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  1. For all the editors who are hiding out in this forum :ph34r: ....I was wondering if film is actually cheaper to once you got to post than video. Specifically, can you outline the difference in workflow between a Super16mm workflow vs shooting in 4k(or even 2k) and finishing on the accepted digital projection format(or 35mm)? My guess is that film would come out a bit cheaper and easier to manage for the beginner. Quite counter-intuitive I know, but digitial non-linear editing appears to be a black hole which swallows all of your budget.$10K! I'm betting that a 10:1 shooting ratio on Super16, comes out cheaper than a shoot-it-'til-people-threaten-to-leave:1 shooting ratio on video. Can anyone comment on this?
  2. Please email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale (PRE-OWNED) : CAMERAS: Phantom Flex 4K 128GB Includes: 2-2TB CineMags, Cine Station,OLED VF, Extended Warranty Email For Complete Details & Price Arri Alexa Mini Package Arri Alexa SXT Plus Camera Package Arri Amira 4K Premium Camera Package Arri Alexa EV Camera Package Arri Alexa Plus Camera Package Arri Alexa Plus 4:3 Camera Package Red Weapon 8K Helium Brain Only Red Weapon 8K Helium Package Red Dragon Camera Packages Sony HSC 100 Includes: CCU,RCP 1500,VF Qty.-3 Available Sony F55 Camera Package Sony F5 Package w/4K Upgrade Panasonic Varicam V35 Camera Packages Panasonic HPX 3700 Camera Packages SUPER 16 FILM CAMERAS Arri 416 Plus Kit Arri 35 535B Kit Arri 35 435ES Kit CINEMA LENSES: Zeiss Super Speed T1.3 Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/85mm Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime LDS Lens Set Includes 16/20/24/32/40/50/65/85/100/135mm Metric Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime Lens Set Includes: 16/24/32/50/85mm Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime 12mm Lens Arri/Zeiss Ultra Prime 10mm Lens Arri/Zeiss Master Prime 16mm Lens Arri/Zeiss Master Prime 65mm Lens Zeiss 28-80mm T2.9 Light Weight Zoom Lens Arri Alura 30-80mm Zoom T2.8 Lens Arri Alura 15.5-45mm Zoom T2.8 Lens Leica M0.8 Lens Set Includes: 21/24/28/35mm New In Original Boxes Cooke Panchro Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/40/50mm Cooke S4/i Mini Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/50/75/100mm Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm Zoom Lens Angenieux Optimo 30-76mm Zoom Lens Canon 15.5-47mm Zoom Lens Canon 30-105mm Zoom Lens DSLR LENSES Zeiss ZF.2 Lens Set Includes: Zeiss ZF.2 18mm F3.5 Zeiss ZF.2 25mm F2.8 Zeiss ZF.2 35mm F2.0 Zeiss ZF.2 50mm F1.4 Zeiss ZF.2 85mm F1.4 All lenses cinevised. They are de-clicked, have Delrin follow focus gears, and stepped up front rings to 80OD 2/3" Lens Fujinon HA22x7.8 Lens Qty.-2 Available Zeiss DigiZoom 6-24 B4 Mount Qty.-2 Available Zeiss DigiPrime 28mm Lens CAMERA SUPPORT: Vinten Quartz 2 Stage Pedestals w/Vector 900 Heads Qty.-2 Worral Gear Head Sachtler Video 20 Tripod System Sachtler 18SB Head, ENG 2 CF Legs, Spreader & Handle CAMERA ACCESSORIES: Digital Bartech Kit (Email For Full Details) Preston HU3 Hand Controllers Heden Motors M26VE Looking For : (Preowned) To Purchase Fujinon Cabrio 85-300mm Lens Arri 416 Film Kits Cooke Anamorphic Lenses Canon K35 Lenses Innovision Probe II Arri/Fuji Alura 45-250 Lens Magnetic Audio Players 35mm
  3. <iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/258354917"width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> Tyler Burns - "Knock On Wood/Frankenthaler" Shot this 9.5 minute double music video/short film on Kodak 16mm MPF (50D, 250D, 500T) with an Aaton XTR Prod and Zeiss Primes MKI over the course of almost 3 years in Oregon. Development by Fotokem (Burbank, CA) Telecine by Lightpress (Seattle, WA) Love to hear what y'all think. http://aleceagon.com http://instagram.com/aleceagon
  4. Selling Sony FS5 package with RAW upgrade, Sony 24-135mm zoom, Zacuto rig, onboard mic, batteries and charger. Asking $6500 obo. Everything in like-new condition, valued at around $9k. Thanks for looking!
  5. For Sale : Phantom Flex 4K 128gb 2-2TB Cine Mags IV Cine Station IV OLED VF Extended Warranty Camera passes all function tests and meets all Vision Research Specs . Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and complete details.
  6. Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details. For Sale (PRE-OWNED) : CAMERAS: Arri Alexa SXT Plus Camera Package Arri Alexa SXT EV Camera Package Arri Alexa Mini Camera Package Includes License 4:3 & ArriRaw Arri Alexa XT Camera Package Arri Amira 4K Premium Camera Package Phantom Flex 4K 64GB Camera Package Sony F55 Camera Package CINEMA LENSES: Arri/Zeiss Master Prime Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/75mm Canon K35 Lens Set Includes:18/24/35/55/85mm Cooke Panchro Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/40/50/75mm Cooke S4/i Mini Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/50/75/100mm Angenieux Optimo 17-80mm Zoom Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 45-250 Lens Arri/Fuji Alura 18-80 Lens Canon 17-120mm Cine-Servo Lens CAMERA SUPPORT: Qty.-2 Vinten Quartz 2 Stage Pedestals w/Vector 900 Heads CAMERA ACCESSORIES: Preston HU3 Hand Controllers Heden Motors M26VE & M21VE
  7. Looks like Arri just announced a new camera at the BSC expo that should cover Netflix's broadcast requirements. Taken from 4kshooters.net Large Format 4K ALEVIII Sensor (from the ALEXA family) Compatible with Full-Frame LensesNew ARRI Signature Primes at T1.8 (mostly) Sensor is slightly bigger than 35mm full-frame Familiar ALEXA SXT family body design 4K ProRes recording options ARRIRAW at 150fps SxS or SXR Capture Drives depending on configuration Netflix/Amazon and other UHD/4K deliverables compliant New LPL mount for large format lenses Compatible with S35 lenses Wi-Fi enabled Basic pricing starts at €74,000 Available in March 2018
  8. Here's what they say: A Geek’s Guide to the 4K TV Revolution Perhaps this is the beginning of 4K becoming mainstream.
  9. Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing & details. For Sale: CAMERAS: Qty. -2 Arri Alexa Mini Camera Packages Available Includes License 4:3 & ArriRaw Email For Package Details CINEMA LENSES: Arri/Zeiss Master Prime Lens Set Includes:18/21/25/32/40/50/75/100mm Leica Summicron-C Lens Set Includes: 18/25/35/50/75/100mm Cooke Panchro Lens Set Includes:18/25/32/40/50/75mm TLS Rehoused Angenieux Optimo 28-76 Lens Looking For: Looking For : (Preowned) To Purchase Arri/Zeiss Master Prime Lens Set Arri 416 Film Kits Phantom Flex 4K 128GB Package Arri Ultra Prime Lenses Cooke Anamorphic Lenses Canon K35 Lenses
  10. ARRI AMIRA Premium License 4K/High Speed 1020h With: PL LDS Lens Mount V-lock Battery Adapter Wedge Plate WPA-1 Quick Release QRP-1 BPA-3 Bridge Plate Adapter for BP9/8 AMIRA Power to 2LEMO short cable AMIRA Lens Mount Port Cover AMIRA Tools and Audio Port Covers AMIRA MVF-1 (viewfinder) AMIRA VFA Viewfinder Adaptor Hawk-Woods XB-CAB5 XLR-4 power cable AMIRA spare HDMI cable (Long) AMIRA Pelican Camera Case ATA Amira Case Camrade Wetsuit for Amira Microphone Bracket for Amira Microphone Holder (4) x SanDisk 128GB Extreme PRO CFast 2.0 Memory Card Pelican C-fast card case (4) x IDX DUO-150Wh V-Mount Batteries IDX 4-Channel Endura Charger VL-4SI ATA Case for Batteries and accessories Great condition! $40k for complete package. Camera Located in Los Angeles and available for viewing. Contact me at Leo@PhotekFilms.com
  11. FOR SALE (Pre-Owned): Vision Research Flex 4K Camera Package Email For Details SMALLHD 2403 HDR 24" Production Monitor NEW IN UNOPENED BOX $3200.00 Vinten Osprey Plus Peds Qty. 4 Available Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  12. Panasonic Varicam 35 Package For Sale - $19,500 I am Los Angeles-based director/producer and purchased the camera for a production. It was barely used (161 total hours). It's like new. I am happy to provide professional references from reputable industry professionals. This is an excellent camera at a steal of a price. All functions of the camera work perfectly. It has been extremely well kept at a rental house in LA. All functionality can be tested before purchase. The Package includes: ||CAMERA|| - Panasonic AU-V35C1G Varicam Camera with PL Mount - AU-VREC1G Recording Module - AU-VCVF1G OdLED Viewfinder for Varicam Mount - EVF Cable - Eyecup - Body Cap - Top Handle - Gold Mount Battery Plate ||OTHER|| - 2 x 256GB expressP2 Memory Card (2 256GB cards total) - Panasonic AU-XPD1 Express P2 Memory Card Drive - CUSTOM CAMERA CASE from Master Case. Latest firmware installed Version 7.50-00-0.00 (240 FPS, anamorphic de-squeeze, any Apple ProRes available, and more) Please let me know if you have any questions at all.
  13. Both working, both are in reasonable condition. One has barn doors, other hasn't They're big and heavy, so I'll ship to Europe only. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/202085601853?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/202085600277?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 I also have one 4k Sirio HMI with magnetic ballast, I'll also will let it go if someone interested
  14. Hi all, We are shooting interviews with 2 C300's Mark II and I need a very high quality. Not knowing the camera exactly, I wanted to know what do you think about the following? 4K recording DCI Cinema 4096×2160 (or is 4K recording in UHD 3840×2160 enough?) 10-bit 4:2:2 Also, which frame rate is the best? 23.976, 24, 25 and 29.97? I don't understand? Premiere supports many different file types, so I guess the native or raw file format doesn't matter? We tend to shoot for about 8-10 hours, do you think we will past 5TB? Usage is YouTube, TV's and Premieres. (Screenings) Thank you all!
  15. Not sure where to post this. News seemed like the obvious place but I can't post there but this seems of interest to everyone here as it is about one possible future for Theatrical presentation. Giant LED displays for the cinema: https://www.redsharknews.com/business/item/4751-samsung-launches-hdr-led-cinema-screen Freya
  16. This is a short film I made in Oslo. Feel free to critique, comment and maybe share :) Thanks! Martin
  17. You are looking at my trusted Sony PMW-F5 Camera. I've just upgraded to another system and unfortunately have to let it go. The system only has 634h on it's back and includes the 4k upgrade that allows for internal 4k recording. The package includes: 1x Sony PMW-F5 camera body and handle (PL-MOUNT) 1x Sony DVF-L350 3.5" Color LCD Viewfinder (Loupe included but not fully functional) 1x Sony SxS Pro+ 64GB Card 1x SxS Card Case 1x Movcam Shoulder Rig with sliding baseplate and shoulder pad 1x Movcam Right Handgrip Batteries (V-Mount) are NOT included. New this set up cost me $22k. I'm offering it for $8999 incl. Free US shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/122590849000 It's a great camera and has worked for me very reliably with no corrupted files or any other technical hick-ups. Neither screen nor sensor have any dead pixels or other glitches. It's never been rented out and has only been used on my own shoots. IMPORTANT NOTE: the camera is updated to version 7.01 and since it's one of the first units (Serial: 0100383) released it CAN ONLY be upgraded to version 8+ by Sony, which is a free procedure they provide. It's fully functional now and I've tested this version for 100h+ so far with no problems. All sales are final and there are no returns accepted, so please feel free to ask any questions before buying. I only ship to CONFIRMED Paypal addresses and NO PO Boxes. Thank you for your interest! More pics on ebay:
  18. This film was supposed to premiere today at the Cannes Film Festival. Darius Khondji will be there, according to afcinema. Apparently, Netflix did not want this to be shot on film and demanded it be shot in 4K: The film got into a controversy between Netflix and the Festival because Netflix didn't want to show the film in French cinemas. The screening was stopped today because of heckling. Here is a fresh interview with Darius Khondji – in French. Check this link, too. Here's another one, in French again. Funny that he says he hopes he has no style. The film will be released on Netflix on 28 June 2017.
  19. Hi there, I'm asking myself some questions about compression in the sony a7s II's various recording formats and maybe some of you know the answer. I tried to calculate the mean (file) size of a pixel in the different formats to compare the amount of compression: 4k 30p 100Mbps : 3.33 Mb per image = 0.40 bit per pixel (on average, obviously) 24p 100Mbps : 4.17 Mb per image = 0.50 bit per pixel HD 24p 50Mbps : 2.08 Mb per image = 1.00 bit per pixel 30p 50Mbps : 1.67 Mb per image = 0.80 bit per pixel 60p 50Mbps : 0.83 Mb per image = 0.40 bit per pixel 120p 100Mbps : 0.83 Mb per image = 0.40 bit per pixel Is 4K 24p actually 80Mbps to have the same image quality as 4K 30p, or is it true 100Mbps an thus produce a less compressed image ? Same question for 24 and 30p 50Mbps HD. If 24p 50Mbps HD is actually 50Mbps, it means it's the format with the least compression with over 1bit per pixel on average. If the limiting factor of the camera is a data stream of 100Mbps max, why are there no HD 24/30/60p 100Mbps modes for better IQ ? Is it to keep consistency over compression levels across the various framerates even if it means sub optimal IQ ? But then the 4K 24p should be 80Mbps to fit the 30p compression ? 100Mps for all the different res/framerate combinations would allow the 60p to be better quality than the 120p, as it should, and also allow an even lower compression 24p mode (with over 2 bits per pixel) This would come in handy for specific shots where you'd want low compression over high resolution. Or am I just talking nonsense ? Cheers.
  20. Looking To Purchase (Pre-Owned) Vision Research Flex 4K Camera Package Vision Research Flex 2K 32GB Camera Package Sony PMW-F5 w/ProRes Option Zeiss MKII 18mm Zeiss MKII or MKIII Set of Lenses Angenieux Optimo 45-120 Fujinon Cabrio 19-90 V2 Arri /Zeiss VarioーSonnar 16.5-110 T2.6 Angenieux Optimo 17-80mm T2.2 Angenieux Optimo 24-290mm T2.8 Cooke S4i 65mm Cooke S4i Cooke mini lens set of 6 Individual Ultra Primes Or Master Prime Lenses Please email sales@broadcastsolutions
  21. To end the year of 2016, my friend Mark and I decided to head west on an adventure and to shoot some beautiful Californian landscape footage exclusively on the DJI Mavic Pro. See where we've been. Song: "Mountain Game" by Animal Collective Follow me on Social Media: http://instagram.com/photo.corey http://www.coreymachado.com Check out Mark's Channel: http://bit.ly/2ir4May
  22. Arri Gold Mount Adapter for AMIRA Arri KC-50 Straight Power Cable for AMIRA AbelCine 220W / 24v Power Supply (4) Sandisk CFAST 2.0 Card 128GB (Arri Compatible) SanDisk Extreme Pro CFast 2.0 Reader / Writer Arri WPA-1 Wedge Plate Adapter for AMIRA Arri QRP-1 Quick Release Plate Arri EF Lens Mount for AMIRA 142 hours Wooden Camera Rosette Handle Kit (Black Leather) Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  23. 64gb Color Camera w/PL Mount 2x 2TB VRI Cinemag IV Cinestation Power Supply/Cables Pelican Case Email sales@broadcastsolutions.com for pricing and details.
  24. Hey guys, what are your thoughts on the new Blackmagic Ursa? In need of 4K so I can be more flexible with clients when they want to zoom in on an image. Is it worth the buy? Thanks!
  25. 18k = IMAX 15-perf (or 36K?) 12-13k = 70MM 5-perf 6K = 35MM 4-perf 3K = 35MM 2-perf 1.8K = S16MM 1.5K = 16MM 720p = S8MM 480 = 8MM I had to share this with someone. I found so many people including myself looking for these numbers I had to compile this list. I cannot find anything close to this on the internet all in one place. Digitally, IMAX is referred to as being three times better/larger than 35mm (18k / 6K). On Film, IMAX is three times larger then 70mm and 70mm is twice as large as 35mm therefore it should be six times as large. This is of course the best possible scenario of each format. These are all comparables, they cannot be absolutely perfect. I'm comparing category to category. So much in the real world changes these numbers, for example cropping 16mm to a release format reduces the frame size and corresponding resolution or finding a camera and lens that can shoot S8mm or 8mm and come close to 720 or 480 quality.
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