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Gregory Irwin

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Everything posted by Gregory Irwin

  1. Ha! I second everything Stuart just posted.
  2. What I believe you are saying Miguel is when the "gap" (the measured distance between the gate and the pressure pad) is too great, the film has the ability to fluxuate to and fro during the moment of exposure. That's not good!!! The end result is in and out of focus since the film negative is not registering perfectly in place as it needs to. We refer to this as a "depth of focus" issue rather than a "depth of field" issue. In order to achieve focus with a properly collimated lens, the film must be locked in tight at a particular, prescribed distance away from the rear element of the lens at the moment of exposure. If that distance is changing, the depth of focus (behind the lens) is affected in a very adverse way. I hope I didn't confuse the situation... G
  3. I've worked with Hoyte since "The Fighter" in 2009. He'll be amiable to shoot digi or film. I do know that he prefers film in the end... G
  4. Please... it's Greg. I seriously doubt we will but who knows? I have eight weeks to prep the lenses and cameras to be camera ready for a late June start. All sorts of stuff may develop during that time!!! After seeing our initial tests with them, when compared to the Panavision anamorphic lenses, they are a bit anticeptic. The beauty of the anamorphic format is the fact that anamorphic lenses are flawed. Having said that, there is a limit to how flawed one can accept. We tested the Hawk V-Lites and they were a disaster with internal reflections from specular light sources. The picture looked like a hundred UFOs were countering across the screen while car headlights passed through the frame!! And not in a good way!!! G
  5. Whew!! I was feeling really bad for a moment. I do know Keslow has four sets of MP Anamorphics as well... Good luck! G
  6. Uh oh. That rental house wasn't Otto's was it? I begin a camera prep there with those MP Anamorphics next week. I'm guessing that the probability is high since there are not that many sets out there yet. It'll be my first time with those lenses as well... G
  7. That's fine. We are always taping filters onto lenses for various reasons - in an elegant way, of course! :) G
  8. Why have a matte box at all for that wide of a lens? You can tape any filters directly to the lens and flag any flares. G
  9. This just proves once again that one needs more than a particular talent for a craft to succeed in this industry. There's the key word: "Industry". This is Show BUSINESS. If you don't have a business plan to go along with that talent, it's a very tough mountain to climb. Whether it's golf or archery, it doesn't really matter if it opens leads to contacts and business relationships. As for me, I didn't have a single contact to break into this industry but I've always had good business sense. That has always been my first and foremost approach to this along with being good in the camera department. I just hope it continues to work for at least the next seven years or so when I can begin considering hanging this whole thing up. G
  10. Why do you think we all play golf??? I enjoy the sport but I do more business than anything else out on the course... G
  11. That looks awesome Richard. What an experience. What is the project and where are you? G
  12. This may be out of the budget range but I'm now using the TRUE ND filters. Manufactured in Japan by Mitomo, they are not IR and they do not introduce any pollution or color shift. They are amazing! They are not manufactured with a dye but rather with a metal alloy film that has the glass sandwiched between in order to achieve the true neutral density. But they are expensive at $645 each. Man do they work!!! G
  13. The rate cards are online but you must be a member to access that information. The operators that I work with get around $100/hour for commercials. G
  14. I believe it comes down to if you are spending more a year on renting them compared to the cost of those items. How fast would you turn the cost into a paid off profit? If your rental cost is less over a specified term of time, then you have your answer. G
  15. It may not guarantee a huge success but it certainly increases the possibility of it knowing your investment has a verified, veteran crew behind it. Case and point: My movie, FURIOUS 7 has just earned $384 MILLION in it's opening weekend worldwide. And it's a fun movie that's very good looking and technically perfect!!! G
  16. Senior Angel, Do you know a DOP named Luis de Santiago in Spain? He shoots commercials and some features. He is a very close and dear friend of mine for over 30 years! And I'll take you up on the Guinness Factory! Cheers! :blink:
  17. I know that I'm not on the typical side of these conversations but for 2015 (for example), I started work on January 5th. I'll have one week at home after April 15 and then will start my next picture that will wrap around late November/ early December. Christmas off at home and then begin again around mid January, 2016. That's fairly the norm for me. Having said this, I do have some control when I will make time for family and for fun traveling as opposed to work travel, etc. But, when I'm traveling for work, my wife and I always take advantage of where we are and travel for fun while we are there or after we are done with work there. This year, we wrap our movie in Dubai, UAE (she will be there) and we may stop in Europe for a week or two prior to coming home for Christmas. We shall see how screwed up our plans become with constant changes in our schedule! :rolleyes: G
  18. Hi Mark, I don't know a 1st AC who would ever want autofocus. Not only would that negate our main talent (focus pulling) and contribution towards the filmmaking process but it would also take away the subjectivity of using focus as a story telling device. G
  19. If you are talented and motivated, either school will benefit you. David's correct! School is not going to hand you your career, you'll have to earn it. I'm sure that you already know that. Best of luck to you. G
  20. First of all Shai, congratulations on getting accepted to two fine universities. I say this from personal experience and from being a part of that "Trojan mafia", USC has the more prestigious program with more connections after graduation. I work with more grads from SC than UCLA. I'm not sure why but that's the reality. But you have to go where you will be the most comfortable. Good luck and FIGHT ON!!! G
  21. You bet! Nothing is that easy. I'm dealing with this right now with a large package that was just returned from a movie in New Orleans with considerable L&D. At the same time we have gear on a few TV shows in LA and we're about to ship out gear to Canada, Singapore and Dubai. Who knows what's in store with all of that. I should clarify that my company is doing all of that work. Fortunately, I'm out of town on a movie and am just getting all of those reports! :) But in reality, it's still my problem and responsibility. Your insurance needs are probably much simpler, no? God, I hope so! ;)
  22. It doesn't work that way. Your prices will have to be competitive in a competitive market. Your clients will have to provide their own proof of insurance and you may want to also have a redundant insurance of your own. Especially liability coverage to protect yourself from lawsuits stemming from someone getting injured from use of your gear. Cost of doing business!
  23. And just to add to all of the above, I also cover my gear with liability and worldwide replacement cost insurance. Extremely expensive but worth every penny.
  24. I've owned a camera rental house for the past 26 years. It can be a very tricky, cutthroat business. My company rents to mainly studio feature films, television as well as other rental houses who sub rent from us. We always insist on signed rental agreements and certificates of insurance for protecting the gear and liability. One of the key components of the agreement specifies the terms for lost and damaged equipment with the clause for replacing any items: "without deduction for wear and tear". That means brand new equipment. Otherwise, you will receive the dollar amount for the depreciation value for your missing or destroyed gear. I'm not sure what market you are going after but I would at least have some form of an agreement for the terms of rental. G
  25. Hi Josh, the approval list is simply a list of qualified personnel that the studios trust in handling their major investment. In other words, they will not approve of a novice crew on a big budget job. The studios need and require assurances that the artistic side, the technical side and the business side of each department will be handled properly and efficiently. Thus, the list. I'm not sure how they compile the list or just how it works anymore. I don't pay much attention to it since I've been approved by all of the major studios (and minors as well) for years now. It's not for all crew but mainly for the key positions. I do know that every time I get a call for a new movie, my name is immediately screened at the studio level for approval. G
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