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Uli Meyer

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Everything posted by Uli Meyer

  1. I've shot a lot of Vision 3 from Silbersalz and got great results. Highly recommended. It might be an idea to check if they accept negatives that weren't provided by them first before sending anything in though.
  2. Instead of lugging around a heavy lens flight case that takes up a lot of space, I am looking for a lens pouch for a zoom like the Zeiss LWZ. Something well padded and portable. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I've read somewhere that Kinoton projectors can run 3perf.
  4. The choice of words that are thoughtless is Daniel saying that "blacks and homosexuals are being rammed down our throat on TV". I'm sure you agree that this is not a fact.
  5. One day I might do that. I wonder how easy it will be to find a 35mm projector in 20 years time? If I had the space, I'd get a projector myself.Time to move out of London into a house with a big enough basement ?
  6. What do you mean "pushed down everyone's throat'? Because you don't want to see 'blacks' and homosexuals'? We're a long way from acceptance and equality if people are bothered by this.
  7. The same old fears and paranoia and people feeling hard done by, looking to blame somebody. No wonder populists everywhere are having a field day. The Daily Mail, or "Daily Heil", is a Tory rag known for publishing sensationalist scare stories. And sadly more and more people everywhere are keen to lap them up.
  8. Sandra, the shots in Coppola's Dracula offended you at first and you were only able to see the "dramturgical" merits after you read what Coppola intended? That is either terrible movie making or you have difficulties experiencing those merits. If it is the latter, I think you are right to ask questions. Yet, while you are happy to accept Coppola's explanation, you somehow won't accept what the creatives involved in this show have told you. That is a little odd.
  9. All your kind comments are appreciated this Monday morning. Made me laugh too. ?
  10. Uli Meyer

    35mm Home Movie

    Since it might take a while until I can get a film project started, I wanted to use up some of the stock that's been sitting in my fridge for too long. When the lockdown restrictions here in London eased up a little in June, I took my Arriflex 235 3perf to Hampstead Heath and surroundings and shot a home movie of my wife and son. A couple of rolls of Vision 3 50D and 200T and when the Kodak lab opened again last week I finally got it developed and graded the footage in Premier with the basic tools. Most of it was shot with a Zeiss CP.3 25mm and a few bits with an Arri Alura 15.5-45mm zoom. I wonder if anyone can tell which is which. I am aware that a home movie is only exciting for the parents and family but I thought some of you might enjoy looking at a bit of analogue footage.
  11. I just looked at it on a monitor and you can see a slight shift in the foliage as the dissolve happens (as much as you can tell looking at a Youtube video). In which case it is a straight forward dissolve. Hardly any movement in the background makes that possible.
  12. He fades away as he is over a shadowy part of the background where there isn't much of a light change. I can imagine that they quickly shot a second "clean" pass and then used a blurred junk matte in optical post to cut out the character.
  13. If you are shooting two passes in a landscape and there are moving trees, grass, clouds and the light will change, you can dissolve the character away but you will also dissolve the background into a slightly different one. The Nosferatu example looks like it was done on a controlled set, where you can shoot two identical passes with and without the actor. In a landscape, you could shoot one pass of the background and then one pass of the actor in the same landscape but with a blue screen behind him (depending how big in frame). In post you can cut out the actor and fade off when you like. If the sun moves only slightly between passes, nobody will notice.
  14. Great shots, thank you for sharing. At the end I was expecting a "Good things come to those who..." super and a Guinness logo ?
  15. If you are not sure how to do this and since you are in Berlin, take your camera to Click and Surr and ask them if they can clean the gate for you. http://clickundsurr.de/en/wir-reparieren-ihre-schaetzchen/
  16. I spoke to a technician at Zeiss in Germany yesterday. The LWZ.1 was developed in partnership with Arri and only Arri was selling the lens. That might explain the price difference since two companies had to profit from the sale of the LWZ.1. When the Zeiss/Arri partnership ended, Zeiss brought out the LWZ.2 on their own, with the only difference being a redesigned back of the lens to allow for different mounts. Everything else is identical. He also mentioned that servicing those lenses will eventually stop at Zeiss. When that will be, I don't know.
  17. Thanks Dom! Arri Rental in London have got one and I will post the results once I have them.
  18. The LWZ1 is the one I am contemplating and since I would only use it in connection with film, I am curious to learn more. If it is superior would that involve mechanics, glass and/or coating? The seller is in Germany but I might try and find one here in London to rent for a day.
  19. I had the Alura at the weekend and shot some footage to test it. The LWZ is in another country and I can’t test it before buying. If there’s no noticeable difference, thats all I need to know. Thank you guys!
  20. If you were offered an Arri/Fujinon Alura 15.5-45/T2.8 and the Arri LWZ1, 15.5-45/T2.6, both in very good condition, for nearly the same price, which one would you go for? This is for analog filming only.
  21. Thank you Satsuki, that is worth a try. This weekend I used my old Miller DS 60 on a Hi-Hat and both fit nicely into the Hamax together with the camera. Restricted to low angles but since I was filming my 6 months old son, not a problem ?
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