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John Holland

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Everything posted by John Holland

  1. Yes please . John Holland, London.
  2. this very old Auricon , takes ONLY 100 daylight load spools , and had a optical sound recording system . good luck . John holland ,London .
  3. Well to let the late J. Lee Thompson no where he shot that film it was Shepperton and Elstree. John Holland.
  4. If any wants to see loads of "chavs" in action ,come to the chavsville, know as Croydon , very worrying . Thatchers childrens , children . This country is finished . John Holland .
  5. If the "Red" guy cant be arsed to post on here or other pro sites , dont think you should redirect his ads , on here . John Holland. London.
  6. Well said Hal , getting really pissed off with tv engineers , who think they have invented wonderful [ digital] things , most films at cinema that have gone through a D.I. look much worse, than things made 30 years ago . John Holland .
  7. What on earth did you find to blow you away on The Aviator ? would love to know . John holland , London.
  8. Hi Dan are you shooting this on "shock horror " film or some sort of video ?? . JohnHolland .
  9. Thank you Leo , will sleep soundly now tonight . John Holland.
  10. Leo .so long since i saw 2001 on a Cinerama screen , about 10 times over a month , do remember reflection , but cant recall shot , please put me out of my misery . John Holland ,London.
  11. If this Red system is not aimed at a pro. market why turn up at IBC and what ever other pro. exhibitions they have been to ??? . Prehaps as you seem to be suggesting it just be in Wal-Mart and Asda over here . John Holland ,London.
  12. To be fair it wasnt just american tv shows lit this way in the mid/lateish 60s , Hollywood movies suffered from same poop lighting ,unlike in europe , until the [Rebel ] Conrad Hall , and a few others changed it and had loads of crap from the old farts who ran the studio system . John Holland , London.
  13. IMdb ,gets thing wrong a lot , read the web site you posted , every reference is about the 2.35 format , not that it was shot with Anamorphics , not having a row over it lifes to short . John Holland , London .
  14. If it is a still from "Dark Summer" IMDB says Super 35 , Canon Lenses! John Holland , London.
  15. What is the blonde lighting ? the shot as in most studio car shots are top soft lit . John Holland ,London.
  16. Very nice women . a bit tacky . John Holland ,London
  17. " Charlie Bars " to bits of wood painted black mounted on C stand set gap to any distance between bars depending on lamp you are using and distance from subject , you get that nice slash of light across eyes it is nice to use on cu,s of women , but was used a lot on William Shatner in Star Trek !! . John Holland ,London.
  18. Yes lobotomy ,hence part shaved head and nasty scar !! . john holland
  19. What !!!! do you know what Anamorphic is ? John Holland.
  20. I do , great people , John Holland , London.
  21. John , really hope everything goes well , my thoughts and very best wishes are with you , stay positive . John Holland , London.
  22. Mademoiselle. 1965 , Panavision , David Watkin , director Tony Richardson . John Holland .
  23. Hi Ignacio, i agree with you , De Palma also a long time user of anamorphic , looks like they have sold out , thats a bit sad , havent seen it yet , seems like it could be style over substance going by what i have read , so might not even bother . John Holland , London.
  24. Sorry have to disagree , she is lit from one source a north facing window hence very soft light ,how would the painter have managed a "hot" source from above him in 1700 what ever ? John Holland , London .
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