photog had his tethered laptop and medium format still cam on his tripod, lighting, assistants and and all that. I arrived at maybe 7.30PM to 8PM. I stood there for my time limit...nothing. So I walked around to do my own photography. When I left maybe 11.30PM...he was still there, street blocked off, everything was in the place it had been when I left and it looked like nothing had happened....anal. For cine work you need to be very anal...as in analytical. You have to be of that disposition naturally. It is hard to force it and be good. If that is your nature, and you got the fitness, the time needed to work around the clock does not matter to you. I'd say if you are not of that nature and like to work around filmmaking, find a job in an area where your hours are more limited to normal working hours. I mean, when you do all the setup to get a shot, you gotta stick with it. If it takes triple the time you thought... that is what it takes. You may need special natural light, you may have to wait for the rain to stop, whatever. So it goes with the territory. But if you are in a studio / office setting, doing doc work, grading etc. You can probably shut things down for the night and start back up in the A.M. where you left off. Unless of course, Hollywood is up your butt to get it done now!
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