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Danny Haritan

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Everything posted by Danny Haritan

  1. We still shoot on minidv, and dvcam tapes, but the advanced programs are using HVX with P2 cards. The program I'm in doesn't use actual film, as my major is Cinema and Digital Arts. There's another program just focused on actual film cameras. And I wasn't bragging about being all HD. I'm more into older films and the simplicity of them, and wish I could just use film cameras.
  2. 2nd year at film school. I love my school, though there's a lot to learn in only 64 weeks of school. I like my school a lot because it's just not making movies, it's a lot of history of films the first few weeks, learning about American and International Cinema. Plus our school is the first school in the United States to go all HD.
  3. Danny Boyle's, The Beach http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163978/ beautiful film Days of Heaven
  4. Alive: Roger Deakins and Robert Elswit Dead: Gregg Toland, Sven Nykvist and Conrad Hall.
  5. I'm considering buying a viewing glass sometime in the next few months, but definitely for next year when I start my cinematography course.
  6. Nice, thanks for the information. I'm trying to find his book.
  7. Rumble Fish is in my top 3 favorite movies. I haven't seen many Burum films though, just Rumble Fish, The Outsiders, St. Elmos Fire and Mission Impossible.
  8. Get used to working 14-18 hours a day, so start waking up ealier and going to bed earlier.
  9. Just saw the trailer, and it looks great. Though I haven't seen Zodiac, this seems like another great Fincher film.
  10. Besides doing more quick transactions and cuts, it looked pretty good, especially the look of the film, using the camera.
  11. Too pricey, I'd go for a Canon.
  12. What lighting equipment did you have available and used on this video? The lighting looked terrific, and loved the scenery.
  13. My first year at school, we were only allowed to use Sony PD150's.
  14. Sven Nykvist Gunnar Fischer Conrad Hall Robert Elswit Roger Deakins
  15. Though I have only seen a few of his works, The Search for Bobby Fischer was outstanding for cinematography.
  16. What's interesting about Deakins is that he didn't DP for the newest Coen brother's film, his first time not shooting their films since Barton Fink in 91.
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