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  1. Hi, I am dropping my reel here which includes shots from the projects in my film school. I would really appreciate if I get honest opinions and/or any suggestions which might help me get better. Also if I am on right path of choosing cinematography .
  2. Can you believe what made me cut this! - The Music track which i saw on the Davinci Resolve Website. Check out and give me your kind feedback on my shots from few of my feature films ! (apologies for few overly saturated shots-was done for youtube compression) thank you all Rajavel Mohan <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wivAuZqOHgE" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. Hi, I’ve recently uploaded my showreel and website. Would be interested to hear some creative feedback and thoughts. Thanks. Best, Hal halrobertson.com
  4. Hi everyone, so this is the first showreel i have produced that shows all my favourite imagery while working as a DP and/or Operator. I think i am still trying to develop my skills by taking on varied genres and ideas - using aspect ratio, lighting, composition and movement to tell stories. I would love to hear from cinematographers what you think of the work so far, as well as what constructive criticism you have to offer. Here's the link: https://vimeo.com/250899536 Best Wishes, Mat
  5. Hi Cinematography Friends, Just finished my 2017 filmmaker reel and would really appreciate some feedback from the community. Thank you for taking the time! JJ Osbun https://player.vimeo.com/video/215070717
  6. Hey everyone, please take a look at the showreel on my website and let me know what you think! www.oliwilliamsdop.com Many thanks, Oliver Williams
  7. Hi guys, I'm Francesco from Italy and I just uploaded my Reel with many works realised in 2016. They are frames taken by commercial, short movie, videoclip, video art and documentary. I'd like to have your feedback or a simple opinion on these works. Thanks a lot everybody here's the link (obviously watch in HD) ;) https://youtu.be/NP-DBJvqa00
  8. Hi guy has been a few years since i put together a new reel , well here it is https://vimeo.com/169081052 its about 50/50 Alexa and Epic. Best, Wade Muller (HKSC) www.wademullerdp.com
  9. So I am heavy into interviews and music videos and but I just finished up my short film. I am wondering what type of work people look for on a reel that pleases there eye. Do you guys have any examples or your reel you could share with me? I'll been making my self busy trying different kinds of video work to get better looking stuff.
  10. But of course, please provide me with feedback. I'm the type of person that values the negative feedback way more than positive so don't hold back :)
  11. I`d like to show you my showreel version of an indiefilm I did some time ago. We had a whole budget of about 300.000 EURO (330000 USD) and five weeks of shooting. Camera: RedOne / Lenses: Zeiss HS. Shot in Germany. I had total freedom to visualize the film the way I saw the story. In the end the producers have found a ww distributor. All in all a very nice experience. Will appreciate your comments. https://vimeo.com/57957165 Thank you. OLI
  12. Hey I'm Xoaher currently based in Prague. This is my reel from last year school works. Please feel free to critic and let me know how can I improve. Thank you Xoaher https://vimeo.com/141572957
  13. Hello all. I'm a newbie here and this is my team's story: We love cars, we film cars... that's what we do... That's not just a showreel. That's how we live and breathe cars. That's why we traveled to half away across Europe, looking for thrilling automotive stories behind corporate projects or passionate individuals. Thousands of km, countless flights, more than a dozen European countries and piles of HD media fused to an action packed timeline . This is Manos, Kostas and Orfeas; we each created our own personal path that led us to the three opposite edges of a continent, but these paths are crossing every time we feel the need to tell a new story, to create a new project. This is our story combined, this is Kinisis.... Hope you like it!
  14. Hi all. I'm proud to present my new showreel 2015 as a cinematographer. It tooks me time to do it but it's worth the result. I wait for you feedbacks. https://vimeo.com/106486310
  15. Hello I have recently released my showreel as a cinematographer and director of photography, and I would love to have some feedback from you. You can see it here: Thank you very much!
  16. Want to know your opinion about my reel. Camera used: Canon 5D mark III and BlackMagic https://vimeo.com/116051988
  17. Hey guys, just wondering if I could get a little feedback on my cinematography reel any comments are greatly appreciated, thanks. https://vimeo.com/77648972
  18. Hello everyone :) I've been doing cinematography on and off for a few years but never had the chance to commit to it completely due to life, acts of god, indecisiveness on what to do with one's self. This year I made the decision to commit. Here's a link to my showreel - I know there's so much to improve and we all know how hard it is to critique your own work so if anyone can spare a few minutes to give any constructive feedback I would appreciate it immensely and if you got a showreel too, I'd be happy to return the favour. Have a great day / night everyone :) - Mark
  19. Hey Everyone! I put this reel together to use for a few job applications, mainly in the self shooting/editing film maker kind of category rather than a legit DP (which im definitely not!) https://vimeo.com/84313742 Its mainly a mix of DSLR and S16mm stuff Id really appreciate some feedback! As I've no idea what people want to see in a reel! Thanks! Joe
  20. Hello guys! Here you'll find my new showreel! Please comments! Viméo: https://vimeo.com/82892635 Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Axel Morin
  21. my job as an dop, director and colorist for the last year.
  22. https://vimeo.com/56379136
  23. Except youtube and vimeo what is professional web site to share cinematography showreel available?
  24. Hey guys! This is my first showreel. I'm going to use this to try to subscribe to the "MA Cinematography" at NFST of London so any feedback from you guys would be greatly appreciated! Thanks AM http://vimeo.com/64651614
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